It is just another long day at work my boss ask me to go to the bar to talk and he knows I do not drink but he ask me anyways. If anyone needed to be sad and depressed at the time it was him he had lost both parents around the time then he found out his wife was pregnant and his daughter was as well but she was pregnant before she was eighteen and out of wedlock. Like two men did in the past he and I talked about his problems and he had a few beers to cope and I believed he bought me a Pepsi. It seems like those times have past as soon as a kid thinks he is a little sad we shove medication down their throat of course we wouldn't give them a fifth of Jack Daniels it would be socially unacceptable. We will give them drugs with a side effect of suicidal thoughts and say "here son take this we want you to feel better." We have seen in almost every major shooting here in America involving a minor, the shooters are on some kind of drug with the side effect of suicidal thoughts we tell our kids don't take drugs but here have some Ritalin.

When I was younger we would have preaching at the Baptist Churches in the days like that of the Billy Sunday style. Preachers did not care about the PC Police they would speak bold and loud and many did not need a PA system they would shout down the devil himself it seemed and cast out demons by shouting the passages of Scriptures. They could bring you to tears and you were convicted to the point that you were in tears and the altar call would come and people got up and got on their knees before the "Altar of God" and many Repented and many just lifted up names in Prayers so that these people they were praying for would be saved from the depths of eternal fire or Hell. We would justify this old time preaching with the reasoning if someone was about to walk into death how would you stop them? In other words if a person was walking on the street in your neighborhood about to fall in a manhole would you politely tell them they are about to step into a manhole which might result to their death or worse a lot of sewage on them or would you shout and yell "You are about to fall in a manhole!" Would you let them fall because shouting or telling one the truth is a "Sin" today by the logic of Narcissistic 14 year old girls on Facebook? Your Logic should tell you the most rational and humane thing to do would be at any cost stop that person from falling into that manhole. Imagine that the Manhole was Cocaine addiction or Alcohol Addiction and the Person was your Brother or Sister or Dad or even your Best Friend. Love should compel you to tell them the truth about their harmful choice that would be made. Robin Williams watched his friend John Belushi die and eventually succumb to the looming effects of Cocaine addiction. I cannot Imagine what Robin Williams felt. I think that time and time Again in his head there was this voice of guilt saying "what if I could of just stopped him?". Your best friend is basically killing himself with addiction. If you watched your friend about to kill himself what would you do? Your best Friend has a gun pointed to his head what would you say? Would You say "Well it is not your choice and all because suicide is not a choice so There is nothing I can do"? You see it sounds good maybe at the Huffington Post that suicide is not a choice but it is a choice. Your friend drove to the Pawn shop and bought the gun at one time in his life so that was a choice number one then he felt sad maybe because of a loss of job, person or thing that he did not have control over. We all go through that we have all experienced loss. A rational person would move
on. He is not rational you should be you should do everything in your part to save his life. If it means yelling or struggling to take the gun away or calling the police which many of us do when we get in these situations. Your friend decided he was going to end his life that was the choice he made number two and he listened maybe to the doctor that he needed this medication to cope with his tragic loss. He decided to accept the Doctor's advice and that was the choice number three. It just happened that the Medication had the side effect which was suicidal thoughts.

I am appalled and just a little sick from watching the Idiots actually offended by someone saying that suicide is a selfish act. Are you saying it is a selfless act? Last time I checked a selfless act is something that involves one denying his or her own interest for the sake of the others like what a Father or Mother does for their children many choose do some crazy things and deny themselves luxury to send their kids to college or raise them in a loving environment without wanting love in return hey it happens. Are you comparing when a person who commits suicide to the act of what a Mother or a Father chooses to do? We should do everything in our power to stop a person committing suicide if I made you realize how stupid suicide is then I have done a good thing but if I have glamorized suicide and made a curious fourteen year old girl wanting attention to get attention by committing suicide I am nothing more than lets say a murderer. I might have just pulled the trigger myself or even tied the noose. That is why I will shame suicide because it is stupid and if I can make you realize how stupid it is to commit suicide then all of this was worth it. How in the world are you saving a life when you say that suicide is selfless? You are not saving a life you are degrading life itself. You are here writing articles how selfless suicide is just encouraging stupid people to just end their lives. Yes you are stupid to end your life now because you do not know the outcome of the rest of your life. You may be a future Doctor who finds a cure or better yet a Father or Mother. Instead many use a poor example that suicide is justified because you had a friend do it. What if your friend was Hitler or Saddam Hussein? Does that justify killing Jewish people or testing harmful gas weapons on your own people? We do not define what morality is by what our friends do or what celebrity we worship. We see both do dumb things all the time we should not love them less and most of all encourage them not to commit suicide. I will go further to say that suicide is not only ignorant but murder but the terrible decision on our part that we have to make is do we convict the person who pulled the trigger or the Doctor who prescribed the medication?
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