It has been over a year since I have attended an Anime convention. I really wanted to do something more fulfilling in my life so I started devoting more time to the Biffburroughs channel. We are living in a disturbing and a bad time in our lives Church attendance has dropped and nerd conventions like anime and science fiction convention attendance increases. Many deny they are religious and at the same time some have a klingon wedding and spend their extra money on scifi dolls and anime dolls and movies and various frivolous things here in America while children here in America in some places are starving and we watch the crime rate go up and then we are told by media that things are getting better because you know evolution teaches us we are evolving. Comic Con is a big example of proof we are not evolving. We are getting dumber and fatter and really just unsympathetic about current events. What in the name of Darwin would drive people away from what is actually happening in this nation to a convention where people dress up as Comic book Characters and not give a tinker's care about current situations like recent Supreme court rulings or the High Crime in Chicago or the Gaza Strip outbreak or the Undeclared Civil War in The Ukraine and the Rise of Unemployment but instead Gamers, Movie Goers and Manga and Comic Readers flock to conventions and report on who will be the next Avenger. There is a word for this kind of person I believe it is loser.

In a recent event
at Comic Con we find an injury of a Zombie cosplayer during their annual Zombie walk and we cannot and will not place blame on the cosplayer but still it shows what these people are doing. I mean are we walking to end world hunger are we walking to end leukemia? No they are idiots dressing up like zombies to show everyone in San Diego that they are losers. I mean really I feel sorry for this woman who was injured but what are you doing with your life at 65 walking a zombie walk while we have starving children at the border? It amazes me that many of these losers will vote for Obama and make fun of religious people like Glenn Beck or Catholics but guess who are feeding those children the religious people who you make fun of? Where are the the Comic Conventions that are raising money for those Immigrants or Illegals? I am not Mormon and I am definitely not Catholic but I appreciate the Kindness of love these people are showing the unfortunate at least they are not dressing up like Zombies and disrupting traffic for such an unworthy reason.

The more I read about Benjamin Franklin the More I liked this guy. He lived a fantastic life and he was such a man of reason. He would put any educated person to shame that lives today. We have a lot to give thanks to this man but he was not perfect because he was a man but it is a shame there has been comic book conventions upon thousands across this world and not a few or some conventions to the history of the past of the great men like our founders. We are told that we should not Idolize or make heroes out of them instead our heroes should be fictional. I am sorry that is why we are sucking as a nation we study our history because we do not want to repeat certain events in history. If we study our history we will find a place called Rome that had troops all over the world and high Sexuall Immorality and they worshiped fictional gods or like what we call the myths or comic book heroes of those days. They erected temples to worship their gods or heroes just like attendees at Comic book convention honor their heroes. The summary of Rome is They partied while the world around them was falling apart. In a recent debate online I had a guy tell me he had no time to study history but at the same time he had time to debate. Do you understand where we are at? We have more people on Reddit arguing over who is the cutest cosplayer then we have on Reddit actually talking or making sense of our current Economic status. I bet I can find people who know who are the current Avengers are than know who Janet Yellen is or what the Federal reserve does.
In conclusion I am not making Comic book Conventions or Anime Conventions or whatever as a bad thing. I see kids that are searching at these Conventions. Conventions are a great place to share things. You can share the Gospel, Share the Freedom message , dress up as Benjamin Franklin talk to kids about history these are places that are calling for and asking for people to fill their minds. I have nothing but Praise for what the
The Silver Circle People have done. They have adapted and has seen where the culture is going and I think we as conservatives need to adapt to get the message of economic freedom or social freedom out whether we have to make comics or make anime or just get off our butts and go to a convention to see what I have seen. Yes I have seen the negatives and I have seen the positives of Anime or Comic or Sci Fi Conventions but it is up to you if there is a calling in your heart to make a difference.
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