#Gamergate does it really Matter? Hate comments at the bottom please
I am a old guy and when I was younger entertainment was special and rare and pretty much saved for the weekends. Hollywood celebrities made money and some independent filmmakers could make a movie and their wealth from that movie could last them a lifetime. Did movies get bad? I do not know there are so many out there I kind of like the idea of a schmoe like me can take a good HD Camera or heck a 3d camera you can order from Amazon or Best buy make a movie or even a good movie sometimes. It really has taken Hollywood for a ride but just like anything you have to adapt. You now can watch a film that fits your Ideology or worldview. You are no longer subjected to a few musicians out there anymore you can listen to all kinds of musicians and even make you own music and we have the technology to thank for this. A lot of people would say it has caused more mediocrity but still we have some creativity that will slip through the so called mediocrity of music.
Computer games and Game consoles creators are still pretty much secluded and special from regular people like you and me sure we could create maybe smartphone games like candy crush or Angry Birds but to create such epic saga games like Call of Duty and Battlefield take long hours, weeks and months and sometimes years. The plot of these new games are sometimes better than the movies the writing for the last video games for the Batman series video games were not bad writing were as I find the Christopher Nolan Batman films too boring and long. I want to see entertainment when I watch films all though I enjoyed the the lesson of capitalism in the last Batman. I go to the movies to escape the work world I have to defend capitalism on a 24/7 basis. I enjoyed movies when I grew up we had to use our imagination a lot of times the black kid the white kid and even the Asian kid relates to Han Solo. We did not care about his politics, his race or even his sexuality. The idea was so that every kid could relate to the cool hero. It seems now that we have to spend more time developing the characters so much from their politics even the sexuality to racial past and plot sometimes gets thrown out the window. Lets take Horror films for instance I have been a horror film fan for a long time. I enjoyed horror films in the nineties because I was single and I would come home watch a horror film and fall asleep sometimes in my big Lazy boy. The characters of slasher films in particular went something like this some strong guy dies and the female character especially the virgin lives now this has been the ongoing outline for horror films since the 1978 "Halloween". This was alright maybe 40 years ago but we live in the 21st century because feminist saw an opportunity and especially since Carpenter a known leftist the pro-feminist took this as example and ways to show us the stupid men how in certain situations women are stronger than men. I will be honest if I was held hostage anywhere in the world and if I had a choice to be rescued by either a group of Male Navy seals or A group of Muscle Fitness women I would pick the Navy seals. The truth is the Male dominant Navy seals are better equipped and stronger than any female group of military personal that is not opinion that is facts when you want anything killed you are going to pick the Navy seals or just any Marine the bigger the male the better. What has happened now like the hero genre Movies of female hero films have gotten silly and stupid now 40 years ago they were cool because you were hoping as a pre-pubescent young one to see a possibility of breast but now to see a 250 pound six foot man Hammer a woman with his fist who is about 120 pounds and around 5'6 and she will not get a broken bone is stupid and unrealistic. I know you are wondering where I am going with this. I am trying to paint a picture of why Gamers are so concerned about the future of video games.The picture is of Hollywood ceasing to make films based solely on one's imagination and now worry about this market and that market.
You see Take George Lucas Please I mean when he created Star Wars he wanted to make a film like he grew up watching films they were based on Imagination you see the leftist political agenda had seized control of science fiction movies they pretty much lets just say sucked some involved environmental issues,social issues not just plain old storyline. Lucas wrote a film based on his imagination and borrowed from every genre of storytelling the point was he did not care about the female market or the Urban Market or any other market he just told the story. Now lets take the worst prequels ever made we get storyline about political agenda and targeting of audiences like the Urban market or even the Female market that is why we get more elaborate fashions for Natalie Portman and more contradictions and sometimes mis castings because of targeting certain audiences. The Star Wars prequels is a good example of trying to please everyone and less about storytelling. I do not know if there is special groups out there making sure more female characters are in a film but I know when I turn on my tv there is hardly any television for young men anymore. There are a few I admit but I think it is because hollywood is coming around a bit to gain back their audience they are losing to youtube. I think this is the fear of the gamers. It has been a great and free and fun time for video games and it has had a good and long run without being politicized and now it seems they do not want to be pulled that way. I believe in freedom of speech and I hope that is the outcome of all this. I do not know enough about video Games to get involved or even have enough passion about all this. I do however understand that the three major networks were not always liberal either it took the left demonizing the right so bad that they could not speak and took them the leftist media to turn the head and we the viewers because we did not have the technology affordable at the time we were subjected to their every word because they had control of the television media outlets.Whenever there was a scandal in the left crowd it took the net bloggers like Matt drudge and Andrew Breitbart to change all that is this where we are at in the video game world? The gamers at this time are like us the right who was forced to sit through the pro-left media for about forty years.If the feminist win it means the future of video games could be politicized and targeted for a certain audience not games based on imagination or creativity.The gamers want good games not crappy games to target an audience just because some girl is sleeping with some Software Mogul or Media informant who influence the gaming industry.
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