It has been over a year since I have attended an Anime convention. I really wanted to do something more fulfilling in my life so I started devoting more time to the Biffburroughs channel. We are living in a disturbing and a bad time in our lives Church attendance has dropped and nerd conventions like anime and science fiction convention attendance increases. Many deny they are religious and at the same time some have a klingon wedding and spend their extra money on scifi dolls and anime dolls and movies and various frivolous things here in America while children here in America in some places are starving and we watch the crime rate go up and then we are told by media that things are getting better because you know evolution teaches us we are evolving. Comic Con is a big example of proof we are not evolving. We are getting dumber and fatter and really just unsympathetic about current events. What in the name of Darwin would drive people away from what is actually happening in this nation to a convention where people dress up as Comic book Characters and not give a tinker's care about current situations like recent Supreme court rulings or the High Crime in Chicago or the Gaza Strip outbreak or the Undeclared Civil War in The Ukraine and the Rise of Unemployment but instead Gamers, Movie Goers and Manga and Comic Readers flock to conventions and report on who will be the next Avenger. There is a word for this kind of person I believe it is loser.
In a recent event at Comic Con we find an injury of a Zombie cosplayer during their annual Zombie walk and we cannot and will not place blame on the cosplayer but still it shows what these people are doing. I mean are we walking to end world hunger are we walking to end leukemia? No they are idiots dressing up like zombies to show everyone in San Diego that they are losers. I mean really I feel sorry for this woman who was injured but what are you doing with your life at 65 walking a zombie walk while we have starving children at the border? It amazes me that many of these losers will vote for Obama and make fun of religious people like Glenn Beck or Catholics but guess who are feeding those children the religious people who you make fun of? Where are the the Comic Conventions that are raising money for those Immigrants or Illegals? I am not Mormon and I am definitely not Catholic but I appreciate the Kindness of love these people are showing the unfortunate at least they are not dressing up like Zombies and disrupting traffic for such an unworthy reason.
The more I read about Benjamin Franklin the More I liked this guy. He lived a fantastic life and he was such a man of reason. He would put any educated person to shame that lives today. We have a lot to give thanks to this man but he was not perfect because he was a man but it is a shame there has been comic book conventions upon thousands across this world and not a few or some conventions to the history of the past of the great men like our founders. We are told that we should not Idolize or make heroes out of them instead our heroes should be fictional. I am sorry that is why we are sucking as a nation we study our history because we do not want to repeat certain events in history. If we study our history we will find a place called Rome that had troops all over the world and high Sexuall Immorality and they worshiped fictional gods or like what we call the myths or comic book heroes of those days. They erected temples to worship their gods or heroes just like attendees at Comic book convention honor their heroes. The summary of Rome is They partied while the world around them was falling apart. In a recent debate online I had a guy tell me he had no time to study history but at the same time he had time to debate. Do you understand where we are at? We have more people on Reddit arguing over who is the cutest cosplayer then we have on Reddit actually talking or making sense of our current Economic status. I bet I can find people who know who are the current Avengers are than know who Janet Yellen is or what the Federal reserve does.
In conclusion I am not making Comic book Conventions or Anime Conventions or whatever as a bad thing. I see kids that are searching at these Conventions. Conventions are a great place to share things. You can share the Gospel, Share the Freedom message , dress up as Benjamin Franklin talk to kids about history these are places that are calling for and asking for people to fill their minds. I have nothing but Praise for what the The Silver Circle People have done. They have adapted and has seen where the culture is going and I think we as conservatives need to adapt to get the message of economic freedom or social freedom out whether we have to make comics or make anime or just get off our butts and go to a convention to see what I have seen. Yes I have seen the negatives and I have seen the positives of Anime or Comic or Sci Fi Conventions but it is up to you if there is a calling in your heart to make a difference.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Need Money just leave Children in Car!
At the same time this crap is happening a veteran has to have a wheelchair built buy lowes employees oh but liberals are more worried about getting Abortion pills for women. I want to know number one this mother who left her kids in the car where is the Father in all this and number two why should I pay anything for someone who is to dumb to get birth control at the local clinic if she is just going to leave her kids in the car and let them suffer? These question do go through my mind I am not going to get into any of the other stuff like why I would not be able to raise any money for my kids if I left them in the car because I do not want to take anytime to do the research because I might get angrier than I already am well go ahead and give your money to pathetic mothers I rather spend my money on veterans who served their country but that is just me. There are plenty of good parents who would be glad to take care of these kids who do not leave kids in the car.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Oops! You see Nancy Pelosi this is why you read the laws before you pass them
Monday, July 21, 2014
Europeans stole Native American/s Land but Palestinians have a right to Israels
One thing this country abhors is racism it is intolerable and just despised by Americans when I was kid anyone that was racist was just was hated. You just knew when I was younger that opened racism was frowned on and Anti-semitism well that was another issue. Now I never would've heard the things I have a read on the internet especially about Israel when I was younger maybe by a few but most people know that Israel is a nation with boundaries that has been forced to compromise for many years because of their surroundings of Arabs. Zionist the new religion of the jewish people came on the scene around 300 to 400 Ad and also the doctrine of Universal Christianity Mohammed and his Satanic induced religion did not come around until 300 to 400 years later which would cause more wars than you can imagine. Islam the religion of war and False teaching from an Angel brought also hatred for the Jewish people. After being banished, Killed, Hated and persecuted the Jewish people found a home in Israel after World War 2 . Arabs were furious and many times Unsuccessfully tried to remove Israel off the map. A country who has never bombed us A country who is one of our biggest Allie. Islam and its Religion of Extinction of the Jewish people failed many times trying to exterminate the Israelis. Hamas is getting its ridiculously dumb butt literally kicked by Israel.
I have seen some of the dumbest post about Israel or the Jewish people and Ed schultz really takes the cake he says that Homosexuals were the ones really persecuted in the Holocaust. Here are Jews who were sent to the ovens in Germany by train being compared to a bunch of people who could easily hide their sexuality. You see as a man you can easily pretend to like women it is not that hard a lot of Jewish people tried to hide their origins but it is not that easy to do, Lineup 5 men and tell me which one is homesexual you will see they look alike. No so with the case with the jewish people. This is what we are dealing with intolerant jerks who puts sexuality as more important than someone's faith or their heritage. You see people should be able to take pride in their faith in God or the heritage instead we celebrate and take pride with who we sleep with not who we are in love with, you see love is not who we sleep with. When was the last time you seen a Faith Pride parade or a Native American parade ?seriously Ed are you that dumb or are you Anti-semitic? THis is what we are dealing with. If you believe America has the right to exist then Israel has the right to exist. At the same time Israel believes Palestine should exist but no they keep screwing with Israel and like many nations have learned earlier Israel is not someone who you want to screw with.
I have seen some of the dumbest post about Israel or the Jewish people and Ed schultz really takes the cake he says that Homosexuals were the ones really persecuted in the Holocaust. Here are Jews who were sent to the ovens in Germany by train being compared to a bunch of people who could easily hide their sexuality. You see as a man you can easily pretend to like women it is not that hard a lot of Jewish people tried to hide their origins but it is not that easy to do, Lineup 5 men and tell me which one is homesexual you will see they look alike. No so with the case with the jewish people. This is what we are dealing with intolerant jerks who puts sexuality as more important than someone's faith or their heritage. You see people should be able to take pride in their faith in God or the heritage instead we celebrate and take pride with who we sleep with not who we are in love with, you see love is not who we sleep with. When was the last time you seen a Faith Pride parade or a Native American parade ?seriously Ed are you that dumb or are you Anti-semitic? THis is what we are dealing with. If you believe America has the right to exist then Israel has the right to exist. At the same time Israel believes Palestine should exist but no they keep screwing with Israel and like many nations have learned earlier Israel is not someone who you want to screw with.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
How to defeat Rolling Stones Magazine and other 2nd Amendment haters.
The Rolling Stones Magazine was named after a religious fanatic who loved The Rolling stones so hence the name of the magazine. You see Rolling Stones magazine when I was growing up was about music particularly Rock and Roll music. Now Rolling Stones hilariously tries to flex its political musical which is like a four year old boy hitting on an adult woman. They hate the NRA which does a lot for communities like teaching gun safety and they are some of the ones who okay the Gun lockers that gun people buy. I do not and would not recommend buying a Gun locker unless it was recommended by the NRA just my opinion unless you can build a better one because after all I am an entrepreneur kind of guy build a better mousetrap or build a better gun locker. While The NRA tries to make the world a safer place for gun owners, magazines like Rolling Stones like to demonize the NRA like they are some bad men wanting to kill everyone when in fact most people know the NRA is very light compared to many hard core Gun associations but they are the biggest and I cannot deny the good they do especially when helping to make more living gun owners and that alone if you have kids is a reason I would recomend getting to know the organization and take advantage of the information they give out when it comes to gun safety. I love the 2nd Amendment but also love the tenth amendment as well and I respect every community and state that takes time to look at the good and bad of gun ownership but it is the tenth amendment that helps the states to differ on Gun laws. So here is my Steps in defunding the faceless and evil organization that is rollings stones or just the Crappy magazine for crappy music.
1. Make fun of them
Every time you see a stripper on the cover of Rolling Stones whether it be Nicki Minaj or Miley Cyrus make fun how stupid it is and how sold out the magazine has become. Tell the clerk at the store that you thought it was a biker magazine not a music magazine and in fact put it where the biker magazines are and make childish remarks or use Irritating name calling Like calling the magazine "Rolling Blows".
2. Hide The Rolling Stones Behind Unpopular Magazines
Put Rolling Stones Magazine Behind magazines like Martha Stewart's Living In Prison or something like that.
3. Don't Buy Rolling Stones
This is simple do not by rolling stones yes that is right just boycott and stick it to the man and do not buy the slow growth of American music magazine even if you are needing toilet paper.4. Listen And buy from Independent Music Artist.
Stop paying for music try your best to support local artist who hate the modern music industry that cannot discern from pornography or music or do what I do make your own music.
5. Send Rolling Stones a Copy of the 2nd Amendment
Remind Rolling Stones that Gun Ownership is a right and send them a copy of the Constitution maybe someone who is not high will realize that Gun ownership is a right.
6. make Rolling Stones a Member of the NRA
Pay for a lifetime membership for Rolling Stones magazine to be a member of the NRA to show them that being a member is not a sin .
Well these are just a few defunding motives or ways of defeating Rolling Stones magazine if you have anymore ways of that you know that can help defund or get rid of rolling stones magazine you can let me know in the comments below have a great day and God bless
Well these are just a few defunding motives or ways of defeating Rolling Stones magazine if you have anymore ways of that you know that can help defund or get rid of rolling stones magazine you can let me know in the comments below have a great day and God bless
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
If I was a rich Business owner I would leave America ADDIOS!!
One of the great things I can say is I have had the ability to see parts of the world and there is still parts of the world I would like to see like Japan and Hong Kong and a lot of Asia. I have a lot of friends who have taken residence in Thailand. Most of them are married and the reasons they are married I hope one of them is love and another reason is they own property in Thailand and to own property in Thailand you have to be Thai or married to a Thai and that is what they have done married a Thai. One of the reasons I have not took the route of a lot of my friends have of settling down in Thailand is nothing interest me in thailand I am not a Buddhist so I could care less about the giant swing and Hinduism and all that jazz I could get into Thai boxing and Thai food but that is about it. Thailand in recent years have had some recent troubles with Government and religious differences but that happens all around the world I still get pictures of my friends with their new houses and their wives usually younger than they are and they seemed to be happy but that does not interest me something about being creative has interested me. I know not everyone can be creative we creative people need to have non creative people to have something to dump are creativity on.
I have had the benefit of running some small businesses in the past I mean small minute from yard mowing, Recording music, I "franchised" a taco business and I even sold Amway and Health pills but never reached that Million a year mark yet but why would I here in America want to be rich and be an entrepreneur? You see unless you are an entertainer or a pop star or a Sport star you are evil white and just bad as a Millionaire business entrepreneur . Even though you have never done anything wrong as a business owner you check with the E.P.A.,F.D.A.,I.R.S.,D.H.S.,STATe REVENUE,OSHA,Attorney General of your state and Health Inspector and forgive me if I left anyone else out and we have to make sure those trucks are legal don't get me started on transportation. All these things and a lot more I have to get for a business to be declared legal all these legal things that I have to go through just to be a legal business owner yet I am accused of being evil and wrong. I have the documents that say I am legal and how am I wrong? That is one of the many reasons is if I ever reached to the position If I started making millions of dollars in a business I would just leave the United States. You see I am too old and fat and I am not female enough to dance and strip like Miley Cyrus and also I am too short to play Basketball and I am not "Gay" Enough to be an actor so my only choice to be a millionaire Business owner and not be demonized and be a person with no rights and I want to stay as a business owner and not receive dumps of feces from Occupy Wall street people would be to leave the United States.
One of the most stupid things that a Millionaire sport stars do is get married at a young age. I will give you some examples Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Mike Tyson all guilty of getting married to young or marrying someone who is too young. You are young you are rich You can take your time if a woman is rushing you to get married it is a good sign she is a Golddigger! First of all if you are wanting just sex why would you do it Why would you get Married? There are escorts that go for a 2,000 dollars a day in Carson city Nevada it would be a lot cheaper than all the legal crap you have to go through for Marriage it would cost you less in a divorce and all the headaches and worries. Is it companionship? If that is the case then create yourself a fake facebook account and find someone to talk to out there but goodness sake you are young and rich don't get married! See the world see something!You can hire a tour Guide join the national Guard like a lot of Athletes do but please do not give up on your dream by signing anything committing yourself legally to anyone unless you two have gained each other's trust maybe you dated her before college or before you were an athlete maybe someone like that but not some model you saw or actress at a game. She will bleed you dry and especially here in America where all women must be treated as a princesses no matter how slutty they are. This is another reason why I would leave the United States As a Millionaire Business owner. I would set up a business in Dubai where Beautiful Prostitutes run like water and I would hire me some great Nepal worker expats who I would pay maybe ten dollars an hour which I would have to pay probably for the same work I would have to pay three times more in The UNited States for doing the same job and not counting Insurance and what other crappy legalities I have to abide by. I would be respected in Dubai because hey I am bringing money in their economy where here the home of freedom I am called evil for employing people and I am at risk if I practice my religious beliefs having my business taken away or fined well not anymore thanks Hobby Lobby. We live in a sick society where a man of Faith who brings jobs to people is criticized and demonized and a man who dresses in a dress and lies to everyone that he is a woman because he takes medication that keeps his testerone down is a hero.
No in Dubai Mr. Green would not have to put up with the crap that he gets here employing many people but here he gets the right to worship his God by his conscience unlike Dubai where there is no religious freedom. I have great respect for anyone who has that great love for his God and his Country because I really don't. I have a feeling if I had Millions I would up and leave and enjoy the benefits of being rich but then I guess I do not have the heart and the Kindness and faith in Americans as much as he does so in some way I am Thankful God has not made me a millionaire. Maybe if God does make me the next Steve Jobs maybe by that time He would have soften my heart enough to keep up the good fight because what is at stake is a country that needs to get back to the Constitution and that is a far greater need than any riches on the face of the earth.
One of the most stupid things that a Millionaire sport stars do is get married at a young age. I will give you some examples Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Mike Tyson all guilty of getting married to young or marrying someone who is too young. You are young you are rich You can take your time if a woman is rushing you to get married it is a good sign she is a Golddigger! First of all if you are wanting just sex why would you do it Why would you get Married? There are escorts that go for a 2,000 dollars a day in Carson city Nevada it would be a lot cheaper than all the legal crap you have to go through for Marriage it would cost you less in a divorce and all the headaches and worries. Is it companionship? If that is the case then create yourself a fake facebook account and find someone to talk to out there but goodness sake you are young and rich don't get married! See the world see something!You can hire a tour Guide join the national Guard like a lot of Athletes do but please do not give up on your dream by signing anything committing yourself legally to anyone unless you two have gained each other's trust maybe you dated her before college or before you were an athlete maybe someone like that but not some model you saw or actress at a game. She will bleed you dry and especially here in America where all women must be treated as a princesses no matter how slutty they are. This is another reason why I would leave the United States As a Millionaire Business owner. I would set up a business in Dubai where Beautiful Prostitutes run like water and I would hire me some great Nepal worker expats who I would pay maybe ten dollars an hour which I would have to pay probably for the same work I would have to pay three times more in The UNited States for doing the same job and not counting Insurance and what other crappy legalities I have to abide by. I would be respected in Dubai because hey I am bringing money in their economy where here the home of freedom I am called evil for employing people and I am at risk if I practice my religious beliefs having my business taken away or fined well not anymore thanks Hobby Lobby. We live in a sick society where a man of Faith who brings jobs to people is criticized and demonized and a man who dresses in a dress and lies to everyone that he is a woman because he takes medication that keeps his testerone down is a hero.
No in Dubai Mr. Green would not have to put up with the crap that he gets here employing many people but here he gets the right to worship his God by his conscience unlike Dubai where there is no religious freedom. I have great respect for anyone who has that great love for his God and his Country because I really don't. I have a feeling if I had Millions I would up and leave and enjoy the benefits of being rich but then I guess I do not have the heart and the Kindness and faith in Americans as much as he does so in some way I am Thankful God has not made me a millionaire. Maybe if God does make me the next Steve Jobs maybe by that time He would have soften my heart enough to keep up the good fight because what is at stake is a country that needs to get back to the Constitution and that is a far greater need than any riches on the face of the earth.
Misperceptions about U.S. immigration policy behind surge of illegal children, report says
The 10-page July 7 report was issued by the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), which according to the Justice Department website is led by the DEA and incorporates Homeland Security. Its focus is on the collection and distribution of tactical intelligence, information which can immediately be acted on by law enforcement.
"Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said.
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., told reporters Tuesday, "It's a critical situation and if we don't deal with it urgently but well- done right- then we're facing a crisis of just huge proportions."
Diaz-Balart, who along with other lawmakers just visited Central America, described how human smugglers -- known as coyotes - are exploiting perceived changes to U.S. immigration law after the Obama administration decided in 2012 to practice prosecutorial discretion in cases where individuals were brought into the U.S. illegally as minors.
"The violence isn't new. The situation in those countries is not new," Diaz-Balart said. "These cartels have seen a weakness in the system. They've seen statements coming from the administration that they have used in order to just frankly increase the number of people coming over.
“Remember this is not a five-year-old or an 11-year-old can't just walk over the border and get to the United States. These are organized coyotes doing this.”
The intelligence assessment, which is unclassified but not meant to go beyond law enforcement, also cited data from the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime Statistics saying despite an explosion in the number of illegal minors, crime data for Central America actually showed a dip in violence.
"There's no doubt the message went out- go across border now the United States won't do anything about it," said Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas. "That came primarily from the coyotes who were transporting these kids. These coyotes - it really was something we weren't prepared for - they sort of advertised themselves, actually advertise, as social workers- we're gonna help you take your kids out of the poverty and the danger they have in these countries and put them in the United States, where they'll receive an education and be taken care of. And that was the message."
A draft chart obtained separately by Fox News, and circulating on Capitol Hill, showed data from Homeland Security projects that if current trends continue, as many as 90,000 illegal children will enter the U.S. by the end of this year and nearly double that,160,000, next year.
"We need a combination of things, want to swiftly and humanely return them to their home, said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. “Only until we do that will we stop the flow. So we need a message of deterrence."
While customs and border protection officials issued no statement about the intelligence report, Homeland Security officials stressed that a combination of factors, including a bad economy and security concerns, were behind the surge. Earlier this month, a media campaign was launched by the U.S. government in Central America to combat misperceptions about American laws.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Would getting rid of China's Most Favored Nation Status help with United States Immigration?
There are some people who think that capitalism involves civil government bailout money. It does not capitalism lets a business fall but at the same time you have the freedom to start up another business. I remember a guy from India saying that what he loved about America is that you can fail more than once basically he said in America you can fail more than once and get back up in India you do not have that luxury. I am a big believer in Tariffs especially here in America where our Civil Government would make lots of money in the past. NAFTA gave Free Trade to our Mexican friends and to Our Canadian friends and at the same time releasing them from the tough Tariffs that most other countries have to face which is not fair to other countries and you would think that with having free trade that the Americans would employ more Mexicans but large companies like Apple and Nike employ Chinese labor to work on your shoe or computer and then ship it to the United states so we can have a "Cheaper price". Lets see it is cheaper according to Apple and Nike to to build plants in China with their money to employ Chinese, build a product and spend money for a jet or boat and have them bring it to the United States and Charge you. Then just drive down to Mexico and build a plant and drive back here with the Product even though we have Free trade. Something is not right here.
In a Recent Article by Ron Paul Paul states "In fact much of the problem can be directly traced to the US drug war, which creates unlivable conditions in countries that produce narcotics for export to the US. Many of those interviewed over the past several weeks have cited violent drug gangs back home as a main motivation for their departure. Because some Americans want to use drugs here in the US, governments to the south are bribed and bullied to crack down on local producers. The resulting violence has destroyed economies and lives from Mexico to Nicaragua and beyond. Addressing the failed war on drugs would go a long way to solving the immigration crisis." In fact After all the debate to get a free trade agreement with Mexico we get a violent and disturbing Mexico and Bribed policeman and an uncomfortable place to do business the solution of course was the most favored status nation of China which stopped any further legislation to raise Tariffs to a Country called China where they force women to have abortions after they have two children. So the problem is after we have ended the "War On Drugs" we would still employ Chinese and probably not Mexicans.
The Immigration problem is it about jobs or is it about Entitlements or maybe both? Regardless if it is either why are we giving favoritism to China? The Same country that we fought against in The Korean War the last time I checked they did not drop the Communist party they are still communist. The cold war is over but it still lives in the heart of the Chinese Christian who is still jailed in China for not registering with the Chinese government. Brother Yun or Liu Zhenying who was imprisoned in China do a google search for more information. As much as I don't agree with Our Federal Government, Churches here in America who do not register as Churches here in America do not go to jail and our unlikely tortured. Y0u see as a Church you are not forced to to take a 501c3 status as a Church.Our Church where I lived has a large meeting of unregistered Churches almost every year that I know about. Why would you refuse here in America to register 501c3 status? Because once you take that status you are under corporate law which takes away a lot of rights that corporations do not have. Despite what liberals will tell you businesses are one of the most regulated entities here in America. You see why the Tea party is having trouble with the IRS you see it is better you pay taxes then sign your rights away. Try standing in front of the Judge and tell him you violated no law after filling a 501c3 status stating certain rights you signed away. My point is we still have a choice in this country unlike China.
Okay China Sucks you get it but a lot of countries suck and the point of this article is clear there is no reason to give China favoritism for being less sucky than most countries but if we ever fix the "Drug War" by stopping it you will see why we will have an Immigration problem but let us not forget government regulations on corporations that force them into employing foreigners. If our government would give our companies some breathing room to employ and pay whatever they wanted to because you see Apple and Nike need to make those shoes. We could drive a bus to Mexico and employ them in Texas or California have them make computer chips and Shoes all day and drive them back to Mexico. The point is once an Immigrant crosses this border the Federal Government forces business to pay him or her a certain salary because hey this is America even though that salary is higher than he will ever make in Mexico. The solution is simple to business they get an option either pay the Mexican on temporary visa 7.25 an hour or pay Chinese 2.50 an hour which would you pick ? I will give you time. You see 2.50 is less than 7.25. If you get rid of the Chinese Option yes you will be force to pay them 7.25 an hour but then corporations will find another way to lobby to pay another nation to pay their citizens 2.50 an hour. Or you could let Capitalism take its course and let corporations pay whatever they want and competition will raise the wages because once immigrants figure which company will pay them more they will go there. That is how real capitalism works.
So America enjoy your Federal Wage laws and your regulations on those greedy Corporations and your entitlements and your War on drugs while you can because once that well runs dry called rights there will be no where Immigrants to go to from Oppression because they will be running from Oppression from where they come from to Oppression here served American Style and I do not think we will be arguing about immigration by that time.
In a Recent Article by Ron Paul Paul states "In fact much of the problem can be directly traced to the US drug war, which creates unlivable conditions in countries that produce narcotics for export to the US. Many of those interviewed over the past several weeks have cited violent drug gangs back home as a main motivation for their departure. Because some Americans want to use drugs here in the US, governments to the south are bribed and bullied to crack down on local producers. The resulting violence has destroyed economies and lives from Mexico to Nicaragua and beyond. Addressing the failed war on drugs would go a long way to solving the immigration crisis." In fact After all the debate to get a free trade agreement with Mexico we get a violent and disturbing Mexico and Bribed policeman and an uncomfortable place to do business the solution of course was the most favored status nation of China which stopped any further legislation to raise Tariffs to a Country called China where they force women to have abortions after they have two children. So the problem is after we have ended the "War On Drugs" we would still employ Chinese and probably not Mexicans.
The Immigration problem is it about jobs or is it about Entitlements or maybe both? Regardless if it is either why are we giving favoritism to China? The Same country that we fought against in The Korean War the last time I checked they did not drop the Communist party they are still communist. The cold war is over but it still lives in the heart of the Chinese Christian who is still jailed in China for not registering with the Chinese government. Brother Yun or Liu Zhenying who was imprisoned in China do a google search for more information. As much as I don't agree with Our Federal Government, Churches here in America who do not register as Churches here in America do not go to jail and our unlikely tortured. Y0u see as a Church you are not forced to to take a 501c3 status as a Church.Our Church where I lived has a large meeting of unregistered Churches almost every year that I know about. Why would you refuse here in America to register 501c3 status? Because once you take that status you are under corporate law which takes away a lot of rights that corporations do not have. Despite what liberals will tell you businesses are one of the most regulated entities here in America. You see why the Tea party is having trouble with the IRS you see it is better you pay taxes then sign your rights away. Try standing in front of the Judge and tell him you violated no law after filling a 501c3 status stating certain rights you signed away. My point is we still have a choice in this country unlike China.
Okay China Sucks you get it but a lot of countries suck and the point of this article is clear there is no reason to give China favoritism for being less sucky than most countries but if we ever fix the "Drug War" by stopping it you will see why we will have an Immigration problem but let us not forget government regulations on corporations that force them into employing foreigners. If our government would give our companies some breathing room to employ and pay whatever they wanted to because you see Apple and Nike need to make those shoes. We could drive a bus to Mexico and employ them in Texas or California have them make computer chips and Shoes all day and drive them back to Mexico. The point is once an Immigrant crosses this border the Federal Government forces business to pay him or her a certain salary because hey this is America even though that salary is higher than he will ever make in Mexico. The solution is simple to business they get an option either pay the Mexican on temporary visa 7.25 an hour or pay Chinese 2.50 an hour which would you pick ? I will give you time. You see 2.50 is less than 7.25. If you get rid of the Chinese Option yes you will be force to pay them 7.25 an hour but then corporations will find another way to lobby to pay another nation to pay their citizens 2.50 an hour. Or you could let Capitalism take its course and let corporations pay whatever they want and competition will raise the wages because once immigrants figure which company will pay them more they will go there. That is how real capitalism works.
So America enjoy your Federal Wage laws and your regulations on those greedy Corporations and your entitlements and your War on drugs while you can because once that well runs dry called rights there will be no where Immigrants to go to from Oppression because they will be running from Oppression from where they come from to Oppression here served American Style and I do not think we will be arguing about immigration by that time.
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