Liberals just cannot get enough of demonizing Hobby lobby because they have a Christian owner. So in tribute to the lies and irrational arguments I give a response to another bunch of myth fabricated by another falsely informed Obama Zombie over at Huffington post so here is the link
Link to Huffington Post article. Alura Weiss writes that Hobby Lobby Disillusioning to Social Justice movement whatever that means. So first off she gets it Right when she says "Any users of social media are probably already tiring of the vast display of attention Monday's Supreme Court decision about the Hobby Lobby case has received." She is right everyone is getting tired of hearing people griping about the decision when no rights were violated while they get upset over a company like Hobby Lobby who pays it's employees over Federal Minimum wage laws and provides a good service and Apple and Nike employs chinese labor less than 2.50 an hour and do you think those employees get free Birth Control? No the Huffington Zombies decide to make Hobby lobby look like the great Satan even though they Hobby Lobby provides 16 out of 20 Birth Control Methods. Now imagine if Christians were bought Bibles by a company and complained about about only having access to only 16 versions of the Bible instead of 20 versions of the Bible that is how stupid liberals sounded about the Hobby Lobby Decision.
In her next paragraph Laura Weiss Goes on to say that"For me, this marks a moment of existential crisis for social justice organizations fighting for rights of the disenfranchised. Today, a corporation is a "person." An embryo is a "person." And yet, so little is being done to protect the rights of women -- what about them? The decision is of course even worse for low-income women, and yet they must carry the burden of purchasing their own birth control because the world is still run by rich white men. " Okay how about really think about what the Ceo Of Hobby Lobby is. Let me ask you a question Do Taxpayers have rights?
Laura would probably say yes they do. Well the Ceo Of Hobby Lobby is a taxpayer he in fact will pay probably about around 35% of taxes in this country now how can you deprive rights to anyone a taxpayer who is paying for the "freebies" we all enjoy in this country? Should I deny you liberty just because you own a car or a gun or a house no you want to deprive anyone who owns a business of rights. For instance should not a homesexual baker be able to refuse to bake a cake for A Nazi? You would say yes I hope if you love true liberty at the same time no business owner should have to be forced to cater to anyone just because you want "Your Way" we have a bill of rights and no one can take those rights away and Abortion pills is not in those rights. You see the Civil Rights law not only applies to sex and race it also applies to religion.I hope you are not saying Business owners have no rights because people use the term of Corporation because it sounds more evil than family owned business and Hobby Lobby is a family Owned business and is not on the public Stock Exchange Like Apple and other corporate Welfare recipients like also Starbucks. My question is what rights do Corporations have? If you say none, now you know why Apple and Nike employs Chinese. Then you tell me that the world is run by rich greedy white men when in fact we have a black President and also we have Clarence Thomas who is black who backed the Hobby Lobby decision.I thought this was a sex issue not a race issue. Why is race a factor in this are you racist?

Weiss goes on to say "The Hobby Lobby decision is extremely disillusioning. Our democracy claims to represent the "voice of the people," but what it really means is "the voice of the people with money." Freedom for some, copays for all. "Check your history book Weiss we are a republic. Benjamin Franklin said we are "A Republic if you can keep it" and The pledge of Allegiance says "and to the Republic for which it stands One Nation Under God." Please Correct this.
Of course she goes on to say "This isn't just a sad day for women's rights or freedoms, this is a sad day for everyone's freedoms. " No it is a great day for women. For Women Business owners who pay a large number of taxes in this country so that we can enjoy education and law enforcement . You see why would you discriminate against women business owners? Do not they have a right in this country? They pay taxes and they send their kids to school and many started where you and I started from the bottom and these women for instance like Oprah who makes billions. Why would you deprive her of her ability to choose what is right or wrong based on her religious beliefs as long as she does not trump other's rights no this is a decision for freedom for everyone and why would you destroy jobs just because you do not get the birth Control Method that you do not like? I thought you were for the working class you know it might not be important to you but a hobby lobby employment is important to anyone who works at Hobby Lobby. Why not ask them what they want why force the employees on something they might not need or want? You see food is a necessity and water is a necessity why not push these to be bought by Hobby Lobby? Your article lacks basic Common sense and you have no empathy for the employees of Hobby Lobby because they chose to work there and you rather destroy their jobs then really think how stupid and outrageous all this anger is wasted on a someone who provided birth control for their employees.
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