Monday, October 6, 2014

Chelsea Manning vs Edward Snowden

Whether or not Chelsea manning is up for another  waste of Tax payers money for a gender confused Idiot which means a person who has a penus wants to be a woman so he can get a boyfriend in prison probably why he broke a law in the first place so he can be surrounded by boyfriends in prison. Even though Bradley manning is an Idiot he is not a hero in my eyes compared to what Edward Snowden did. I have two reasons for this.

1. One was a American civilian and another was not.
 Edward Snowden was given a great gift and Bradley Manning was to and that was the gift of being a born civilian in the United States. Bradley Manning took an oath as do millions of public servants do and that is to uphold and defend the constitution when he put on the uniform Bradley Manning is no longer a U.S. Civilian he is military property and under the rules of United States Code of Military Justice. I admire anyone to take that step in becoming a Uniformed Protector of Rights and life and liberty for the freedom of this great land. Bradley knew what he was getting into at the time we had been in conflict since Bosnia .When we put on that uniform in the last 30 or 40 years we are pretty much going to be in conflict with drug dealers or terrorist or Al Qaeda, or Taliban and whether or not these wars are constitutional it is up for debate but you knew that was the situation when you joined up and if you did not you should of thought hard and long and looked that up before you joined up. A part of me believes that Bradley Manning's main purpose was to destroy the Military. Edward Snowden however was a Contractor and still had Constitutional rights that are given to him as a civilian of the UNited States.

2. How relevant was Manning's and Snowden's Leaks to the Press.
 At the time Iraq war was going on I knew it was not a constitutional declared war I did not need anyone really to tell me how bad the war was . I had plenty of Mainstream media tell me how bad the war was every anti-Bush supporter told me it was bad. Did I really need Bradley Manning to tell me that Iraq war sucked? I know it sucked I saw our debt go up I saw the wasted money go into the war I have figures to reason that out did I really need Bradley manning telling Wikileaks what he told them to be convinced how unjust the war was? Now do not get me wrong I was In Iraq and I will tell you that what our soldiers did to those abominable muslims will be justified as probably a good thing in heaven but there are plenty abominable muslims to let the wrath of the screaming eagles out on but hey you know we need to take care of the ones who are attacking us first. Bradley Manning could of taken a dishonorable discharge and then released his complaint to the press. No like the idiot he was found out to be, he releases classified information to Wikileaks that did not tell us anything we did not already know. Those guys in a helicopter blowing up civilians having a good time are doing a job although not pretty it is their job to kill. If Bradley manning could not stomach it do not join up or find a way out. At the time before Edward Snowden let the press know about the NSA spying on our calls. The only people reporting such a thing were deemed by the Mainstream media as kooks and conspiracy nuts. Edward Snowden had  to be someone we could all love the liberal, The nuts and the conservatives and he was that . We knew he was pretty smart he had a hot girlfriend at home and did not want to change his name to Mary Snowden. He was credible. He had credentials and that is what we need to expose a violation of people's civil liberties. I think that pretty much sums it all . Bradley I hope this time in prison will give you time to mature and become a real man not a woman at the cost of taxpayer's money.

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