Monday, July 21, 2014
Europeans stole Native American/s Land but Palestinians have a right to Israels
One thing this country abhors is racism it is intolerable and just despised by Americans when I was kid anyone that was racist was just was hated. You just knew when I was younger that opened racism was frowned on and Anti-semitism well that was another issue. Now I never would've heard the things I have a read on the internet especially about Israel when I was younger maybe by a few but most people know that Israel is a nation with boundaries that has been forced to compromise for many years because of their surroundings of Arabs. Zionist the new religion of the jewish people came on the scene around 300 to 400 Ad and also the doctrine of Universal Christianity Mohammed and his Satanic induced religion did not come around until 300 to 400 years later which would cause more wars than you can imagine. Islam the religion of war and False teaching from an Angel brought also hatred for the Jewish people. After being banished, Killed, Hated and persecuted the Jewish people found a home in Israel after World War 2 . Arabs were furious and many times Unsuccessfully tried to remove Israel off the map. A country who has never bombed us A country who is one of our biggest Allie. Islam and its Religion of Extinction of the Jewish people failed many times trying to exterminate the Israelis. Hamas is getting its ridiculously dumb butt literally kicked by Israel.
I have seen some of the dumbest post about Israel or the Jewish people and Ed schultz really takes the cake he says that Homosexuals were the ones really persecuted in the Holocaust. Here are Jews who were sent to the ovens in Germany by train being compared to a bunch of people who could easily hide their sexuality. You see as a man you can easily pretend to like women it is not that hard a lot of Jewish people tried to hide their origins but it is not that easy to do, Lineup 5 men and tell me which one is homesexual you will see they look alike. No so with the case with the jewish people. This is what we are dealing with intolerant jerks who puts sexuality as more important than someone's faith or their heritage. You see people should be able to take pride in their faith in God or the heritage instead we celebrate and take pride with who we sleep with not who we are in love with, you see love is not who we sleep with. When was the last time you seen a Faith Pride parade or a Native American parade ?seriously Ed are you that dumb or are you Anti-semitic? THis is what we are dealing with. If you believe America has the right to exist then Israel has the right to exist. At the same time Israel believes Palestine should exist but no they keep screwing with Israel and like many nations have learned earlier Israel is not someone who you want to screw with.

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