Lets talk about what is happening in Ferguson Missouri. This pothead who died and stole 40 dollars worth of cigars and then these out of towners are burning the city down. I am very disappointed I would have at very least expected Darrel Wilson the Officer Accused of gunning down Michael Brown be put on trial with a jury among his peers. I was not there with the grand jury who had listened to about 60 witnesses and saw three different versions Autopsies of the Body of Michael Brown and a Grand Jury that included three African Americans no I do not know why they did not put him on trial. We know four people who died in Benghazi was a phony Scandal but this pothead Michael Brown now thats a priority of our Federal Government.

We have to send Eric Holder down there to Ferguson Missouri because I guess we are just too dumb down here in the midwest to know how to give out Justice that is for you the Big Government people to figure out we are too stupid down here. This is where we are at we are more concerned about a Pothead than real Priorities.
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