Jesse Ventura Why?! Because there is no Forgiveness in Atheism
Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura was a great show and it was good to see something that I have been told and read for many years on an actual television and it shows where our nation was heading. I knew since the popularity of X-files that conspiracy Theories would become a bigger interest in our country and people wondered how much our federal Government was involved. I am not in favor of strong central government. I cannot prove everything there is on how much our federal government is involved in everything but I do know what history has taught me about strong central government you can google Adolf Hitler or early Soviet Union history for further reading. Big civil Government is not a good thing especially more power given to a fallen man is never a good thing.
I became interested in Jesse Ventura when he took the Minnesota Governor elections with a clever campaign showing he was not like the "Other Guys". Those "Other Guys" of course being Republicans and Democrats and of course like most people we cannot win any election because we unlike Jesse Ventura do not have the money or the Fame to win an election without a backer and the problem of having a backer is that we are subjugated to the backers. You see politicians are hated and celebrities are loved. Celebrities can snort cocaine off prostitutes and cuss and rant and still be loved for instance I watched Snoop doggy dog call a woman the b-word and smoke weed. If Mitch Mcconnell was caught smoking weed and yelling "Hey Nancy Pelosi is a huge Vagina!" Mitch can kiss his career goodbye. This is the double standard that is in America there are idiots out there who side with Russell Brand a Mediocre Comedian who is not funny who rants in his underwear on youtube about a prominent media outlet unless you are a fourteen year old girl I cannot see how Russell Brand could be politically relevant. Of course Russell Brand and Jessie Ventura might get along they hate anything that is uplifting or relevant like Christianity which has help make the backbone and heart in this great country. Look lets face it Atheism does not teach forgiveness or letting go or just moving on. There is no love in Atheism every video where I see Atheist people make videos on youtube and most of the time it is nothing but hate and fear. The most Ironic thing about the Atheist youtube videos is they Yell at and defile a God they say does not exist. They do not get mad at Captain America they know he does not exist but they have hate for a God they say is as fictional as Captain America. I am painting a picture of what the world that Jesse lives in. It is a world where there is no forgiveness, they have no love because they cannot prove love. Love does not exist everything is what they perceive is or what they say nature allows them to do. Morality in the physical world is simple do not do bad to people. How do we determine what bad is ? We first determine what is good and then we get what bad is by determining what is the opposite of what is good. let me give you a clue of what is "good" do you know where the word good came from? The word comes from the word God. The word God eventually evolved into the word good think about it. Jesses does not know about true mercy because he does not know about a God who shows us mercy that can easily destroy us. I know the story about Chris Kyle's Insurance paying for the court cost and I know about what the media has projected for the book of Chris Kyle which will help the widow. I am not a Jesse Ventura fan number one he favors abortion and then he is for federal government intervention such as keeping the EPA and for policies that FDR wanted he is not the Constitutional loving person everyone projects him to be. He is worse. He is a Capitalist hating Civil Government intervention person and no he is not as bad as Obama but he does not love our Constitution all the way he has forgotten the history of what made this country great. I would like to see how he can respect others rights and be for abortion you cannot. I support any Anarchist before then anyone that wants any control given to the Federal Government to prevent business to make as much profit as they seem fit. We need more businesses and more churches to speak to give greedy businessman and help find them a heart not regulations on business which just makes more criminals. Who do you think makes those laws? Rich greedy businessmen and corrupt lawyers that is the problem you know this Jesse so why do you want to make more laws to regulate business give me a break? We need God not regulations Jesse. With more freedom we can reach corporations with prayer and the gospel and teachings of the Bible where it teaches the bosses to be fair to the servants and setting aside a day of admiration for God and a especially a day of rest which is a teaching from the Bible. Where do you think the justice for greedy persons comes from? It comes from the Bible which teaches us greed is a sin. How do you think we got J.C. Penny's and Sundays off and Saturdays off? We got them off because of The Churches and Synagogues with the help of God not Regulations. Somewhere along the way we figured Man could do a better job and look where that gets us Obama of course. You think you will get those precious weekends off when we deny God in our country.
I really do not care if Jesse Ventura is Right and do not care if Chris Kyle was right in the matter. What Jesse really needs to do is take a lesson from someone he admires like Ron Paul when he talked about the "Prince of Peace" and how his Christian views was one of the reasons why he did not believe in preemptive strikes or needless wars. Can you Imagine if America went to war just because we were "defamed" by other countries? Americans are the great Satan regardless if we invaded that country or not just the way it is. You do not go to war over something so frivolous. If you really believed in non interventionism in foreign wars so you claim for America you are really setting a bad example. You are going after someone just because they "lied" about you. Ron Paul has been lied about since the day one of his campaign history he cannot sue everyone. You are going to try to Run for the United States Presidency. You think you lost jobs in the past over Chris Kyle's "Lie" now you have added to that and all you had to do was to let go and move on because you have totally forgotten what you got in this political realm in the first place. You are going to spend the rest of about two years defending your actions because the Presidential elections are in 2016 and believe me this will be brought up at every debate you can get in. You are guilty of spending more time defending yourself instead of getting out the freedom message because it is a message not a person. I do not care what they say and do to me. I care more that the message lives on the Freedom message is not a person it is an Idea. I see where your priorities are Jesse. Do You?
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