Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Would getting rid of China's Most Favored Nation Status help with United States Immigration?

 There are some people who think that capitalism involves civil government bailout money. It does not capitalism lets a business fall but at the same time you have the freedom to start up another business. I remember a guy from India saying that what he loved about America is that you can fail more than once basically he said in America you can fail more than once and get back up in India you do not have that luxury. I am a big believer in Tariffs especially here in America where our Civil Government would make lots of money in the past. NAFTA gave Free Trade to our Mexican friends and to Our Canadian friends and at the same time releasing them from the tough Tariffs that most other countries have to face which is not fair to other countries and you would think that with having free trade that the Americans would employ more Mexicans but large companies like Apple and Nike employ Chinese labor to work on your shoe or computer and then ship it to the United states so we can have a "Cheaper price". Lets see it is cheaper according to Apple and Nike to to build plants in China with their money to employ Chinese, build a product and spend money for a jet or boat and have them bring it to the United States and Charge you. Then just drive down to Mexico and build a plant and drive back here with the Product even though we have Free trade. Something is not right here.

 In a Recent Article by Ron Paul Paul states "In fact much of the problem can be directly traced to the US drug war, which creates unlivable conditions in countries that produce narcotics for export to the US. Many of those interviewed over the past several weeks have cited violent drug gangs back home as a main motivation for their departure. Because some Americans want to use drugs here in the US, governments to the south are bribed and bullied to crack down on local producers. The resulting violence has destroyed economies and lives from Mexico to Nicaragua and beyond. Addressing the failed war on drugs would go a long way to solving the immigration crisis."  In fact After all the debate to get a free trade agreement with Mexico we get a violent and disturbing Mexico and Bribed policeman and an uncomfortable place to do business the solution of course was the most favored status nation of China which stopped any further legislation to raise Tariffs to a Country called China where they force women to have abortions after they have two children. So the problem is after we have ended the "War On Drugs" we would still employ Chinese and probably not Mexicans. 

The Immigration problem is it about jobs or is it about Entitlements or maybe both? Regardless if it is either why are we giving favoritism to China? The Same country that we fought against in The Korean War the last time I checked they did not drop the Communist party they are still communist. The cold war is over but it still lives in the heart of the Chinese Christian who is still jailed in China for not registering with the Chinese government. Brother Yun  or Liu Zhenying who was imprisoned in China do a google search for more information. As much as I don't agree with Our Federal Government, Churches here in America who do not register as Churches here in America do not go to jail and our unlikely  tortured. Y0u see as a Church you are not forced to to take a 501c3 status as a Church.Our Church where I lived has a large meeting of unregistered Churches almost every year that I know about. Why would you refuse here in America to register 501c3 status? Because once you take that status you are under corporate law which takes away a lot of rights that corporations do not have. Despite what liberals will tell you businesses are one of the most regulated entities here in America. You see why the Tea party is having trouble with the IRS you see it is better you pay taxes then sign your rights away. Try standing in front of the Judge and tell him you violated no law after filling a 501c3 status stating certain rights you signed away. My point is we still have a choice in this country unlike China.

 Okay China Sucks you get it but a lot of countries suck and the point of this article is clear there is no reason to give China  favoritism for being less sucky than most countries but if we ever fix the "Drug War"  by stopping it you will see why we will have an Immigration problem but let us not forget government regulations  on corporations that force them into employing foreigners. If our government would give our companies some breathing room to employ and pay whatever they wanted to because you see Apple and Nike need to make those shoes. We could drive a bus to Mexico and employ them in Texas or California have them make computer chips and Shoes all day and drive them back to Mexico. The point is once an Immigrant crosses this border the Federal Government forces business to pay him or her a certain salary because hey this is America even though that salary is higher than he will ever make in Mexico. The solution is simple to business they get an option either pay the Mexican on temporary visa 7.25 an hour or pay Chinese 2.50 an hour which would you pick ? I will give you time. You see 2.50 is less than 7.25. If you get rid of the Chinese Option yes you will be force to pay them 7.25 an hour but then corporations will find another way to lobby to pay another nation to pay their citizens 2.50 an hour. Or you could let Capitalism take its course and let corporations pay whatever they want and competition will raise the wages because once immigrants figure which company will pay them more they will go there. That is how real capitalism works.

 So America enjoy your Federal Wage laws and your regulations on those greedy Corporations and your entitlements and your War on drugs while you can because once that well runs dry called rights there will be no where Immigrants to go to from Oppression because they will be running from Oppression from where they come from to Oppression here served American Style and I do not think we will be arguing about immigration by that time.

1 comment:

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