Everyone knows as a socialist we do not have free will we must have strong central government to protect us because we cannot choose who to love or choose anything we are like sheep all beautiful sheep indeed with no free will. We know that is the central government job to punish those who do not fit into our society of thinking that we humans have free will . That is why I am calling for the intervention of the Government to protect the google glass explorers that is the politically correct name. That it is why we must create a Hashtag and a Petition for the rights of Google Glass explorers because we know they did not choose to be
Google Glass Explorers.
Google glass explorers did not choose to be spies they are like people who work for the NSA patriotically checking our phones everyday something inside them knew they were a spy trapped in a right to choose body. They knew at an early age when they looked over the shoulder of their sister while she was writing in her diary that they themselves were Google glass explorers but it would be years before the technology to come out so they themselves could be spies because they cannot choose who you spy on. They wanted to spy on people and the desire in their hearts to be spies is not a choice it is a lifestyle that they cannot choose. They must be able to live out their spy lifestyle or they might be unhappy because it is in the constitution that if you are happy all the time you are living right okay it is not in there but socialist understand that of course it is up to the The Central Government to define what that happiness is. I am sure Strong Central Government will say that Spying is happiness because aren't all NSA people happy? I mean Edward Snowden is just an Intolerant jerk refusing others to reach that goal of happiness through spying. I hope the comrades at the Southern Law Poverty Center has deemed him as a hate monger.

It won't be long that their will be laws refusing service to Google glass users especially from the right wing gun nuts who hate progress. They do not know that people who are intelligent cannot be capable of crime people with PHDs know what are best for Americans we know when to spy and when not to spy. For instance when a Cop is beating an uneducated person and tasering him into submission this is wrong for poor people to film a cop this is intolerance at its best. The only time a camera should be used when a citizen is violating a law like growing a garden or even collecting rain water or selling illegal Raw milk. Google Glass can be used to take pictures of such horrible violations as a child's lemonade stand and send the pictures to cops. Only Right wing conspiracy nuts would hate the ability to give information to police to make arrest of the uneducated intolerant ones.
There you have it be tolerant or face the wrath of the state that is if they get involved of course if they do not then I am wrong but like I always say All Hail Obama and worship him and Cthulhu at the church of your choice!!
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