There is alway two sides to every story and this seems to be the case
in the shooting and killing of Michael Brown an Unarmed Teenager. In the Aftermath of this horrible tragedy which leads to an investigation. Ferguson residents decide to burn to destroy and loot, any excuse to get goodies they cannot afford or allowed on food stamps or EBT. We find out that there is two sides to this story and we hope and pray a fair and accurate ruling is carried out. You see an investigation is not over so why in the world would you burn the city or town up over something we do not Know the actual evidence of the situation yet? We have a bunch of jerks who care nothing for justice . I know the entire town is not bad but still can you do the decent and law abiding thing and wait until all the facts come out? We see the righteous anger and hopefully positive change in New Mexico in recent events with unjust law enforcement why not take a lesson there? You can Go to city hall and yell and rant and work to recall certain elected officials. No its the same emotional knee jerk reaction oh someone died by a cop so I will burn the town. I am for the uprising of just people against the injustices in this nation but maybe take a lesson from the bundy ranch when Militiamen never fired one shot at officers when Clive Bundy invoked his right to protest of what he perceived of the injustices of land grabbing on his property.
I have said it before I am worried about the state of this nation we cannot have an intelligent debate anymore most likely that leads to war. We could take a lesson from
Russia and Ukraine joining forces to evacuate a city in Ukraine. If push comes to shove and ISIS or anyone decides to invade this country would we join or still fight over things that need to be thought out before silly emotional and unjust responses? Would cooler heads Prevail? We are living in an America right now where we cannot agree on most things we our divided seriously now between left and right and our own people our suffering for it. The world knows it and we have opened up our known weakness of emotional reactions to Putin and now A terrorist organization like ISIS and Hamas and it won't probably be long before we are tested. Now this time I wonder if we have the strength to sit down and talk about retaliation or are we going to burn stores down. You know what why not send the looters to Iraq? They might can calm the situation over there. Of course they would be beheaded instead of spending time in jail with free food and then released back to free housing to have free food there. So sign them up to go to Iraq they will get free food by the US MIlitary and maybe use that "Just Anger" on ISIS instead of Innocent Merchant owners.
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