Thursday, January 15, 2015

Terror Response Fails From Famous People

 I will give you some of the biggest fails from Liberals regarding recent Muslim attacks.

 Okay Cher you know nothing About Terror then Shut Up!! Seriously!!
Russell Brand actually compares Fox news  to Muslim Terrorist who killed people and then goes off on a tangent and wide eyed notion that the reason Rupert Murdoch "hates" Muslims because he is invested in an Israeli company. This sounds like a horrible Stereotype and borders on Anti Semitism. How do we know that the company is Anti-Muslim? I highly doubt a large company in this world does not employ some kind of Muslims. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Rupert Murdoch "hates" Muslims Because I do not Know maybe because Muslims Attacks in Paris, Nigeria and Oklahoma,  and New York City just to name a few. Russell Brand stop Spreading Anti Semitism we got enough of that in Nazi Germany!!
Jk Rowling's says Muslims should not be held responsible so far so good;
but Wait for it.......
She makes herself look stupid by going all Dumbledore when she points out that Muslims kill themselves now this shows ignorance and just plain meanness that these Islamic people possess. Thank you Jk Rowlings for pointing that out. I almost forgot that they Terrorize their own people.

Finally after the horrific tragedy in Paris by Extreme Muslims we get the best one yet apparently Muslims don't kill people but Americans with too many guns do even though I swear My American friends with guns were back in the states not in Paris at the Time Cmon Liam Neeson in fact we are going to see in Taken 3 Liam Neeson Fights off  Kidnappers with a feather duster instead of a Gun.

  I know about Agenda and Politicizing Death and Tragedy It is disgusting. I tried my best to even avoid talking or making light of the Sandy Hook Tragedy. I even made a video not even published saying a prayer regarding the incident but Immediately I see Liberals make a horrific Agenda targeting Guns and people like the NRA whose ongoing mission is to help people and guns coexist. Anyone who knows about Gun Politics and I as well have mentioned in an earlier blog that the NRA is the most "liberal" of the Gun organizations out there but I totally support their efforts in teaching responsibility and Gun Safety. I support anything that can help in reducing harm.Guns need to be handled with care and respect as does many other items that can cause harm for instance cars which will be an accomplice in many deaths this year and Alcohol related deaths as well and drugs with side effects of suicide. Liberals are silent on those issues like when they turn a blind eye to the bigotry and hatred Muslims have toward women and anyone who differs from there ideology. Hey if you're going to hate religion hate all religion like Bill Maher and especially Statism which has an ongoing slaughter record but still statism is falling far behind  because for instance the recent slaughter by Boko Harem is placing the Muslim religion on top of Statism in the dead body count.

Monday, January 12, 2015

"Lonely Men" looking for love are The New Target of Civil Government

 I remember a woman telling me that she was involved in a snitch program involving the catching of Sexual Predators online I responded to what she thought was a an act of civil duty that I basically thought it was entrapment and many cases these "Sexual Predator Stings" are entrapment. I did not think she liked my response but let me state why I believed at the time these predators who stalk sexual predators are contributing to entrapment and in most cases preying on men who are just well lonely. I do not drink alcohol but lets say you are a drinker of Alcohol and you live in a dry county. You love Alcohol and one day you are on your property mowing your lawn on a hot summer day and a neighbor walks up to you with a beer and he offers it you and you are thinking wow that beer sure does look good you take the beer it is cold and it feels good in your hand you drink the beer and of course you gasp "Aweee". The next thing you know your house is seized you are arrested for breaking the dry county law and then every time you moved your name is put on a list that you are a drinker and every time you move you have to tell everyone that you are a drinker you of course feel betrayed by your neighbor who was probably conned into setting you up by the police. Why did he do it? He secretly does not like you. I would call That Entrapment.
  1. In criminal law, entrapment is a practice whereby a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit a criminal offense that the person would have otherwise been unlikely to commit. It is a type of conduct that is generally frowned upon, and thus in many jurisdictions is a possible defense against criminal liability
  2.   In other words you would have not taken the drink if it was not offered to you. I know lot of you are wondering why I am bringing up Alcohol in a blog that is supposed to be about freaking Sexual Predators? I will tell you why because one thing Alcohol related death will be over 70,000 this year that includes drunk driving, alcohol poisoning and people getting shot while they are drunk compared to the death related incident of a sixteen year old girl having sex with an eighteen year old boy that is consensual which is usually not fatal unless the girl's father finds out about it then the fatality rate can be high. Think about this there are more local and state laws that prevent people from having sex if one is eighteen and the other is seventeen which includes virtually no fatality rate than it is for people to drink until they puke which includes a large fatality rate in this country. I will let that sink in your brain for a moment. I do not believe that federal prohibition works I believe in changing the way you think I believe in rehabilitation and those roads to recovery do have a success rate in helping with the deliverance from alcohol.

please read reason's new blog article
Reason's new article talking about this very subject is frightening to read. It confirms the fear that I have always had about the whole sexual predator entrapment scheme that law enforcement have been following in the whole cold war type hype against battling online predators. I addressed this subject once before in a video in a sort of a humorous way I will try to link you to it or post it here it is one of my favorite videos. It is a hard issue to talk about especially if you do not know the facts. Reason links to a video where an Investigative reporter actually reports as Reason puts it where police fish for men on adults-only dating sites and then arrest them for being child predators. I am glad I gave up on dating and replaced it with blogging and vlogging. I have a young Niece and I do not want anything happen to her sexually or mentally and I hope that justice would be served properly if she is wronged in any way. I just find it really disgusting the lengths that law enforcement will go to in justifying their jobs.  I see the injustice and I see Motivation for police to arrange the Entrapment of young men or even older men as well which includes seizure of Property that goes to the city and County and Federal money that goes to the city or county as well for the reporting or arresting someone as a sexual predator.