Apparently a Woman who left her kids in the car is now 100,000 dollars richer of course this article is old the new total is about 150,000$ dollars which is supposedly the new total according to the Today Show. This worthless piece of crap who was doing a job Interview leaves her kids in the car and raises 150,000$ after we tell people over an over do not leave your kids in the car now I am not one for regulations but do you realize now because of the police state we have made this miserable slob into a hero. Can you imagine in my small town what they would do to me if I left my kids in the car they sure would not raise money for me but this garbage gets money so if you want money people just leave your kids in the car and get arrested which is not hard to do all you have to do is spit on your kids in public probably. Now kids I am going to spit on you and you will have a little spittel on you but this way I can start a kickstarter fund so that I can send you guys to college after I tolerate a long investigation from the CDC and hide all my Bible and Guns somewhere safe because I do not want them to be taken away then I will start my Kickstarter fund so I can send my kids to college. At the same time this crap is happening a veteran has to have a wheelchair built buy lowes employees oh but liberals are more worried about getting Abortion pills for women. I want to know number one this mother who left her kids in the car where is the Father in all this and number two why should I pay anything for someone who is to dumb to get birth control at the local clinic if she is just going to leave her kids in the car and let them suffer? These question do go through my mind I am not going to get into any of the other stuff like why I would not be able to raise any money for my kids if I left them in the car because I do not want to take anytime to do the research because I might get angrier than I already am well go ahead and give your money to pathetic mothers I rather spend my money on veterans who served their country but that is just me. There are plenty of good parents who would be glad to take care of these kids who do not leave kids in the car.
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