This has backfired on the Left so now we the Right can judge them the leftist for their racist statements based on their definition of what they think racism is. Bill Maher who loves to tiptoe the line with stereotypical humor that something like early comedians like Lenny Bruce would use in his stand up all the time which is deemed offensive and racist by many. I am not saying Bill is racist but if he went by the standards he says in his jokes that make conservatives racist then he would be a racist by his joke standards and that is why I do not use jokes or the mainstream media as a guideline to what racism is. I like Websters dictionary definition better I think it has a little more credibility than jokes by Bill Maher. Bill Maher however exposed a panel of leftist who do not know what racism is by quoting the words of what Michelle Obama said and telling the panel that Paul Ryan said them . Paul Ryan never used any color but because he was talking about the City the left assumes he is talking about black people even though there are whites that are poor and don't forget other colors as well but they love using this stuff for dumb voters who actually think they are getting "Free" Healthcare. You know the University Types who do not even know the Bill of Rights.
When Bill Colbert did a so called racist statement as part of his skit or whatever he does on the The Colbert Report he was called out by an Asian activist who said he was being racist. The NPR instead of just reporting Bill Colbert being racist as they would call Paul Ryan for saying the words inner city they actually blamed Rush Limbaugh their reasoning is that Bill Colbert is making fun of Rush Limbaugh and that is false. Bill Colbert is really has been and correct me if I am wrong the Mocking of Bill 'O'reilly. Rush is a radio personality not a television personality. NPR actually said that Rush had a history of Racism they are actually defending someone like Bill Colbert who is breaking their own leftist taboo. You made the rules stick to your own rules.

Finally I get to share this a Dumb feminist says Asian women need to stop dating White men thats right a super fem nazi wants you the Asian woman to stop dating White men. She even starts sounding like a redneck stereotype from a left wing show. She even blames the Patriarchy for Asian women dating White men. I am sure a lot of Japanese women love going home after working all day and serving their Japanese men in Japan it's a different culture so I respect that. Now I am not stupid I am not going stereotype the typical Japanese woman that would make me as bad as this dumb femnazi. She even has the ludicrous notion that Asian women are yellow thats right she said they are yellow I do not know that many yellow Asians I know a few porcelain skinned ones you little cuties you. She says that White men trick these Asian women into dating them. The term lady is courting, tricking the other mate is how we get marriage and how you and I were probably born both parties have to see something in the mate to procreate this is something that has been going on for ages that is how short men get beautiful women they give the woman a perception that they are taller and ugly women use Makeup to convince men they are beautiful .White women trick white men into marrying them all the time so payback sucks! Now she not only thinks that Asian women are yellow but that they are too stupid to date white men this is a culture that has thrived through the dawning of time in science they invented Bifocals,Gunpowder and leads the world through technology. The bottom line no culture can outsmart or understand what love is no scientist has figured out what love is and yes you will never understand what love is but Thank God it exist or you and I would not be writing blogs. No race is more advance than another but that would be racist if anyone thinks that. The sum of this article is simple it is not cool to stereotype any culture any race any sex and one these days I want to elaborate more on that.
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