Jon Stewart on his Comedic News Show Daily show made strong Accusations against the
Republican candidates in desperate hopes in trying to prevent the inevitable at the time. Jon
Stewart and many liberals were about to witness the Senate to be handed over to the
Republicans so in desperate attempt to try to convince democrats not to vote for Republican made a laughable assumption that Republicans ran on fear tactics to get elected and used Ebola and ISIS as the terror. It is funny because I know why every Republican and Democrat and INdependent Voted for Republicans because they were voting Against Obama and the Elected Democrats.I will really talk about who has Instilled more fear than Republicans that would be Democrats.
No one Has Health care Insurance If You vote Republican

insurance coverage even though in the three times I was involved with medical hospitals I
paid many of the large bills by small payments monthly. I called the Hospital and Told them I
could not afford it they said that is okay you can pay by payments and I walked to the hospital
and I paid my bill with money from my wallet and the last time I got a big bill I was offered by a
Christian ministry to help pay for my bills oh but those Christians are evil.
The Earth Will Burn Up If You Vote Republican

Non Scientist like Al Gore and even if there is real damage to the Earth how in the world do
you plan to fix it because putting harmful regulations on local Coal plants is not helping and
please stop telling me we are going to burn up when at the time I am writing this I am freezing
my butt off. Al Gore is not a Scientist He Has Big “Green” Investments While he Lives In a
MAnsion and Drives a SUV.
War On Women in America

can, we also have Democrats wanting to pass more redundant laws while we know that there
is a sex discrimination law. The democrats want to pass another one If I had actual evidence I
could go along with you. I challenge any of you go to your LOcal Walmart and ask Women
and Men who do the same job and Same Seniority if they are paid around the same you know
they will say yes. I want one example where A coffee grinder at Starbucks that is a woman
who put in the same time as a man is making less money that her male counterpart you might find in some cases the woman might make more money. Again Fear Tactics from the Democrats and Liberals!!
Minorities Will never ever get to vote again If You Vote Republican!!

racist and will suppress voting However I must give my life history to apply for Obamacare. For some Reasons these liberals never complain about Photo Identification for Drawing Unemployment, Drawing Welfare,Drawing Food Stamps, or Driving a car, renting a House or Owning A house or To get A LOan, or To get a Job, or to buy Alcohol Or Cigarettes and you have to have a photo ID to obtains these things I have just previously mentioned. You're telling Me that Minorities Never Drink or Smoke or Drive and
therefore cannot vote. I would love to meet these Jobless, Homeless Non Welfare Drawing UnInsured, Non Unemployment Drawing Individuals who never Smoke or Drink or Drive that do not have Photo ID and we know they are not kids because guess what you have to have A Photo ID to go to School !It was Democrats who Pointed that Electronic voting Machines were owned by Families that were from relatives of Bush and Romney so thank you Democrats for making it a lot harder to cheat in this election you have no one to blame but yourself.

wants to put Minorities back in Chains especially when the group has Minorities in it, or How Liberal Huffington Post said that when the Hobby Lobby Decision was made that America would bring back Stoning! Fear Mongering that is what the Democrats is filled with it is Fear mongering because if they relied on facts they would not have voters. If they can not Paint Conservatives as the KKK,NAzis, wanting to sneak in your Vagina even through An ultrasound is much less painful than a An Abortion is somehow invading a woman's right What about The 20 Week old baby's right? If they cannot scare the average Kim Kardashian KAnye West Fan to vote they lose unless they can hurry up make them Illegals Legal. I have seen some of the silliest Phobias conceived by Huffington Post and the Salon and it looks LIke CNN is on the bandwagon for More Libertarian views that Fox has taken. Why because people are tired of the Fear mongering and just want Liberty. They Want More freedom for small Businesses and for families with
School choices. When you Democrats start giving us choices instead of regulations then we will
go back to voting for you. I do not vote for fear I vote on what is best for this nation.
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