Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Alison Grimes hates coal but could also Hate guns


I have seen the Anti Coal agenda like Allison Grimes which is to promote bureaucratic operations like the E.P.A. who shut down operations on the basis of "Harmful' carbon Monoxide emission which we have no proof or actual evidence causing harm to this planet or to the state of Kentucky. Then on top of that we have a legitimate anti-2nd amendment jerk like Harvey Weinstein raising money for Alison Grimes. I know what you're saying you can't blame Allie because she got her money from Hugh Jass burger owner daddy or from gun Hating communist Harvey Weinstein but maybe she is stupid and Harvey Weinstein knows this and will manipulate her to vote Anti-gun either way it does not look good for her. She will have to understand that we will have a record of her vote in the Senate unlike her vote for whoever in 2008 0r 2012 we will know how she voted.

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