I grew up in the eighties even though I was born in the seventies my parents were products of the revival that hit our nation in the seventies. You do not believe me just look at the Church Growth, The Christian School movement which would lead to the Homeschool movement in the eighties of my generation and the attendance of the crusades the growth of ministries good or bad. Satan was always working full time. The revival here in America intertwined with the now dead Jesus movement that opened a lot of kids' minds and hearts to look for and eventually find Jesus. I know you guys like and I do as well the peace loving and happy Jesus portrayed in this era but it is not the same Jesus who preached that He was the only Way and the Door to get to God. You see Jesus was specific and uncompromising about where salvation comes from so I cannot see how hippie Jesus would fit in with Uncompromising Jesus that I know and love. He told some that their Father was the Devil and He Drove out the Money Changers in the Temples and lets not forget in Luke 22:36 he told the Disciples to sell their garments and Buy swords. God knows a man has a right to defend himself. You see it is not contradictory to peace to fight because you can obtain peace when you obliterate the enemy. I am not saying you can have victory over enemies through violence is the only way to obtain peace. Jesus conquered Satan without firing one shot but He was conquering the Government in our hearts not on the outside realm that most people perceive as government. The enemy needs to be deserving of this punishment though if the enemy has not killed anyone he really does not deserve to die physically anyways. You see one of the First laws of God was to require the shedding of blood when man takes the life of another man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man Genesis 9:6. You see in this commandment this was Pre-Israel so God was pretty much talking about Mankind in general. He was pretty much asking mankind to take care of business at least the Man he was talking to and God wanted the descendants to do the same it would only be common sense to me that if a man takes another life he the evildoer or murderer should have to give up his life in other words a life for a life. I do not think ever Christ had or would contradict this and I find it appalling and unbiblical for any Church to take the position that justice should ever be stopped because God has obviously given us the moral responsibility to use Justice whether the world or society is against it. This law of justice is not a Mosaic law or civil law but a law of nature that God placed long before any government institutions besides Individual and family government. Guess who makes up the civilian government? Individuals and Families who are the backbone of any civilization makes up all the government in the physical world.

The Church and Social conservatives have been wimpified and apologetic for having a view that the world deems as hate and has forgotten we are not here to make friends and guess what we do not do the saving God does. We have been blinded by Television's view of what Christianity is. It projects this soft docile man who tries to get along with everyone. I know that the world hates me because guess what they hated Christ and the servant is no greater than the master. I also know this because Jesus told me they would and guess what like their fathers before them their father is the devil and I have no time for the Devil's children. We share the gospel not to win souls but because we were commanded to and many of us our not following the commandment of how to share the Gospel. Look at the Scripture for ways of sharing the good news first but I will save that for a another subject. Christ said those towns that reject Him that they would be better off than Sodom and Gomorrah and we know what happened there so when people reject Him don't get upset dust yourself off and move on and again that does not sound like Hippie Jesus. You can see more at Matthew 10:14-15. I hope all mankind will come to repentance from the Ideology of the me generation but if they get mad at me so much that they turn to God good. If they serve God better than me than good. Where in the world did we get that we have some power over other's salvation? Do not throw the whole Stumbling block thing at me either because we are not supposed to deceive people to Christ either that would be wrong. You can be a stumbling block by compromising and trying to keep the peace at any cost to "try to save someone" but you cannot save anyone from Hell. It is out of our hands some are going to accept the word of God and some our going to reject the truth and you are going to have to eventually face that fact. You need to Read the Bible.
I would like you to know as well that It is not a sin to get Angry and like KIng David son of Jesse we should be angry with a righteous Indignation whenever someone blasphemes God. You study the Bible you will find that most passages on anger forbids or cautions us against quick anger but it does justify wrath as long it is for a just reason or that it comes slowly and it is enduring against any iniquity. King David in the Bible took his relationship with God personal and I will let the The Holy Spirit guide you on how you should handle that because I want you to really look how impersonal modern Christianity has come .We are rebuked by today's modern Liberal Christianity for being angry at sin and taught not to even react when God is mocked or blasphemed. You can find a sample of King David's reaction to the rebellion of God in II SAMUEL chapter one for an idea of what I am talking about the difference of a personal relationship of God and what an Impersonal relationship is like. I will let you pray and fast and come to your own conclusion on that. I have my view but I want you to figure it out for yourself. Tolerance for rebellion against God is not a Godly virtue do not kid yourself.
In conclusion I just do not have patience with Television Hippie Jesus anymore that we have been taught to believe for over thirty years now. I would like to connect this with another blog on how America fits in this but I feel this blog has gone on long enough. I do understand how foolish I was in the past trying to find love when I already had love and there is no need for anymore searching for something that can't even compare to God's love. if I am loved why in the world would I try to act like or pursue love from others? The beautiful thing about God is that He rules over us and at any time He can show us love because guess what He is God and chooses to show us mercy and that stills blow me away. I am in no way capable of doing that and I do not have to because I will never obtain His position of power heck I do not want the Responsibility. We have no King But Jesus and aren't you glad for that? Who else would show us this much mercy?
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