Sometimes I feel sorry for feminist their ideology is so dumb not even hollywood types like Seth Rogen can get along with them but when you start secluding people from your movement and start blaming groups for everything well you start losing people and some of the blame they put on people who just want to live their lives is really crazy. When I was younger you had Christian Feminist, Atheist Feminist, and even Republican Feminist but now nothing but feminist can embrace feminism. Atheist don't want them, Republicans rolls their eyes from the stupidity that comes from their mouths and Modern Christian ladies don't want anything do with them. I remember when there was a time when Christians and Feminist stood up against Pornography. What has happened?We live in a new age of what is called Toxic Feminism where no feminist can get along with any man or rational woman but what do you expect from a human movement based on emotional irrationality? The longer it exist the worse it becomes as the emotions change and you can not tell what a feminist wants because it changes as the emotion changes the only thing I can see is they look forward to the day when all men are dead.
1.White Men Are the Only Ones who instil Violence.

This is so dumb all you have to do is go to the inner city of chicago to see black men beat black women or just ask Rihanna . Black men and White Men commit crime and they both can become violent. On a good day at Wal-mart you might be able to see a black woman become violent with a cashier or go to denny's late at night and really get to see black women go off on someone there are plenty of videos on youtube search black women at Dennys and sometimes you might see a white feminist get violent with a checker.There is nothing peaceful about modern Nazi Feminist they write about their fantasy of torturing men because they can not have an Alpha Male so they get upset because they are surrounded by yes men of the result of their movement. It is so hypocritical of white feminist blaming white men when most Nazi Feminism is made up of mostly white women. You see where I am from the hard working Black woman well she enjoys sex and she enjoys a good man only snobby handful of Privileged black women are claimed feminist. I guess I would be bitter as well if I denied myself sex and did not allow myself to be a man like I am supposed to be like the way feminist do not let a woman be a woman and enjoy a good loving relationship with a man. Anyways this is a stupid statement open the paper you will find all races are violent and if you open the chinese section you might find some violent Asians hey I am just saying.
2.You raped her because of what she wore

You raped her because of what she wore said no rapist ever. When Jeffrey Dahmer was on death row for the murder and rape of some black men. I never heard of him mentioning the reason he raped these men because of what they wore.This is just an excuse for Lazy feminist not to put on some clothes. When I was working a job for a construction company we had to wear long pants at work we tried to get that changed but no one screamed discrimination because well the pay was too good. Feminist will use any ridiculous claim so they do not have to put an extra effort to put on any clothes. In the middle east there is plenty of rape going on but it is not because they wear a burqa it is because those men who rape are deranged and the muslim religion is deranged it is also as deranged as toxic feminism.Show me one time here in the United States that a rapist ever said it is because what the woman wore seriously???!
3.I make less than My Male counterpart

No you do not. You make the same as a fry cook female as a fry cook male just face it.Most fire departments are volunteer Fire Departments are mostly Male made up in this country and some make as little as ten dollars per call. Look at the largest Mercenary Companies who make 100,000 to 200,000 dollars a year not many women are there and it's not that they would take any it's just most women would not do those jobs where you usually fine large paid men you will find more risk involved which most women will not take. Sorry that is the way it is. Then take the fact of the "Getting LAid Factor" most men will fantasize about Stewardesses and Nurses, Teachers,Schoolgirls and Women in service uniforms or School uniforms but at the same time women want to be laid by the Firefighter,Doctor, the Mercenary or the Rugged Cowboy or the Lumberjack and those jobs require risk and in some case education. Sex is a big Motivator for job preference. If you look at this you will see why men thrive to get the high paid jobs at any cost because they know if they do not get the high paying jobs they will not get what they want which some men want is a family and to get that woman to start a family they do what they can to get a good job and they will fight to keep at it. On the other hand a woman can work at minimum wage paying job and still marry an Alpha Male because she does not have to work at certain places to get a man. She can look good at Mcdonalds as well as she can look good at the Bank that employs her.
4.Bible Promotes Misogyny

Despite what you believe about the Bible there is nothing in the Bible that promotes violence towards women Feminist always leave parts of The Bible where it states how great it is to find a wife in Proverbs and also where the Apostle Paul tell his fellow Church males to love their wives. There is never any passages regarding or advocating the abuse of a woman. This is nothing more than the deep imagination of a feminist trying to exclude Christians from their exclusive club. I watched a woman get upset because of the Old Israel Law written by Moses which forbade men from having sex with a woman on her period. I do not know about you but I think that is okay with me. First of all it was a law written for Israelites second of all maybe you ever think that a woman could use a break from having sex with a man seriously this is why you hate the Bible? She went on to say that Paul suffered not a woman to teach was another bad thing. He said he suffered a Woman not to teach not God and never said he beat her if she does and the girl did not go on to say where Paul said he would not have a woman in authority over a man and this is where the problem is we have women influencing men to act like women and then we have women complaining there is no real men anymore and I wonder why? You will always have punishment for any woman who does wrong in the Bible but in the same case you will have men receive the same punishment as well if they committed the same crime for instance in adultery women and men were both punished for adultery and it is believed that is why Christ stopped the stoning of a woman because the Hypocrites were going to stone her and not the man.Christianity has been one of the best things to happen to women from the earlier Church women Saints to Methodist female evangelist, Abigail Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe daughter of a minister or for instance Susan B. Anthony raised in a Bible based home where you find strong true Biblical upbringing you will find strong Christian Women and this scares the crap out of the Statist Feminist who worship at the altar of the state begging for the Nazi Male White cop to protect them.
5.Full Time Mothers are the Result of Patriarchy
A woman wanting a job as a full time Mother is nothing but natural. Women are just natural Nurturers. THat is why most women date something like a man because they want to nurture him into a new world. Women actually fantasize about being mothers . My friend who has two kids wants another one why because she loves it only a woman could really want that so bad all the pain and filthiness and cleaning up and that is just being married to the man and on top of that she wants Children. Any woman not allowed to be a natural woman is crazy. Feminist I guess hate naturalism but here the feminist go again excluding another group from their exclusive club and that is mothers.
6. Men are uncomfortable with the Vagina

Vagina,Vagina,vagina, this is just stupid it is the feminist who get so mad about the penus feminist have been known to try to make rules to ban men from dressing like penuses on campuses but to say that men are uncomfortable with the vagina is stupid. I am sure a man who does not want to see a penus does not want to see a vagina out in public either. Some people have something called tact and they do not want to display their wee wees or who ha's out in public because they think that sex is beautiful and special to them I know now that we have no respect for sex but that is not just the fault of men is the fault of a society that refuse to show respect for anything for authority, for God and country and most of all the family a sacred institution that is mocked and brought down to the laughability of two women sharing a vibrator instead of the continuing of the species you see some people do not revolve their whole lives around sex they are more in tuned and spiritual they want love instead. Of course feminist do not know love or forgiveness or they would not be part of a movement which is based on bitterness and hate.In The Feminist cult you will find hate for all men and bitterness for something in their past they cannot possibly let go or a past they have imagined or a bunch of stupid feminist professor scaring a group of women into a movement that is destroying women and men mentally and sometimes physically.
7. There is a war on women In America

I cannot help but laugh when a white woman with all the privileges of a princess tell me how bad women in America have it.If you have the time go to any muslim country and then tell me how bad you have it here in America as a woman after you have seen the brutality the women experience over there. This makes any White American Feminist look delusional or just crazy no wonder no one wants to have anything to do with them.
I could go on about how one feminist does not want Asian women dating white men or how one wrote a blog on how all sex is rape I kid you not these women are crazy.If they want to be rational I would have a conversation with them but if they want to go off on an emotional tangient I cannot see even having a decent conference with one. There you have it now I understand why you Atheist do not want Feminist either hey maybe the Muslims will take them they seem to be very liberal and open toward new and crazy Ideas
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