I am tough on people who violate the law lets face it if you murder someone you should be destined for the Electric chair or maybe even Lethal injection or just dropped into the middle of an ISIS terrorist training camp. I admit I like the ability of having social media and the ability to have free speech. I think people have the right to express their views and you have a right to express why the Rams players should not have shown support for the Michael Brown protesters you can call them all kinds of names that is your right. We have to remember just because the Rams players support Michael Brown hands up gesture does not mean they support rioters or looters their gesture simply states that Cops should not shoot people for no reason and we should be all for that. The same way I put up three fingers on my hand to represent the deaf hand signal for I love you and not the popular Goat Of Mendes sign in Heavy Metal. I used to like football but it has become too slow paced for me and political and just too few of games and too little of teams that are competing and you pretty much know the outcome of most games before they actually happen that is why I have become more of a basketball fan because an underdog can come in and take a game and most of the time you won't expect it games are played more often and the game is fast paced there are so many games that you do not not really have time to focus on players' wives before the actual event unlike football but that is for another blog.
I will start this paragraph by saying if the players in anyway disrupted the game I can logically conclude that some sort of penalty should be enacted but if they are penalized it could be a bad precedent for the NFL. If the Rams Players are penalized what is next? Could The NFL penalize praying on the sideline? We saw the evil social media attacks upon Tim Tebow. Free speech needs to be encouraged at the NFL as long as it does not disrupt the games. There will always be opposing sides of football games from the flat top conservatives of the Johnny Unitas fans to the Hippie liberal Joe Namath Sideburn Fans. Each need to be allowed to have equal representation in the sport but at the same time allowed free and equal time and place as long it does not disrupt the game. Of course you players have fun make some money for your town and most of all let Freedom ring!
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