I am tough on people who violate the law lets face it if you murder someone you should be destined for the Electric chair or maybe even Lethal injection or just dropped into the middle of an ISIS terrorist training camp. I admit I like the ability of having social media and the ability to have free speech. I think people have the right to express their views and you have a right to express why the Rams players should not have shown support for the Michael Brown protesters you can call them all kinds of names that is your right. We have to remember just because the Rams players support Michael Brown hands up gesture does not mean they support rioters or looters their gesture simply states that Cops should not shoot people for no reason and we should be all for that. The same way I put up three fingers on my hand to represent the deaf hand signal for I love you and not the popular Goat Of Mendes sign in Heavy Metal. I used to like football but it has become too slow paced for me and political and just too few of games and too little of teams that are competing and you pretty much know the outcome of most games before they actually happen that is why I have become more of a basketball fan because an underdog can come in and take a game and most of the time you won't expect it games are played more often and the game is fast paced there are so many games that you do not not really have time to focus on players' wives before the actual event unlike football but that is for another blog.
I will start this paragraph by saying if the players in anyway disrupted the game I can logically conclude that some sort of penalty should be enacted but if they are penalized it could be a bad precedent for the NFL. If the Rams Players are penalized what is next? Could The NFL penalize praying on the sideline? We saw the evil social media attacks upon Tim Tebow. Free speech needs to be encouraged at the NFL as long as it does not disrupt the games. There will always be opposing sides of football games from the flat top conservatives of the Johnny Unitas fans to the Hippie liberal Joe Namath Sideburn Fans. Each need to be allowed to have equal representation in the sport but at the same time allowed free and equal time and place as long it does not disrupt the game. Of course you players have fun make some money for your town and most of all let Freedom ring!
Some how Keira Knightly going topless is going to make me stop using Photoshop some how Keira Knightley's boobs are going to make me throw out my photoshop program. You know if Keira was an old man running around naked telling everyone that Photoshop was evil we would call that person Senile or crazy. Am I the only who thinks that getting naked for a cause does not help that cause out? Keira Knightley maybe needs to check her sanity out did she not star in a movie that included a tons of CGI effects or in fact a series of Box Office hits that was pretty much a CGI Movie? The same Keira Knightley is telling everyone not to use Photoshop but will use makeup and other beauty enhancements as well in a movie that is a fictional story, seriously grow up. There is another delusional Celebrity flopping her boobs around and that celebrity is unfunny comedian Chelsea Handler who can't get a laugh but if there is a liberal cause she is the first to unlatch her bra. Why? You might ask because I guess her boobs have magical powers. We must not forget PETA who has had several Celebrities bare it all as pieces of meat but if Hustler does the same thing it is considered degrading to women or objectifying them. Name one time or give me one testimony where one person has come over to the dark side of Social Justice by seeing a Pair of breasts or even Floppy wieners for that Matter. When has One person said "I was going to eat Meat but then I saw Pamela Anderson's Photo Shopped body I changed my mind" when I see Pamela Anderson I think do not marry Kid Rock or Tommy Lee Jones. Why is there not an ad For that?
This is been a long history of Stupidity where we have had to see John Lennon and his entire family naked for peace. It may cause awareness but it does not really change anyone's mind. Violence is another way to create awareness but it be stupid to shoot someone for a cause however you can terrorize innocent business owners to raise awareness for Police brutality. Celebrities are told that violence never solves anything even though Hitler's dead corpse would tell you otherwise. The only thing celebrities can do is go to what they do best I guess which is stripping so why not for a cause then instead of just for money? The truth is violence has stopped evil Tyrants, stopped evil Clerics and Punished Murderers and also Dangerous Animals that might cause harm to children so Yay Violence! However Naked Celebrities have stopped well just about nothing and may have just caused more people to say "How much Attention do you really need?"
Lets talk about what is happening in Ferguson Missouri. This pothead who died and stole 40 dollars worth of cigars and then these out of towners are burning the city down. I am very disappointed I would have at very least expected Darrel Wilson the Officer Accused of gunning down Michael Brown be put on trial with a jury among his peers. I was not there with the grand jury who had listened to about 60 witnesses and saw three different versions Autopsies of the Body of Michael Brown and a Grand Jury that included three African Americans no I do not know why they did not put him on trial. We know four people who died in Benghazi was a phony Scandal but this pothead Michael Brown now thats a priority of our Federal Government. We have to send Eric Holder down there to Ferguson Missouri because I guess we are just too dumb down here in the midwest to know how to give out Justice that is for you the Big Government people to figure out we are too stupid down here. This is where we are at we are more concerned about a Pothead than real Priorities.
If someone were to ask me what is the worst form of government there was I would tell them like people care what a mean Squirrel thinks. It would be slavery. Slavery is the worst form of government think about it you are treated like Property and most of all you have no say pretty much. At the birthing of this great nation a small minority owned slaves by 1840 all blacks in the north were free and the rise of slaves rose about 25% out of that 25%, 2 percent owned were black masters owned black slaves and another percent were slaved to Native American tribes in Federal territories oh but no one wants to talk about that. I know in my heart I could never own a slave number one I like doing things myself and number two I do not like people touching my Junk you hear that TSA! You see some people though they're too good to do things on their own they have to have people waiting on them hand and foot that makes me very uncomfortable. You say but Poxy half of the Founders were Slave owners and Half of them were rich Plantation owners as well. The other ones were already caught up in the abolitionist movement and was hoping the constitution would be the document that would free the slaves. Again people who think they could not get that crop on time were slave owners never content with the money that they could have but wanted more. You know greed like George Whitfield who hated the abuse of slaves but at the same time was okay with getting that money to line his pockets because he felt the Georgia Harvest would never get out in time. Who is going to pick that Tobacker?
After Slavery was abolished it did not take long for people to figure ways to get those mators out by the twentieth century workers in Texas and California could travel on a temporary visa permit to get those carrots and produce out so that farmers could save money. People in Hollywood took advantage.Now think about this is the same people who will go on strike at the drop of the hat if their standard of living is not met would hire the cheapest labor to wash their windows or vacuum their rugs.
Because of regulations Our Government has pushed on businesses and farmers it has put them in a tough situation. THey can't lower the wages on American Citizens but it is okay if we do it on Illegals and Temporary Visa workers. I find this so stupid to wipe the slate clean on over thousands of people who have sneaked across the border and say well now you are Americans the next thing you will have them demanding the same wage and benefits as the American citizens and guess what it is already happening it is a vicious cycle. In a booming economy this would be okay but our economy sucks in a society we can barely take care of the people we got that already are drowning in our welfare system. You see most politicians want Amnesty because they are well off they have Jose and Carmelita doing their lawn and doing their dishes while the American worker has to wait for the next day off to get to take care of their lawn. You can't now pay the kid next door because he is so drunk on Ritalin or in some cities have made it Illegal for kids to babysit or mow lawns or pick tomatoes. Look if our kids were allowed to work I doubt any of them would need Ritalin and I doubt they would want to kill anyone and Obesity would be definitely be down big time! Now think about this our country says it is against Child Labor but went to India and praised Child Labor in India for picking Cotton give me a Break but if you had your own Business and employed a few neighbor kids you would be fined big time ug We are so screwed. So when you make Illegals legal you are back where you started you are going have to find someone else to pick your tomatoes and I have no Idea where you are going to get them. If our government does not cut back on spending and stop requiring so much regulations on business for workers in the United States we are heading for disaster. Well there you go people my suggestion is do it on your own so that you do not get caught up in the vicious cycle.
One thing the left likes to do is change the meaning of words they love doing this and some of the words become ridiculous if you look at the root of the word an example is the word homophobic as you know the phobia suffix come from the root of meaning fear however homo is a prefix for the same such as Homosexual meaning Homo the prefix means the same and the suffix sexual having to do with sex. Therefore if you combine Homo Prefix meaning the same and the suffix Phobia having to do with fear you get the word HomoPhobia or the Fear of the Same.Now that is what Homophobia means if you have a basic education but the left has nothing to do with facts they tell us that Homophobia means someone who hates Homosexuals. You see they love changing the meaning of the words and in the process of changing words they have changed the meaning of the word racism which means according Webster's definition is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.Now the left definition is a as follows anyone who is white talking about race. This has backfired on the Left so now we the Right can judge them the leftist for their racist statements based on their definition of what they think racism is. Bill Maher who loves to tiptoe the line with stereotypical humor that something like early comedians like Lenny Bruce would use in his stand up all the time which is deemed offensive and racist by many. I am not saying Bill is racist but if he went by the standards he says in his jokes that make conservatives racist then he would be a racist by his joke standards and that is why I do not use jokes or the mainstream media as a guideline to what racism is. I like Websters dictionary definition better I think it has a little more credibility than jokes by Bill Maher. Bill Maher however exposed a panel of leftist who do not know what racism is by quoting the words of what Michelle Obama said and telling the panel that Paul Ryan said them . Paul Ryan never used any color but because he was talking about the City the left assumes he is talking about black people even though there are whites that are poor and don't forget other colors as well but they love using this stuff for dumb voters who actually think they are getting "Free" Healthcare. You know the University Types who do not even know the Bill of Rights. When Bill Colbert did a so called racist statement as part of his skit or whatever he does on the The Colbert Report he was called out by an Asian activist who said he was being racist. The NPR instead of just reporting Bill Colbert being racist as they would call Paul Ryan for saying the words inner city they actually blamed Rush Limbaugh their reasoning is that Bill Colbert is making fun of Rush Limbaugh and that is false. Bill Colbert is really has been and correct me if I am wrong the Mocking of Bill 'O'reilly. Rush is a radio personality not a television personality. NPR actually said that Rush had a history of Racism they are actually defending someone like Bill Colbert who is breaking their own leftist taboo. You made the rules stick to your own rules. Finally I get to share this a Dumb feminist says Asian women need to stop dating White men thats right a super fem nazi wants you the Asian woman to stop dating White men. She even starts sounding like a redneck stereotype from a left wing show. She even blames the Patriarchy for Asian women dating White men. I am sure a lot of Japanese women love going home after working all day and serving their Japanese men in Japan it's a different culture so I respect that. Now I am not stupid I am not going stereotype the typical Japanese woman that would make me as bad as this dumb femnazi. She even has the ludicrous notion that Asian women are yellow thats right she said they are yellow I do not know that many yellow Asians I know a few porcelain skinned ones you little cuties you. She says that White men trick these Asian women into dating them. The term lady is courting, tricking the other mate is how we get marriage and how you and I were probably born both parties have to see something in the mate to procreate this is something that has been going on for ages that is how short men get beautiful women they give the woman a perception that they are taller and ugly women use Makeup to convince men they are beautiful .White women trick white men into marrying them all the time so payback sucks! Now she not only thinks that Asian women are yellow but that they are too stupid to date white men this is a culture that has thrived through the dawning of time in science they invented Bifocals,Gunpowder and leads the world through technology. The bottom line no culture can outsmart or understand what love is no scientist has figured out what love is and yes you will never understand what love is but Thank God it exist or you and I would not be writing blogs. No race is more advance than another but that would be racist if anyone thinks that. The sum of this article is simple it is not cool to stereotype any culture any race any sex and one these days I want to elaborate more on that.
Jon Stewart on his Comedic News Show Daily show made strong Accusations against the
Republican candidates in desperate hopes in trying to prevent the inevitable at the time. Jon
Stewart and many liberals were about to witness the Senate to be handed over to the
Republicans so in desperate attempt to try to convince democrats not to vote for Republican made a laughable assumption that Republicans ran on fear tactics to get elected and used Ebola and ISIS as the terror. It is funny because I know why every Republican and Democrat and INdependent Voted for Republicans because they were voting Against Obama and the Elected Democrats.I will really talk about who has Instilled more fear than Republicans that would be Democrats.
No one Has Health care Insurance If You vote Republican
We were told for many times that if we did not get Obamacare passed that we would not get
insurance coverage even though in the three times I was involved with medical hospitals I
paid many of the large bills by small payments monthly. I called the Hospital and Told them I
could not afford it they said that is okay you can pay by payments and I walked to the hospital
and I paid my bill with money from my wallet and the last time I got a big bill I was offered by a
Christian ministry to help pay for my bills oh but those Christians are evil.
The Earth Will Burn Up If You Vote Republican
Global Warming scare how many times are we told that Polar Bears are going to die from
Non Scientist like Al Gore and even if there is real damage to the Earth how in the world do
you plan to fix it because putting harmful regulations on local Coal plants is not helping and
please stop telling me we are going to burn up when at the time I am writing this I am freezing
my butt off. Al Gore is not a Scientist He Has Big “Green” Investments While he Lives In a
MAnsion and Drives a SUV.
War On Women in America
Give me a break how many White Privileged Princesses am I am going to have to hear from that there is a war On Women? You cannot scare Women in voting democrat but apparently you
can, we also have Democrats wanting to pass more redundant laws while we know that there
is a sex discrimination law. The democrats want to pass another one If I had actual evidence I
could go along with you. I challenge any of you go to your LOcal Walmart and ask Women
and Men who do the same job and Same Seniority if they are paid around the same you know
they will say yes. I want one example where A coffee grinder at Starbucks that is a woman
who put in the same time as a man is making less money that her male counterpart you might find in some cases the woman might make more money. Again Fear Tactics from the Democrats and Liberals!!
Minorities Will never ever get to vote again If You Vote Republican!!
THis is so funny when I went to vote I showed a Photo Id to vote but for some reason this is
racist and will suppress voting However I must give my life history to apply for Obamacare. For some Reasons these liberals never complain about Photo Identification for Drawing Unemployment, Drawing Welfare,Drawing Food Stamps, or Driving a car, renting a House or Owning A house or To get A LOan, or To get a Job, or to buy Alcohol Or Cigarettes and you have to have a photo ID to obtains these things I have just previously mentioned. You're telling Me that Minorities Never Drink or Smoke or Drive and
therefore cannot vote. I would love to meet these Jobless, Homeless Non Welfare Drawing UnInsured, Non Unemployment Drawing Individuals who never Smoke or Drink or Drive that do not have Photo ID and we know they are not kids because guess what you have to have A Photo ID to go to School !It was Democrats who Pointed that Electronic voting Machines were owned by Families that were from relatives of Bush and Romney so thank you Democrats for making it a lot harder to cheat in this election you have no one to blame but yourself. I will talk more about Fear mongering how about telling People That a Certain Conservative Group
wants to put Minorities back in Chains especially when the group has Minorities in it, or How Liberal Huffington Post said that when the Hobby Lobby Decision was made that America would bring back Stoning! Fear Mongering that is what the Democrats is filled with it is Fear mongering because if they relied on facts they would not have voters. If they can not Paint Conservatives as the KKK,NAzis, wanting to sneak in your Vagina even through An ultrasound is much less painful than a An Abortion is somehow invading a woman's right What about The 20 Week old baby's right? If they cannot scare the average Kim Kardashian KAnye West Fan to vote they lose unless they can hurry up make them Illegals Legal. I have seen some of the silliest Phobias conceived by Huffington Post and the Salon and it looks LIke CNN is on the bandwagon for More Libertarian views that Fox has taken. Why because people are tired of the Fear mongering and just want Liberty. They Want More freedom for small Businesses and for families with
School choices. When you Democrats start giving us choices instead of regulations then we will
go back to voting for you. I do not vote for fear I vote on what is best for this nation.
Should I be happy about Bill Maher being asked to be banned from Berkley? I do not think I should be happy but I am glad he is getting a little taste of his own medicine. Bill Maher spent most of his time on on his Real Time actually mocking and name calling fiscal conservatives and branding them as racist so in the whole spirit of Irony Bill gets called a Racist. Why was he called a Racist? He brought out over and over his views of the Muslim Religion. I would say Bill would agree with me that Radical Islam has caused more deaths in recent years than Radical Christianity. You can not even compare Islam to Christianity. The Founder of Islam was a known Pedophile however Jesus wasn't and Jesus claimed to be the Incarnate of God a major factor of the Christian Religion so Muhammad's purpose as a founder of a cult is just silly and merely harmful poison to the world because he and like many other cult leaders who took from corrupt text of scripture and used them to spread hate have become murderous animals killing pro zionist and non zionist alike while at the same time oppressing women and killing any that disagree with their cult . Bill knows that Israel has a right to exist and the people there in Israel who were driven away from almost every country in the world are threatened daily by the Muslim knights of Satan. Bill has a bit of Jewish ancestry in him and there is nothing wrong with that and I admire that he stands by his heritage I wish some people would do the same thing about their American heritage. I want to know where was A Berkley UNiversity Ban when Bill Mocks the God of the Old Testament and the New as well.?Christians get the venomous hate from the left all the time. Why? I know why Christians do not Kill people if they disagree with them. There are not any physical crusades or lists out there to kill any Agnostic which is what an Atheist turns into when you debate them .The gutless "ATheist" crowd who hate and despise and Insult Christians but fear death from Muslims are just cowards hiding behind the Tolerant and forgiving Christian Crowd. We Christians become like Samuel and have to remember that they are rejecting God and not us so they will be judged by God so there is no reason for me to Judge them I tell them the truth then I should move on. Bill I wish you would learn how it does hurt when you call a conservative racist and uncaring when most church tithes go to feed the poor and orphanages and missions around the world set up to feed the hungry and the countless Hospitals out there named after Saints and Denominations. I mean When have you taken a person to Dawkins Hospital? St. Judes Hospital one of the greatest charitable Organizations out there In America was founded on Biblical Principles of Giving Why do I bring this up? I know of no Atheistic Charitable organizations out there. Any conservative who is out there feeding the poor at the Christian Church or the Person who wants Sanity to an Overtaxed burden that is placed on America because that is not the America our Founders Wanted are pushing an average of more than 45% of Income taken away constantly from the Middle class on the average Mom and Dad are taken away from the home to keep their homes from going up for sale where they cannot Raise children and many are losing their health Insurance and Doctors from Obamacare and when They go to their town hall meetings wanting justice the last thing they need to be called is Racist it does hurt you inside and you know it does put us on the defensive and you know it is wrong because the Idea of fiscal conservatism has nothing to do with racism as with Islam which is not a race and taxes are not a race but you and the liberal pundits keep spewing out the term racism but like the boy who cried Wolf you and Berkeley may actually be faced with real racism and no one may believe you because you have made it just another joke .
I am a old guy and when I was younger entertainment was special and rare and pretty much saved for the weekends. Hollywood celebrities made money and some independent filmmakers could make a movie and their wealth from that movie could last them a lifetime. Did movies get bad? I do not know there are so many out there I kind of like the idea of a schmoe like me can take a good HD Camera or heck a 3d camera you can order from Amazon or Best buy make a movie or even a good movie sometimes. It really has taken Hollywood for a ride but just like anything you have to adapt. You now can watch a film that fits your Ideology or worldview. You are no longer subjected to a few musicians out there anymore you can listen to all kinds of musicians and even make you own music and we have the technology to thank for this. A lot of people would say it has caused more mediocrity but still we have some creativity that will slip through the so called mediocrity of music.
Computer games and Game consoles creators are still pretty much secluded and special from regular people like you and me sure we could create maybe smartphone games like candy crush or Angry Birds but to create such epic saga games like Call of Duty and Battlefield take long hours, weeks and months and sometimes years. The plot of these new games are sometimes better than the movies the writing for the last video games for the Batman series video games were not bad writing were as I find the Christopher Nolan Batman films too boring and long. I want to see entertainment when I watch films all though I enjoyed the the lesson of capitalism in the last Batman. I go to the movies to escape the work world I have to defend capitalism on a 24/7 basis. I enjoyed movies when I grew up we had to use our imagination a lot of times the black kid the white kid and even the Asian kid relates to Han Solo. We did not care about his politics, his race or even his sexuality. The idea was so that every kid could relate to the cool hero. It seems now that we have to spend more time developing the characters so much from their politics even the sexuality to racial past and plot sometimes gets thrown out the window. Lets take Horror films for instance I have been a horror film fan for a long time. I enjoyed horror films in the nineties because I was single and I would come home watch a horror film and fall asleep sometimes in my big Lazy boy. The characters of slasher films in particular went something like this some strong guy dies and the female character especially the virgin lives now this has been the ongoing outline for horror films since the 1978 "Halloween". This was alright maybe 40 years ago but we live in the 21st century because feminist saw an opportunity and especially since Carpenter a known leftist the pro-feminist took this as example and ways to show us the stupid men how in certain situations women are stronger than men. I will be honest if I was held hostage anywhere in the world and if I had a choice to be rescued by either a group of Male Navy seals or A group of Muscle Fitness women I would pick the Navy seals. The truth is the Male dominant Navy seals are better equipped and stronger than any female group of military personal that is not opinion that is facts when you want anything killed you are going to pick the Navy seals or just any Marine the bigger the male the better. What has happened now like the hero genre Movies of female hero films have gotten silly and stupid now 40 years ago they were cool because you were hoping as a pre-pubescent young one to see a possibility of breast but now to see a 250 pound six foot man Hammer a woman with his fist who is about 120 pounds and around 5'6 and she will not get a broken bone is stupid and unrealistic. I know you are wondering where I am going with this. I am trying to paint a picture of why Gamers are so concerned about the future of video games.The picture is of Hollywood ceasing to make films based solely on one's imagination and now worry about this market and that market.
You see Take George Lucas Please I mean when he created Star Wars he wanted to make a film like he grew up watching films they were based on Imagination you see the leftist political agenda had seized control of science fiction movies they pretty much lets just say sucked some involved environmental issues,social issues not just plain old storyline. Lucas wrote a film based on his imagination and borrowed from every genre of storytelling the point was he did not care about the female market or the Urban Market or any other market he just told the story. Now lets take the worst prequels ever made we get storyline about political agenda and targeting of audiences like the Urban market or even the Female market that is why we get more elaborate fashions for Natalie Portman and more contradictions and sometimes mis castings because of targeting certain audiences. The Star Wars prequels is a good example of trying to please everyone and less about storytelling. I do not know if there is special groups out there making sure more female characters are in a film but I know when I turn on my tv there is hardly any television for young men anymore. There are a few I admit but I think it is because hollywood is coming around a bit to gain back their audience they are losing to youtube. I think this is the fear of the gamers. It has been a great and free and fun time for video games and it has had a good and long run without being politicized and now it seems they do not want to be pulled that way. I believe in freedom of speech and I hope that is the outcome of all this. I do not know enough about video Games to get involved or even have enough passion about all this. I do however understand that the three major networks were not always liberal either it took the left demonizing the right so bad that they could not speak and took them the leftist media to turn the head and we the viewers because we did not have the technology affordable at the time we were subjected to their every word because they had control of the television media outlets.Whenever there was a scandal in the left crowd it took the net bloggers like Matt drudge and Andrew Breitbart to change all that is this where we are at in the video game world? The gamers at this time are like us the right who was forced to sit through the pro-left media for about forty years.If the feminist win it means the future of video games could be politicized and targeted for a certain audience not games based on imagination or creativity.The gamers want good games not crappy games to target an audience just because some girl is sleeping with some Software Mogul or Media informant who influence the gaming industry.
7 Things I Can Do That My Black Son Can’t is a sappy and White guilt ridden article and proof once again that liberals are so Obsessed with race. I thought I would help you out Mr. Hennick and give you some positive input on seven things that your black son can do that you can't lets start with number one
1. He can use Racial Slurs
That's right your son can makes racist jokes call white people crackers and make fun of Asians at comedy clubs and no one person will bat an eye. He can use the "N" word over and over in a rap song and no one cares.
2. He can yell Racism when he gets pulled over
He can yell racism everywhere he goes even though there is none involved and if he gets murdered by a white cop he may get Jesse Jackson to preach at his funeral but if he is killed by a black cop heaven forbid no one cares because there is no racism involved where as you will get laughed at or even ridiculed to even suggest that a black cop was following you because of your race.
3. He can Belong to a Segregated Group and get Respect
Thats right your son can join all kinds of Black only Fraternal type organizations in colleges that secludes your white guilty pasty butt whereas if you wanted to start a club for whites only at a college campus it is deemed as hate so there is another thing your son can do.
4.He can Take Advantage Of Affirmative Action
Your Employer has a quota of white workers he can hire and guess what when he gets to a certain number of employees no matter how stupid or unqualified your son is when
it comes to the quota of the number of blacks your firm has to hire guess who gets hired and who doesn't thats right your son does and he does not have to be the qualified individual either
5. He can still be a victim no matter where he is brought up
No matter how well he is brought up he gets to look like he struggled all his life for instance privileged half blacks like Barack Obama who never held a real job in his life will always look like they are the underdogs even though they ate at the same restaurants and they went to the same schools as the other privileged spoiled brats because of that magical black in them that makes them special they can lie and tell every one they struggled even though they had it good
6. He can get away with a hate Crime
I hope your son never grows up and takes up in any teenage mischief but if your son decides to he can participate in crime games that are racially motivated like the knockout game and not be charged with a hate crime where as you my friend actually defend your family against a Black perpetrator could be charged with a Hate Crime.
7.He can Hate White people and no one cares
That's right no matter how many white people feed him and pay for his clothes and give him nice things he can grow up hating the "white devil" and get to keep his job while you on the other hand group black individuals together in a group which is in my opinion morally wrong but at the same time a right because you have a right in this country to Hate no one should be charged for hate. We can't send people to jail for hate speech for you have a right to free speech in this country even if I disagree with it however you would probably lose your job or be shunned by your neighbors while your son can post about crackers and Honkys all day and get away with it.
So cheer up Mr Hennick there are so many things your son will get to do that you will never have a "Privilege" Of doing !
The civil rights commission is very concerned about Houston's Attorney General's request for sermons of Churches who opposed the "Bathroom bill" this is getting out of hand now the Civil Rights commission is leaning toward the pastors what does that tell us? The link to the letter from the Civil Rights commission
1. You stock up on bullets and not Birth Control 2.You work Hard more than you Party hard 3. You have Extra Money you invest it instead of spending it 4. You Immediately think Libertarian when someone says the lesser of two evils.
5. someone ask you if you have spare change and your response is "that is none of your business" 6. You see hunting and fishing as training for the economic collapse
7. You blame yourself instead of others if you fail
8. Your teach your kids how to shoot before you teach them about sex
9. You know what sex you are and you do not dwell on it
10. Human Life is more important to you than some tree