The best part of being in America is we have been blessed we have been so blessed so much that we as Americans share the wealth, we share our wealth voluntarily donating our time to missions and forcibly by taxes. Of course the collective loving Media will not show the footage of a Church Mission that feeds the poor they however will show you statistics that say if we do not depend on the state we will all be disintegrated into nothingness maybe that is too far in an accusation. We saw the people panic about the sequester even though welfare and ebt cards are delivered by the state government many of us began to wonder why we even need a strong federal government if local and city and State governments are taking care of the problems. In other other words when you have strong central bureaucrat government it becomes redundant for instance we have the Kentucky Agriculture here who does their job but after that we have to comply with the Kentucky EPA and then The Federal EPA and Etc.We do not need more than One EPA you can hire Private Companies to inspect a Bureaucracy or let the MEdia do their job and expose corruption and you can vote out the corrupters. No instead we keep creating more Bureaucracy to check up on Bureaucrats paid by the same purse which makes no sense that is like the Mafia creating another Mafia to make sure that one Mafia is Mafia enough. In the End you get more Mafia which is not a good thing. The same goes for Bureaucracy.

I love keeping a good yard and in my county we do not need any special provision or education or license to handle or operate a mower. I worked hard and saved just like any red blooded American to own my first lawn mower. I wanted a good Mower but I could not Find the one I wanted because It was too expensive but however found one that was a good quality at the price I could afford and it was used so I bought it because I could afford it I did not want to get in debt for a lawn Mower. Something about Ownership and Property in America makes you feel a pulse of Pride whether you are buying your first Mower or First Bike or First car or First Home. You work hard and You want something to show for your hard work. I think John Adams said it best when he Said" Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty" If My Mower is my property and I should be able to do what I want on the property I bought and I should mow my grass as long I do not violate the right of others as Thomas Jefferson Put it "....What we acquire by those means without violating the similar rights of other sensible being." In other words I have a mower obtained lawfully through purchase I have a right to do what I want with it as long as do not do something that violates someone's right to live, to liberty and property. I hope not I mean it is just a lawn mower for goodness sake. I will paint a scenario for you with my lawn mower I am out mowing on a beautiful afternoon because the dew is all gone and we know how that wet grass can clog a lawn mower. My neighbor who acts like he is on meth all the time but that is none of my business because I have no proof he is on meth and frankly he has never gave me a reason to be suspicious but he is an out right idiot and he comes up to me asking me to borrow my mower to mow his yard and I say "No! Go to Falconite and Rent one you cheapo!" My mower my choice simple as that. The next day my county passes a law that all lawn mower operators are to register with the county and all lawn mower operators are required to take a test and then will be issued a license to operate a lawn mower if they fit the requirement of course defined by the county law. I know in my heart that getting permission to own something by a government is wrong but I have already obtained a license to own a firearm, a car, a house so why not a lawn mower and my dream is to own a lawn mower and possession is 9/10ths of the law isn't it? I comply I do not feel the battle is worth getting into now the next day I get the same request again by my neighbor I tell him he may go visit the inside of Hades this time. The next Day I am given a summons to a local court by the Sheriff's Department for discrimination. I am taken court and must explain why I refused to let my neighbor borrow my lawnmower. I am explained that in great detail that the mower is under the county restriction and therefore I cannot use the lawn mower to discriminate against my neighbors and must prove that I am not using the mower in any form of discrimination and If I am in any violation of the discrimination I could lose my license. I am not going any further with this story. Some of you think I probably have gone too far.
Now did I go too far with my story? Imagine the business owner who works hard and dreams of owning their own business they sacrifice their time sometimes family and money . The owner of Papa Johns John Schnatter sold his favorite car to make a business like Papa Johns. A lot of countless Amway people were Poor Schmucks like you and me and some have become successful. There are countless stories of business owners struggling then they make it. It make take twenty or five years but they do it. They employ they become members of the Chamber of Commerce they become prominent members of their city or county all so they can be fined,taxed,regulated and told what to do with their property. Yes what is a business it is a thing it is something that can be owned by one person or by many. The point is our founders time and time again told us they wanted us to be able to own property. What is property? According to the Dictionary it is something that is owned by a person or business. What is a Bakery well it is a thing. Can I own it? Well yes you can. Then I should be able to do what I want with it as long I do not violate someone's right. If I own a bar can I stop giving someone who is too drunk more drinks? Yes you can and you might save a life as well. Can I refuse service to people who come in with guns that are safely holstered on their side? Yes you can . Can I refuse a homosexual a cake as a bakery owner. Lets see is baked goods a right? No! In fact it could be hurting them if you bake too many for them! The point is your business should be yours but we lie down and sign our rights away through license and regulations that majority of problems could be solved through the private sector. For instance if a guy who owns several bakeries has one of his bakeries sell a poison cupcake it might be a good investment for him to set up a way to prevent the selling of more poison cupcakes. You the consumer of cupcakes may want to look at other bakeries but the problem here in America is we have fewer bakeries because of regulations the business has to comply with and taxes and therefore not many choices so we can avoid poison cupcakes. Capitalism can destroy discrimination for instance a bar owner refuses to sell to gun carriers. All gun Carries have to do is go to a bar that allows Gun Carriers it is that Simple. If you cannot get a cake for a lesbian wedding go to a bakery who does lesbian weddings. If a mentally handicapped kid gets thrown out of a movie theater go to a Movie theater that allows and loves Mentally handicap children, it is that simple. Stop discouraging business owners from doing what they want with their property. It is theirs.
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