Liberal Hippie Cries over eggs or something disturbs a great meal!
You can have fun watching this uniformed hippie get upset over eggs or something in a good restaurant. I guess it is good. Hey Kelly hippie have you ever asked if maybe they wanted to give their eggs or milk up oh wait animals cannot talk so lets start the oppression agenda week with now the term Speciesism it's where we apparently are discriminating against animals. I do not discriminate against good food whether it be cow or chicken or maybe even squid. Hey I believe all animals have an ability to taste good if prepared properly just because they are pets in some places should not stop us from eating them. I hear that goats make good mates in some countries but it does not stop me from eating goats or taking their milk hey why do you think they would put here on this earth? They are animals and they are just that. They cannot start societies and what do you do when we have an overpopulation of them? You are going to learn what P.E.T.A has and the Humane society has learned you have one option kill them. Why would let a good piece of meat go?
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