So when I saw this propaganda on facebook (see picture above) it was scary it reminded me of communist anti-capitalist propaganda films that troops in the former Soviet union would have to watch. Look what the person or persons did here we know Ideas are not people but noticed we have people holding hands so we have thrown relationship in there as well I guess. We have to protect the two people but think about this do we have to protect the relationship as well because isn't relationship just an idea? We decided and thought hard and long on who we want in a relationship with or we should have or is that one of the reasons we have so many unwed mothers in this country. This picture is deceptive in nature it is actually saying that Ideas have no rights. The Right to what?!! Ideas Don't have rights? Wait a minute that is almost not a complete thought. Are you saying that Ideas do not have the right to exist? If you say no then why not make that clear? Ideas do have a right to exist. You do not get inventions or patents or luxuries without Ideas. Edison did not create just out of thin air he thought and had an Idea. Darwin had an Idea about the creation or the origin of the species.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I think we have turned so far back in this country from the intentions that our founders established that now it is unacceptable to post the United States Constitution on facebook but it is okay to post this crap about not giving Ideas a right to exist because everyone has ideas. I would like you to show me one person who does not hold on to some Ideology even Atheism has a pattern to follow it is an idea. Ideas are protected by God and reaffirmed by the UNited states Constitution. The UNited States Constitution says it in plain english...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We know from the previous written Statement on who cannot make a law regarding religion that would be Congress. Who cannot prohibit the Free exercise thereof? The answer is Congress. In other other words Religion cannot be prosecuted but People can. You see Ideas are not people. When Madalyn Murray O'Hair was killed by a fellow Atheist do we prosecute Atheism or do We prosecute the person? We prosecute the person. Ideas are untouchable they are Invincible you cannot squash them out they have a right to exist. However people can lose their rights. A person who Murders before he murdered he had a right to life to Liberty and Property. A murderer takes a right from another person's right to life In some states the murderer after a right to trial with a jury among his peers loses his right to life maybe to lethal injection or in some places he is thrown in Jail he loses his right to liberty. Either way a Person's rights can be taken away by God and Society.
In Conclusion Ideas do have a right thought out by a mind that was created by God and reaffirmed as a right by the Constitution and no one can take them away and they are far more important than any relationship among men or women. If you do not believe me why don't you try to go one day without an idea just one day. You can go longer without a relationship than you can an Idea. Hey here is another Idea why not think and have an Idea before you pursue a relationship you might be happier.
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