I have great respect for anyone who is practicing abstinence it is a great idea especially if you are waiting for marriage that is even better. Marriage is the joining of two people in love and is a contract between those two special people. Sex is one way to convey that love. Abstinence until marriage helps prevent sexual diseases from spreading it helps with the emotional backlash from sex. You see some people think that sex is love it can be a gift to someone you love as a way to express that love as a gift is a way to express that love. Many people can give gifts for other motives so a gift and sex is not love just a way we can express that love. We as humans are sexual reproductive in nature meaning we have to reproduce through a sexual act and we reproduce but unlike animals we have reasoning and morals. We should always look at the motives behind why we want to reproduce and understand that we are taking a large responsibility on by reproducing and we can face repercussions from the decision we make about reproduction for instance putting a child up for adoption knowing that child may grow up without knowing the parents that gave him or her up. I love science and in getting to study about it I get to see how amazing God's world truly is there are so many ways of A-sexual reproduction there is budding and Fission are a couple and there have been sharks yes sharks that reproduce Asexually but Humans no you see we have reproductive organs yes that is right the male sends out his sperm into seed the little ovary eggs and thus a little human being is born.
two snails getting it on Those liars! |
All my life I thought snails were Asexual but technically they are not there are snails that have two sexual reproductive organs and these slimy suckers actually have sex with themselves that is right they do it to themselves and then reproduce which is kind of sad they do not have someone to holds their whatever they have when they reproduce. They have sex with themselves these hermaphrodites which are a tasty treat in France just up and have to court themselves and do it to themselves and boom out comes a little escargot. I am surprised. This is not Asexual at all it is a creature with two different sexual Reproductive organs actually having the ability to have sex with themselves which is a dream probably to some Otakus I guess if they remember to wear protection. Anyways I feel kind of lied to but they are not the only ones who lie to us there is a group of young women who are lying to us yes they have reproductive organs and when they sleep with a guy at a frat party while they are drunk which is another reason I do not condone the use of Alcohol they will use reproductive organs in the process. They tell us on facebook and many blogs they are Asexual let me tell you honey you are not you are practicing Abstinence. Simple as that you are Abstaining from sex you are not Asexual unless you are budding like a flower or sporing and creating offsprings that way Lord I hope not. You are not A-sexual.

I am one who does not care about someone who lives their lives the way they see fit but as long it does not hurt another Individual but I will not tolerate someone lying to me. I hate being lied to that is why If you have sexual reproductive organs and you are telling me you are A-sexual then let me help you with a correct term of what you are. You are a liar and you have lied to me and you have lied to everyone on facebook and your blog so be honest and admit that you are lying simple as that. I would accept what you say is true if you can show me some scientific evidence that you are A-sexual. I challenge any "A-sexual" to prove me wrong give me some hard core evidence show me your body and it's lack of reproductive organs let a doctor examine your non reproductive organ body and prove to me that you are because if you cannot then you are a liar. Yes there are some of you have damaged Reproductive organs that does not count I am talking about you idiots out there with healthy Reproductive organs claiming to be Asexual. I know that many of you are young and at the ages of eighteen to about thirty it is easy for a young woman at that age to Abstain from sex. You see sex at those ages before thirty is more like a chore for a woman.That is why female escorts make more money than male escorts you see another proof of the wage gap myth. Now though on the other hand when you get thirty something magically happens you start wanting to have sex you start saying strange things like "Honey let's have another kid". You for the first time will start probably loving sex I think Rita Rudner called it God's cruel Joke and I am misquoting her and all because I have a hard time finding this quote but miss Rudner used to say in so many words
"Men reach their sexual peak at eighteen. Women reach theirs at thirty-five. Do you get the feeling that God is playing a practical joke? At that time a man is looking for a lazy boy and a woman is looking for sex.Rita Rudner is right in a jokingly manner of some sorts. It happened to Anne Heche who after working with so many male hunk stars like Harrison Ford or Richard Gere she wanted to have a man. I wonder why? I know why it is Nature. You eighteen year olds saying you are A-sexual which is a lie are probably going to recant that myth when you get a certain age when you desire sex that is the way it is and there is nothing wrong with desiring sex just do not take it to far and become a Pan sexual which is another myth when I was younger we had a name for someone who jumped from bed to bed oh yes I think it was called a slut.

This is what we call first world white girl problems. You think some kid starving in Africa trying to keep from getting Aids trying to run from the Muslim Slave trade that might sell her into sex trade. You think she gives a care what her sexual title is she is a girl and she knows by God that is what He has made her. She does not have time to make up lies about her sex life while you are sipping on your five dollar coffee at Starbucks. You have plenty of time to make up myths about your sexual reproduction so you can gain sympathy and try to fit yourself as a minority and maybe a group that can be funded by taxpayer's money because while you have every luxury of a princess want nothing but more attention that you feel you are not getting. Do you understand now why Mommy had sex with daddy? Do you understand how disgusting you are when you cry that you are a persecuted being by making yourself into something that you are not? While real human beings like Blacks have suffered persecutions for many years and could not change their skin color then you will Scream hate just because people point out your unscientific Hypothesis please just go back to common sense.
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