Monday, July 7, 2014

These one percenters get a free ride from Liberals

 If you remember when you were a kid and your parents would tell you, you could be anything in this country. They would Scrape and save for your future and it would seem to make sense to work hard and be rich to take a control over your life but if you look at the media anyone who bust their butt to get a piece of the pie that America offers you are branded evil just because you are rich. The lefties will tell you the conservative or libertarian you should not have rights especially if you employ people. Well we all know this is blatant bull crap from the liberal left because the one percenters the left complain about consist a lot of lefties and when they decide to eat the rich these One percenters will get a free get out of jail card.

1. Michael Bloomberg and other rich Gun Control Nuts

  Nothing is funnier than watching one of bloomberg's henchmen tell the media that the reason that we have no gun control laws because of rich white men in the NRA when Michael Bloomberg is bathing in his luxury tub and surrounded by security guards while the NRA is made up of Working Class Joes like you and me. This rich man is loved by rich liberal Control freaks of the Media.

2. Rich Liberal Celebrities

 George Clooney the open Obama supporter will pull a whopping 160 million this year but that is okay to liberals who yell and scream if any business does this.They like anyone who is liberal and rich as long as you abide and worship Obama you can make all the money you want but do not be a Christian and employ thousands of people. Don't forget it was George Clooney who starred in the Non-Union film Dusk Til Dawn talk about your Hypocrites. I love the Do as I say but not as I do attitude of leftist. George Clooney and other rich liberal celebrities get a free day of hate from the leftist.

When he joined the Heat, he bought a $9 million home in Coconut Grove. He also owns a 35,000-square-foot compound in Akron that features a bowling alley and barber shop
Lebron's House

3.Rich Liberal Athletes

Lebron James whose net worth is 250 million and has a nice salary of 70 million dollars a year. He and his Obama supporting friends have never struggled to get a tax exempt status for a political organization like the tea party members but with money comes power and lebron James can pay off anyone to get out of the uprising of the so called 99 percent.

4. Rich Liberal Preachers 

 Growing up in Church I have seen all kind of scandals and I believe a congregation has a right to pay their pastor as much as they want to. If you are a conservative preacher you might as well forget being comfortable because you are a "hypocrite" in the media eyes but if you look who are the highest paid preachers in America they wear the brand liberal. The Reverend Al Sharpton has a net worth of 5 million dollars not shabby for a preacher. Joel Osteen who advocates materialistic gospel makes 40 million dollars.

5. Rich Liberal Politicians 

According to many sources since Harry Reid took office his net worth has tripled and has been up to 10 million dollars and of course it is okay you are rich as long as you are liberal how about sharing some of that ten million dollars with some college loans? No you want me to fork over the money for their loans.

6. Starbucks and other Liberal Corporations

It amazes me how much these leftist hate corporations and capitalism but love their Apple products and Starbucks. The thing they won't tell you is that Steve Jobs hated big Government and did a lot of different thing to avoid penalties of big Government the more you learn about Steve he was a libertarian. Most jobs I have worked for had offered a chance to continue your education as long as it would mean you would come back and make the company better. Starbucks offered to pay for online courses and you thought that the liberal media was going to advocate them to sainthood . Chick fil a has given  millions to help with education but no one cares while Starbucks pulled in a huge amount of one billion dollars but no one shouts "down with evil starbucks".

The thing that is common for these one percenters they are liberal so everyone it is okay to be filthy rich as long as you are filthy liberal rich.

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