Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby wins Huffinton Post wines

One great thing living where I live is with so many craft people and quilters is that we have craft stores. We have Michaels and a large fabric place and Hobby Lobby. I am sure we have a lot more craft places but I am not a craft person. I might visit a music store from time to time because music is more my hobby. I needed some mask for our dancers that I was working with one time so I searched different stores and did not find what I wanted until I came to Hobby Lobby and Hobby Lobby became my hero that day. I did not know much about Hobby Lobby at the time I took a girlfriend once there to buy art supplies before and that was about it. I like many people was uneducated about the whole battle between Hobby Lobby and the Affordable Care Act or commonly called Obamacare. I thought it was a battle over Birth Control Pills it was not. It was a battle over four different drugs that Hobby Lobby did not want to supply which were Abortion related not Birth Control related. You think the media would be clear about this no they wanted to tell everyone that the Hobby Lobby battle was over contraceptive Birth Control Related drugs and my understanding is Hobby Lobby will be paying for 16 different kinds of Birth Control while no one pays for my bullets. That is right it is clear and it is cut and dry I have a right to own a gun then why does no one pay for my bullets??!!! I am sorry I needed to let that out.

Instead of responsible Journalism here what we have is a bunch of Idiots claiming over and over again that Hobby Lobby is against Birth Control pills. No they're not and the biggest Irresponsible award goes to Huffington Post who now claims that Stoning will be brought back just because Hobby Lobby does not have to pay for Abortion Pills. Let me clear this up for you Huffington Post. Hobby Lobby is not against Birth Control, They are against Abortion Pills and Abortion In fact they are paying for Birth Control Pills in the future but still no one is willing to pay for my bullets!!
Read about Liberals Lying about Hobby Lobby

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