Another shooting happens in the white community and the racist media just goes crazy. Of course the media has to paint the suspects as White supremacist well because they are white. This is the way the liberal media wants to get laws changed so they can coerce the law enforcement to make laws that allow the arresting of all people that disagree with them. I am going to try my best to calm my African American brothers down and explain that all white people are not like this and I am going to throw in that all cosplayers are not like this as well. You think that with as many good cosplayers that are out there that I would not have to explain this but it seems like liberals like to group people into groups. I am a common sense guy and know that just because a lot of black people kill a lot of black people it does not mean that I would think that I should hide my black brothers from every black person. I do not tell my black friends to hide just because I see a black person across the street. I am not going to jump in front of a another black person because my black friend is walking and is about to approach another black person just because 90% of black murders in this country are caused by other black people well that would be wrong.All black people are not the same there are nice black guys there are jerky black guys and there are heaven forbid I know the media hates this but there are black supremacist and most of them belong to the Nation of Islam and sometimes they come out with good information but sometimes they say stupid stuff like calling me the White Devil but I know it is because they love me.

I know what you are saying get to the point. Really what does it matter what color someone is or affiliation anyone is with when they commit a crime? Unless they are the "Enemy" I mean if we had a Constitutional Declaration of war on a Nation of cosplayers because a Nation of cosplayers attacked us I can see going after that Nation of cosplayers. I think however that our founders would look down on declaring war on any civilian of the United States why because as one of the perks of being an United States Civilian is having rights such as a right to free speech,trial by jury,Guns and of course the states rights and a right to property. If you are a civilian of that nation you have rights defined by that Nation. I know there are rights granted by God but that is for another blog. No man can take these rights away and just because you are a cosplayer does not make you as bad as these cosplayers.Cosplayers have been involved in crime previously before or especially Joker obsessed people like the Colorado shooter and we had a stabbing involved with a cosplayer convention near by where I lived. I do not see us making laws to stop cosplaying. I just thought you might want to know that these suspected murderers were cosplayers because the media is sure making it clear that they are white supremacist but whether you like white supremacist or not and if they are civilians of the United States they have a right to free speech,Guns, Trial by Jury, etc etc etc. You should never be denied those rights even if you are a black or white supremacist either. I hope you should be able to do what you want as long as you do not violate someone else's rights but at the same time some crimes are between you and God and you will always be judged whether you like it or not.

Now I know some of you are saying but Biff what is a solution to all these massacres? Even if you take all guns away rounded up all the cosplayers you will still get crime especially in heavy taxed and protected places like Brooklyn,Chicago, Los Angeles. For instance in The case of
Daniel St. Hubert we find that by arresting the cosplayers and taking guns away we do not stop the cruel death of Prince Joshua or the horrible injury of 7 year old Milkayla Caspers who were both stabbed. Daniel was not a cosplayer that we know of and neither did he use a gun. Now I know that two police officers might have been saved if we arrested all cosplayers and took away guns but how is the lives of two police officers more important than the lives of two innocent children. One thing we do learn that Hubert had a list of previous offences and if we did more to keep the criminals off the street like Hubert and thought of less of taking cosplayers off the street we might have prevented the death of Prince and the injury of Milkayla. Why don't the national media cover stories like this? A deviant Daniel St. Hubert who escaped the justice system which happens time and time again and then does what is predicted committing more crime. Do you see how we might have not stopped the death of two police officers but we could of have stopped the killing of the innocent? All we had to do was punish the guilty not the innocent. Do you see how this works punish the guilty save some lives because aren't all lives worth saving?
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