Thursday, November 20, 2014

#Throwback Thursday Who do you blame For Illegal Immigration?

 If someone were to ask me what is the worst form of government there was I would tell them like people care what a mean Squirrel thinks. It would be slavery. Slavery is the worst form of government think about it you are treated like Property and most of all you have no say pretty much. At the birthing of this great nation a small minority owned slaves by 1840 all blacks in the north were free and the rise of slaves rose about 25% out of  that 25%, 2 percent owned were black masters owned black slaves and another percent were slaved to Native American tribes in Federal territories oh but no one wants to talk about that.
I know in my heart I could never own a slave number one I like doing things myself and number two I do not like people touching my Junk you hear that TSA!
You see some people though they're too good to do things on their own they have to have people waiting on them hand and foot that makes me very uncomfortable. You say but Poxy half of the Founders were Slave owners and Half of them were rich Plantation owners as well.
The other ones were already caught up in the abolitionist movement and was hoping the constitution would be the document that would free the slaves. 
Again people who think they could not get that crop on time were slave owners never content with the money that they could have but wanted more. You know greed like George Whitfield who hated the abuse of slaves but at the same time was okay with getting that money to line his pockets because he felt the Georgia Harvest would never get out in time. Who is going to pick that Tobacker? 

After Slavery was abolished it did not take long for people to figure ways to get those mators out by the twentieth century workers in Texas and California could travel on a temporary visa permit to get those carrots and produce out so that farmers could save money. People in Hollywood took advantage.Now think about this is the same people who will  go on strike at the drop of the hat if their standard of living is not met would hire the cheapest labor to wash their windows or vacuum their rugs. 

Because of regulations Our Government has pushed on businesses and farmers it has put them in a tough situation. THey can't lower the wages on American Citizens but it is okay if we do it on Illegals and Temporary Visa workers. I find this so stupid to wipe the slate clean on over thousands of people who have sneaked across the border and say well now you are Americans the next thing you will have them demanding the same wage and benefits as the American citizens and guess what it is already happening it is a vicious cycle. In a booming economy this would be okay but our economy sucks in a society we can barely take care of the people we got that already are drowning in our welfare system. You see most politicians want Amnesty because they are well off they have Jose and Carmelita doing their lawn and doing their dishes while the American worker has to wait for the next day off to get to take care of their lawn. You can't now pay the kid next door because he is so drunk on Ritalin or in some cities have made it Illegal for kids to babysit or mow lawns or pick tomatoes. Look if our kids were allowed to work  I doubt any of them would need Ritalin and I doubt they would want to kill anyone and Obesity would be definitely be down big time! Now think about this our country says it is against Child Labor but went to India and praised Child Labor in India for picking Cotton give me a Break but if you had your own Business and employed a few neighbor kids you would be fined big time ug We are so screwed. So when you make Illegals legal you are back where you started you are going have to find someone else to pick your tomatoes and I have no Idea where you are going to get them. If our government does not cut back on spending and stop requiring so much regulations on business for workers in the United States we are heading for disaster. Well there you go people my suggestion is do it on your own so that you do not get caught up in the vicious cycle.

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