Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Let me get this straight you can transport Iraqi's but Not Illegals
It is amazing what is happening in Iraq right now as I write this blog. The media has done a good job of filming and taking pictures of the cutest big eyed children you can imagine in Iraq. The situation is deadly and terrifying and just heart wrenching but might be the result of our intervention of taking down the strength of the Iraqi military that once was strong enough to take on the likes of Iran in the eighties.Do you remember that war? The Iran and Iraq War when we backed Saddam Hussein and Iraq to go up against the Iranian Military. When we recently took down the Iraqi army Iran was glad they were able to replenish their country and their Military we know Tehran, Iran now as the Paris of the Middle East. We see the Moderation political Parties in Iran who want to slowly change things instead of Knee Jerk violence like we see in most Islamic nation and Ferguson, Missouri this is a long journey away from the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of the Past. I know and I am aware of the situation over in Iraq that is taking place in the Mountains of Iraq. My heart can only break for the situation for the children in Iraq but what happened to those kids that were locked up and starving at the border? Why in the world can we easily send food and help and send helicopters to Iraqi kids in a War Zone but cannot send helicopters or defend the borders or send kids back home to some drug war zone in Central America without a literal act of Congress?
Mr. President where is your phone or pen so you can send the Illegals Back to Central America who are now going to be paid and supported by taxpayer's money? We have to now educate and feed these Illegals so that they will and hopefully vote democratic. The Iraq situations is a great distraction while we have exposed how weak the American border is. We have even seen a guy who dressed up as former Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden to show how easily we are vulnerable to terrorist but we got to feed and save those Iraqi Children. I guess I am a common sense kind of guy and I realize that if we take care of own first we can then take care of others. We are not focusing here on the problems of home we cannot build our strength up like Iran has who has been capable of Nuclear energy now because they are not out fighting wars and transporting children. Before you get all weepy eyed about the kids in Iraq why not look out of the White House and see the kid's situation right there in Washington D.C.? Do you really think you have a hold on everything here to be able to take care of the Children elsewhere in the World?

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