7 Things I Can Do That My Black Son Can’t is a sappy and White guilt ridden article and proof once again that liberals are so Obsessed with race. I thought I would help you out Mr. Hennick and give you some positive input on seven things that your black son can do that you can't lets start with number one
1. He can use Racial Slurs
That's right your son can makes racist jokes call white people crackers and make fun of Asians at comedy clubs and no one person will bat an eye. He can use the "N" word over and over in a rap song and no one cares.
2. He can yell Racism when he gets pulled over
He can yell racism everywhere he goes even though there is none involved and if he gets murdered by a white cop he may get Jesse Jackson to preach at his funeral but if he is killed by a black cop heaven forbid no one cares because there is no racism involved where as you will get laughed at or even ridiculed to even suggest that a black cop was following you because of your race.
3. He can Belong to a Segregated Group and get Respect
Thats right your son can join all kinds of Black only Fraternal type organizations in colleges that secludes your white guilty pasty butt whereas if you wanted to start a club for whites only at a college campus it is deemed as hate so there is another thing your son can do.
4.He can Take Advantage Of Affirmative Action
Your Employer has a quota of white workers he can hire and guess what when he gets to a certain number of employees no matter how stupid or unqualified your son is whenit comes to the quota of the number of blacks your firm has to hire guess who gets hired and who doesn't thats right your son does and he does not have to be the qualified individual either
5. He can still be a victim no matter where he is brought up
No matter how well he is brought up he gets to look like he struggled all his life for instance privileged half blacks like Barack Obama who never held a real job in his life will always look like they are the underdogs even though they ate at the same restaurants and they went to the same schools as the other privileged spoiled brats because of that magical black in them that makes them special they can lie and tell every one they struggled even though they had it good
6. He can get away with a hate Crime
I hope your son never grows up and takes up in any teenage mischief but if your son decides to he can participate in crime games that are racially motivated like the knockout game and not be charged with a hate crime where as you my friend actually defend your family against a Black perpetrator could be charged with a Hate Crime.
7.He can Hate White people and no one cares
That's right no matter how many white people feed him and pay for his clothes and give him nice things he can grow up hating the "white devil" and get to keep his job while you on the other hand group black individuals together in a group which is in my opinion morally wrong but at the same time a right because you have a right in this country to Hate no one should be charged for hate. We can't send people to jail for hate speech for you have a right to free speech in this country even if I disagree with it however you would probably lose your job or be shunned by your neighbors while your son can post about crackers and Honkys all day and get away with it.
So cheer up Mr Hennick there are so many things your son will get to do that you will never have a "Privilege" Of doing !
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