I sometimes hate living in this modern society all though we have so many conveniences and the ability to study all the history through technology we have forgotten how certain words came to be. I think the biggest fault we as Americans are guilty of is that we have forgotten what Government is. When I say Government people assume I am automatically talking about Civil Government. You see Civil Government cannot exist without the coexistence of many other forms of government and I will explain in this blog and it may help you understand why we have borders. You will see as you respect other governments you will find out why we have borders and why they are so important.
1. Individual Government

Individual government is very important. It has to be the first Government ever.Individual Government is man by himself given the ability to reason out what is right and wrong without this first line of defense of reason there is no contradiction and without contradiction we have no individual thought process. We need the ability to check ourselves with others so we may confirm that we ourselves are not perfect. Sometimes Individuals hand out justice and not know they are handing out justice such as the freedom to elect. When we elect a person to become a Sheriff we are granting powers to an Individual to act the laws of justice that was previously written but those laws had to be written by individuals. We do not make a decision by popular opinion we must use past experiences to come to the conclusion why we have individual laws upon us and on others. Individuals have a right to create borders and to live as they see fit as long as they do not violate anything that will hurt another individual. When an Individual builds a house he is creating a border a separation as you would say. The Individual Government should always be respected and he has no right to hurt another Individual but may be called sometimes to serve justice on another as an act of justice not revenge. Man must pay for his act of wrongdoing to another but the punishment should always fit the crime an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
2. Family Government

One of the most rewarding and best governments on the face of the earth is family Government. Without Family you have no true education you have no church,school and no civilization or even civil government. No society can survive without the family. The family was basically how we get tribes and our first nations many families grew into clans which grew into tribes and eventually nations. Many do not want you to know that families have rights so they use the word institution like they change the word business into corporations because institution and corporations sounds evil when all family and business is more government or what I like to say more checks and balances for all government. In the days of the early Church one way a leader was chosen it was on the basis of how well a Father ran his family and somehow it has reached out to the civil government as well. It does make a difference and sometimes it is a shame when liberals are able to run their families better than conservatives. I think the best father leads by example. It is why I do not drink Alcohol I lived under a father who did not drink Alcohol believe me those things rub off on you. A family again who establishes a home and educates their family the way they choose fit creates a border and there is nothing wrong with creating borders around to protect your children from pedophiles and other disgusting vile things sometimes that border could be a remote control or the web surfing software you choose or the app that disengages a phone when your daughter decides to drive however you protect your child is your business as long as you do not harm that child's human rights.
3 Business Government

They say one man wanted something that another man wanted and the other man wanted what the other man had and so they traded and thus became the first business transaction. Everyone in the world is dependent on a little business from the Communist Chinese to the Industrial Germans. We have to have business government to make it. Eventually man created the monetary system and when they did there was volunteers to get some of that monetary to spend on their family government. If there was no Individuals there would be no families without families there would be no business and churches and without business or churches there would be no good civil government if business did not hand out the monetary valued coin or dollars there would be no need for taxes to help to support our civil government. Imagine the Money we use is water and Imagine wells or pumps to provide money those are your businesses you see nothing comes from nothing for you to make money you need to find someone who wants you to help them make money at the same time you make money then you can pay for civil government which is nothing more than a service so you do not need to do the ugliness of justice. Explain to me if you got rid of Business Government how you would pay for Civil Government? You might say well I will get it from my State Government. How did the State Government get it? They directly tax the business owner or they tax the Individual who works for their business. Explain to me how you can have Civil Government without Business Government because I would like for you to teach me because unless you have a magical wand it is not possible in this country. We have borders in Business Government and it is called Competition and without competition we do not have business who want to do better or businesses that are allowed to offer their best to their customers and to their employees. Unfortunately we do not get to see the fruits of true capitalism instead we get to see small businesses regulated by large Government so they die. True Capitalism would let businesses fight it out as long as they do not violate an individual's rights and the same should go for big Government as well.
4.Church Government

The Church gets a bad rap today. Which makes no sense to me. Everyone who has been delivered from Alcohol or Sexual perversion become a better member of Society. I would talk to many members of the local churches and hear countless testimonies of people who would have been in jail if they had not been converted to Christ but that is the way it is. It is better we let the Church free to help Addicts then have them stuck in jail just mooching off the taxpayers money. The Church was our first border of morality in this country and our founders never dreamed that our federal government would be in the business of morality because we had the Church to help with that but no we have Idiots who have problem with the ten commandments what part don't you like oh you want to murder people is that it oh let's see you hate those weekend offs you might as as well throw that out as well because that came from the Judeo Christian worldview . Oh I know what you like the lying part that is it you like to lie oh no you must like to steal. I do not know about you I like people who are honest and do not like to steal and I love those weekends off and I have no problem honoring a Heavenly father who does not want me to cheat on my wife or wants me to Honor and respect my parents oh but apparently some people have problems with morality. We have borders on the Church level because there are Idiots out there trying to adhere to the letter of the law not the spirit of the law but you can practice your religion in this country as long again as you do not violate someone else's right and believe me telling someone about Jesus does not violate someone else's' right.
5. Civil Government

Finally we have borders because lets face it some Civil Governments just really suck. You know like Communist Government or any Muslim Government Countries. Hey but you know what that is how they have lived for thousands of years but you know what this is how we have lived for hundreds of years and how we became the light of the world and why they are so badly wanting to come over here. They must understand that we have rules and that they must abide by them like we have to abide by theirs when we come into their country. We have borders because some people suck they will never understand why we allow individual rights and why we hate a king and why we carry guns to keep punks from taking over. We have borders because we have different cleaning habits and have learned to adjust to the environment that make them sick. Border violators become carrier of different diseases because in a third world country they cannot afford medicine. For a person to have civil rights they have to be a member of the civilization that is why we have civil rights if you are not a member of that civilization you do not have civil rights of that civilization you have rights which are little or none by the civilization that you come from. That is why we have borders to protect the Civilization which have those Civil rights of that Civilization.
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