Monday, June 2, 2014

EPA plans to shut down more jobs

 I always love the left who think Christian people force things on them I do not think there has been forcing of Christianity since the Spanish Inquisition and the Church of England I guess when they wanted the Pilgrims to go to the State Church. I do not think I have ever heard of a law that requires you to go to church well I never heard of one. I have heard of judges ruling for a criminal to go to a church but that does not make him any more of a Christian than it makes me more of a Satanist because I listen to KISS. I probably would be more Jewish because of Gene Simmons. I means he is a good jewish boy isn't He? Well he is a good capitalist anyways.
 As stupid as the Evolution religion is you know for instance their belief that 8,000 species evolved out of one species without any trace of 8,000 or more link species that would connect each to show evidence that they did evolve out of one species. I never heard of evolution destroying job growth at least I hope not. I know they discriminate against scientist all the time but it seems there are colleges that will take capable creationist scientist and that is a good thing but actually shutting doors for progress as in factories or plants that produce energy because of the Evolution religion that is yet to be seen but it seems like Obama is a Global Warming Conspiracy theorist and now joins with the Cardinals from The EPA to shut down the doors of progress because of the Global Warming theory Religion.

 Obama plan to shut down plants that do not bow down to Mother Earth is already in the works and they have the fear to plant in your mind that it is coal and other well meaning ways of producing energy is the problem without any facts or proof just hey take my word for it even though climate change is natural as natural as a man loving a woman. We have these thing called seasons and during those seasons things change.In the Winter it gets cold and in the Spring it warms up again and The Summer it gets hot and in the Fall it cools down again and we get football. Now you might be in shock when I tell you this but guess what it gets Winter again yes thats right we will have another winter and the Vikings can lose again attempting to go to the Super bowl but guess what they will return home to an Icy lake to skate on. I know this is something many have a hard time perceiving but here we go again destroying the job creators and the reason why we have no Health Insurance and tell me which job would most likely have Insurance Group rates for their employees the Local Coal Plant or Mcdonalds? I will take The Coal Plant. There is your Progressive ideology right there accept the Global Warming Religion or face the wrath of the EPA Inquisition.

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