Friday, August 29, 2014

I support The Dreamers Who Cross The Borders !

I would like to say that I support the dreamers that cross The Border. I support the dreamers like Burger King who has crossed the border for a better life on the other side in Canada. Yes that's Right in Canada where Burger King will Save on Taxes.That is the reason There should be no border Restrictions on those dreamers like Burger KIng. Who want to live a better life, who are tired of the oppression of 35% Corporate Income Tax who would love the joy of the cheaper Income tax in Canada. That is one of the reasons we should support the dreamers like Burger King for going to Canada.
 My hat is off to you Burger King I support you for Dreaming!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hippie Jesus needs to Be Crucified

 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up ; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. When you see these powerful words you know God means business and does not think peace and joy and tranquility are always good for someone all the time. We are also told in scripture that a broken spirit is good also and seriousness as well.  You can google it or look in a concordance if you do not believe me. There is a reason for joy and there is a difference in everlasting joy and that fly by night joy you pay for that last around 15 minutes that the world teaches us and tells us about but sometimes causes a lifetime of misery for us.

 I grew up in the eighties even though I was born in the seventies my parents were products of the revival that hit our nation in the seventies. You do not believe me just look at the Church Growth, The Christian School movement which would lead to the Homeschool movement in the eighties of my generation and the attendance of the crusades the growth of ministries good or bad. Satan was always working full time. The revival here in America intertwined with the now dead Jesus movement that opened a lot of kids' minds and hearts to look for and eventually find Jesus. I know you guys like and I do as well the peace loving and happy Jesus portrayed in this era but it is not the same Jesus who preached that He was the only Way and the Door to get to God. You see Jesus was specific and uncompromising about where salvation comes from so I cannot see how hippie Jesus would fit in with Uncompromising Jesus that I know and love. He told some that their Father was the Devil and He Drove out the Money Changers in the Temples and lets not forget in Luke 22:36 he told the Disciples to sell their garments and Buy swords. God knows a man has a right to defend himself. You see it is not contradictory to peace to fight because you can obtain peace when you obliterate the enemy. I am not saying you can have victory over enemies through violence is the only way to obtain peace. Jesus conquered Satan without firing one shot but He was conquering the Government in our hearts not on the outside realm that most people perceive as government. The enemy needs to be deserving of this punishment though if the enemy has not killed anyone he really does not deserve to die physically anyways. You see one of the First laws of God was to require the shedding of blood when man takes the life of another man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man Genesis 9:6. You see in this commandment this was Pre-Israel so God was pretty much talking about Mankind in general. He was pretty much asking mankind to take care of business at least the Man he was talking to and God wanted the descendants to do the same it would only be common sense to me that if a man takes another life he the evildoer or murderer should have to give up his life in other words a life for a life. I do not think ever Christ had or would contradict this and I find it appalling and unbiblical for any Church to take the position that justice should ever be stopped because God has obviously given us the moral responsibility to use Justice whether the world or society is against it. This law of justice is not a Mosaic law or civil law but a law of nature that God placed long before any government institutions besides Individual and family government. Guess who makes up the civilian government? Individuals and Families who are the backbone of any civilization makes up all the government in the physical world.

 The Church and Social conservatives have been wimpified and apologetic for having a view that the world deems as hate and has forgotten we are not here to make friends and guess what we do not do the saving God does. We have been blinded by Television's view of what Christianity is. It projects this soft docile man who tries to get along with everyone. I know that the world hates me because guess what they hated Christ and the servant is no greater than the master. I also know this because Jesus told me they would and guess what like their fathers before them their father is the devil and I have no time for the Devil's children. We share the gospel not to win souls but because we were commanded to and many of us our not following the commandment of how to share the Gospel. Look at the Scripture for ways of sharing the good news first but I will save that for a another subject. Christ said those towns that reject Him that they would be better off than Sodom and Gomorrah and we know what happened there so when people reject Him don't get upset dust yourself off and move on and again that does not sound like Hippie Jesus. You can see more at Matthew 10:14-15. I hope all mankind will come to repentance from the Ideology of the me generation but if they get mad at me so much that they turn to God good. If they serve God better than me than good. Where in the world did we get that we have some power over other's salvation? Do not throw the whole Stumbling block thing at me either because we are not supposed to deceive people to Christ either that would be wrong. You can be a stumbling block by compromising and trying to keep the peace at any cost to "try to save someone" but you cannot save anyone from Hell. It is out of our hands some are going to accept the word of God and some our going to reject the truth and you are going to have to eventually face that fact. You need to Read the Bible. 

 I would like you to know as well that It is not a sin to get Angry and like KIng David son of Jesse we should be angry with a righteous Indignation whenever someone blasphemes God. You study the Bible you will find that most passages on anger forbids or cautions us against quick anger but it does justify wrath as long it is for a just reason or that it comes slowly and it is enduring against any iniquity. King David in the Bible took his relationship with God personal and I will let the The Holy Spirit guide you on how you should handle that because I want you to really look how impersonal modern Christianity has come .We are rebuked by today's modern Liberal Christianity for being angry at sin and taught not to even react when God is mocked or blasphemed. You can find a sample of King David's reaction to the rebellion of God in II SAMUEL chapter one for an idea of what I am talking about the difference of a personal relationship of God and what an Impersonal relationship is like. I will let you pray and fast and come to your own conclusion on that. I have my view but I want you to figure it out for yourself. Tolerance for rebellion against God is not a Godly virtue do not kid yourself.

 In conclusion I just do not have patience with Television Hippie Jesus anymore that we have been taught to believe for over thirty years now. I would like to connect this with another blog on how America fits in this but I feel this blog has gone on long enough. I do understand how foolish I was in the past trying to find love when I already had love and there is no need for anymore searching for something that can't even compare to God's love. if I am loved why in the world would I try to act like or pursue love from others? The beautiful thing about God is that He rules over us and at any time He can show us love because guess what He is God and chooses to show us mercy and that stills blow me away. I am in no way capable of doing that and I do not have to because I will never obtain His position of power heck I do not want the Responsibility. We have no King But Jesus and aren't you glad for that? Who else would show us this much mercy?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The media tries to deliver a Huge Giant Fat Racist Baby

 If you will watch one of my videos, I made a statement in one of my videos that when the liberal media talks about racism in news it is like"Someone pulling a twenty pound baby out of a 120 pound woman". That is also my description I believe how hard the liberal media is working to make the killing of Michael Brown to look racially motivated they want to pull out a Fat Racist cop baby out of all this. Don Lemon goes too far with a audio insert he played on the CNN where we hear a guy talking to a video chat I guess and we hear shots in the background of course the guy is far too interested in the video chat to be concerned with the gunfire and keeps going on and on about how pretty the girl is I hope it is a girl on the other side . You do not know now a days.
Don Lemon hears around 11 shots in the audio so Don immediately tries to curve that the autopsy was a lie. Don could have brought out earlier videos that an eyewitness claims to have had bullets on the side of their apartment showing that Darrel Wilson the officer accused of killing Michael Brown missed maybe that is the reason we hear multiple shots then the autopsy reported. I would not forget Don that we had an alleged shot in the Car at the time before the shooting when Michael Brown allegedly charged at officer Darrel Wilson. I know this is getting as bad as when news in the eighties started pulling out space shuttle models to show how the Challenger exploded when the Challenger tragedy happened in the eighties. The nightly News was looking for any way to keep a story alive. These journalist like Don Lemon are doing the same when the Challenger exploded to keep a story alive that is dying because let's face it these journalist do not want to go to Ukraine, Gaza, Or even Syria or IRAQ. They want to make up stories in Ferguson to stay there and sip Starbucks with their friends then actually risk their lives to cover a story. 
CNN maybe it will turn into a war in Ferguson and you can blame yourself so you won't have to be going to Iraq so please lets pull out those fat imaginary racist babies there in Ferguson. Here is an idea just leave Ferguson until we get some actual new news but no you want to make sure Obama gets no more negative press on his Foreign policy.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Just Because Someone Politicize Murder does not Mean you should not preach against it

 You turn on your computer or notebook or phone and start reading the news and you have no idea what to believe anymore. A good example was how the Network Media Giant NBC edited the George Zimmerman 911 call just to make the killing of Trayvon Martin to look racially motivated this shows a good example of media irresponsibility that ended up showing what happens when stupid people get politically distorted information. They become Irrational and sometimes violent. The point is you cannot deny the evidence that shows what NBC was trying to do. They were politicizing a killing and they were making it a way to help get a law revoked that just helps people to keep their right to defend themselves which is a God given right . We do not know in the long run if Trayvon was right or George Zimmerman were right at the time. We just know that politicizing a tragedy is not cool and is just leads to more stupid people to act irrationally to something that they do not have all the details about. We had a guy who shot another guy and now there is going to be a trial that is how it should be reported. Instead we hear it is a black guy who got shot and a white guy who shot him instead of that it was a half white guy. When did Race ever become the factor in killing someone? Whites kill Whites and Blacks kill Blacks and they both bleed red blood. I thought we lived in an age of color blindnes apparently not in the mainstream media lies of MSNBC and Most major news Networks.
 Believe it or not I lived in the era before the Internet and yes we did not die. We received most of our news from three major networks and as early as around 17 I could see a certain liberal social agenda being pushed. I could compare and contrast because I received a lot of news from Church Ministries that provided different news outlets whenever a crime was committed against the Church or Christians. We would get the news in tabloid form and sometimes later through Cable news outlet. The point is the Major news would rarely cover the United States Civil Government closing a Christian School or Orphanage now it seems FOX News is covering everything from Hobby Lobby's battle to Chick Fil A's day of celebrating of support . In my day of youth this was never covered by television hardly. The point is if Fox News does not cover it guess what the Internet Bloggers like The extreme conservative Biff Burroughs will. As long as the information is given to me that is you can always post the information on my google plus page if you want to I do not mind I am just a mouse click away. In those early pre-internet days many of us relied on the Church to gives us news. This was a practice even from the start of this great nation many Churches only met once a month and traveled a long way and the clergy's responsibility was delivering the news and many council meeting and town hall and trials were conducted at the Church Buildings which blows away the myth of separation of Church and State. Jefferson and both Madison wanted Baptist to serve on juries because in many towns congregationalist were only allowed to serve on juries so Jefferson in letters and writings made it clear that Baptist should and would be allowed to serve on juries and run for office and that no religious test would be imposed meaning they wanted more religious people to serve not fewer. Everyone knows someone who has a history of moral foundation is easier to trust than those with no Moral Foundation.  Every news that comes from the net and tv seems to be politicized so now when Churches give out the news they are being shamed and accused of breaking the mythical Church and State TAboo and must be investigated by the IRS for giving out the news that is pre politicized by the mainstream media of both sides. Can you really blame the Churches?

 I have laid out a problem to you but you are going to be glad when I give out the solution. I would let you know how I would start a church if I felt needed to. First of all I would let my Pastor know of my calling in the Ministry and I would ask the support of that Church to pray and fast and listen to ideas to why I would feel the need start a new church in another area. I would have to have a group led by God in that area wanting to meet more times to start a Church. I would look at Hotels and meeting rooms where they do not have to prove or show an Incorporated Status pay the Hotel for the meeting if I have a home in that area meet at that home. I would stay away from the 501c.3 status and definitely not have a building labeled as a Church because regardless of what people believe a Church it is not a building it is a group of believers and that is why a Church should not be taxed. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says ...... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. I wonder why it says that? Maybe it was because the Church has the right of the people peaceably to assemble? I think so and I know so because many of our founders were active members of their Church Congregationalist or not they built and went to Churches. The rights of the Church should never be taken away as long as they do not violate someone else's right. In that case then you should intervene because for instance the moral standards of murder has been long figured out as a sin and a crime and Churches have a right to preach about it and against it and just because you make it a political issue does not mean a Pastor has no right to speak out against it and if it is happening around him this is in my opinion and of the Prophets of Old it is a moral obligation to speak out against it.
 I wish you Atheist stop picking on Christians or Churches trying to exercise their first amendment rights. I have said it before if you live in the world where you cannot listen to George Carlin and not hear someone talk about Jesus then you do not live in a free society. Who do you think they are going after next after the Federal Government silence the Churches?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I knew Huffington Post had Idiots working for them but this is dumb!

Apparently a Reporter thought earplugs were rubber bullets over at the Huffington post what do you expect from a company who employs people who probably have not ever worked a hard day of honest work in their life. They would probably think a drill was a space gun or something. I do not know but this article comes from the It is a hilarious article and a great site check them out and this article heck I will just show you the pictures.
As we reported yesterday, the justice reporter for the Huffington Post, Ryan J Reilly, tweeted a photo of foam earplugs with the caption, “I believe these are rubber bullets, can anyone confirm? #Fergurson”
Of course, they aren't rubber bullets, they’re foam earplugs, the same kind used on construction sites, at shooting ranges, sleeping on a plane, etc.
Naturally, the tweet went viral and that spurred one of the funniest hashtags of the year, #CanAnyoneConfirm.
The tweets involve photos of everyday objects being mistake for more more diabolical objects and, of course, tagging Reilly.
Reilly did admit his mistake, but it was too late, the internet already had everything they needed.

Monday, August 18, 2014

People with Ideas do have rights

So when I saw this propaganda on facebook (see picture above) it was scary it reminded me of communist anti-capitalist propaganda films that troops in the former Soviet union would have to watch. Look what the person or persons did here we know Ideas are not people but noticed we have people holding hands so we have thrown relationship in there as well I guess. We have to protect the two people but think about this do we have to protect the relationship as well because isn't relationship just an idea? We decided and thought hard and long on who we want in a relationship with or we should have or is that one of the reasons we have so many unwed mothers in this country. This picture is deceptive in nature it is actually saying that Ideas have no rights. The Right to what?!! Ideas Don't have rights? Wait a minute that is almost not a complete thought. Are you saying that Ideas do not have the right to exist? If you say no then why not make that clear?  Ideas do have a right to exist. You do not get inventions or patents or luxuries without Ideas. Edison did not create just out of thin air he thought and had an Idea. Darwin had an Idea about the creation or the origin of the species. 

 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

 I think we have turned so far back in this country from the intentions that our founders established that now it is unacceptable to post the United States Constitution on facebook but it is okay to post this crap about not giving Ideas a right to exist because everyone has ideas. I would like you to show me one person who does not hold on to some Ideology even Atheism has a pattern to follow it is an idea. Ideas are protected by God and reaffirmed by the UNited states Constitution. The UNited States Constitution says it in plain english...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We know from the previous written Statement on who cannot make a law regarding religion that would be Congress. Who cannot prohibit the Free exercise thereof? The answer is Congress. In other other words Religion cannot be prosecuted but People can. You see Ideas are not people. When Madalyn Murray O'Hair was killed by a fellow Atheist do we prosecute Atheism or do We prosecute the person? We prosecute the person. Ideas are untouchable they are Invincible you cannot squash them out they have a right to exist. However people can lose their rights. A person who Murders before he murdered he had a right to life to Liberty and Property. A murderer takes a right from another person's right to life In some states the murderer after a right to trial with a jury among his peers loses his right to life maybe to lethal injection or in some places he is thrown in Jail he loses his right to liberty. Either way a Person's rights can be taken away by God and Society.

 In Conclusion Ideas do have a right thought out by a mind that was created by God and reaffirmed as a right by the Constitution and no one can take them away and they are far more important than any relationship among men or women. If you do not believe me why don't you try to go one day without an idea just one day. You can go longer without a relationship than you can an Idea. Hey here is another Idea why not think and have an Idea before you pursue a relationship you might be happier.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Suicide is selfless you say? How About this Suicide is Murder.

 It is just another long day at work my boss ask me to go to the bar to talk and he knows I do not drink but he ask me anyways. If anyone needed to be sad and depressed at the time it was him he had lost both parents around the time then he found out his wife was pregnant and his daughter was as well but she was pregnant before she was eighteen and out of wedlock. Like two men did in the past he and I talked about his problems and he had a few beers to cope and I believed he bought me a Pepsi. It seems like those times have past as soon as a kid thinks he is a little sad we shove medication down their throat of course we wouldn't give them a fifth of Jack Daniels it would be socially unacceptable. We will give them drugs with a side effect of suicidal thoughts and say "here son take this we want you to feel better." We have seen in almost every major shooting here in America involving a minor, the shooters are on some kind of drug with the side effect of suicidal thoughts we tell our kids don't take drugs but here have some Ritalin.
 When I was younger we would have preaching at the Baptist Churches in the days like that of the Billy Sunday style. Preachers did not care about the PC Police they would speak bold and loud and many did not need a PA system they would shout down the devil himself it seemed and cast out demons by shouting the passages of Scriptures. They could bring you to tears and you were convicted to the point that you were in tears and the altar call would come and people got up and got on their knees before the "Altar of God" and many Repented and many just lifted up names in Prayers so that these people they were praying for would be saved from the depths of eternal fire or Hell. We would justify this old time preaching with the reasoning if someone was about to walk into death how would you stop them? In other words if a person was walking on the street in your neighborhood about to fall in a manhole would you politely tell them they are about to step into a manhole which might result to their death or worse a lot of sewage on them or would you shout and yell "You are about to fall in a manhole!" Would you let them fall because shouting or telling one the truth is a "Sin" today by the logic of Narcissistic 14 year old girls on Facebook? Your Logic should tell you the most rational and humane thing to do would be at any cost stop that person from falling into that manhole. Imagine that the Manhole was Cocaine addiction or Alcohol Addiction and the Person was your Brother or Sister or Dad or even your Best Friend. Love should compel you to tell them the truth about their harmful choice that would be made. Robin Williams watched his friend John Belushi die and eventually succumb to the looming effects of Cocaine addiction. I cannot Imagine what Robin Williams felt. I think that time and time Again in his head there was this voice of guilt saying "what if I could of just stopped him?". Your best friend is basically killing himself with addiction. If you watched your friend about to kill himself what would you do? Your best Friend has a gun pointed to his head  what would you say? Would You say "Well it is not your choice and all because suicide is not a choice so There is nothing I can do"? You see it sounds good maybe at the Huffington Post that suicide is not a choice but it is a choice. Your friend drove to the Pawn shop and bought the gun at one time in his life so that was a choice number one then he felt sad maybe because of a loss of job, person or thing that he did not have control over. We all go through that we have all experienced loss. A rational person would move
on. He is not rational you should be you should do everything in your part to save his life. If it means yelling or struggling to take the gun away or calling the police which many of us do when we get in these situations. Your friend decided he was going to end his life that was the choice he made number two and he listened maybe to the doctor that he needed this medication to cope with his tragic loss. He decided to accept the Doctor's advice and that was the choice number three. It just happened that the Medication had  the side effect which was suicidal thoughts.
 I am appalled and just a little sick from watching the Idiots actually offended by someone saying that suicide is a selfish act. Are you saying it is a selfless act? Last time I checked a selfless act is something that involves one denying his or her own interest for the sake of the others like what a Father or Mother does for their children many choose do some crazy things and deny themselves luxury to send their kids to college or raise them in a loving environment without wanting love in return hey it happens. Are you comparing when a person who commits suicide to the act of what a Mother or a Father chooses to do? We should do everything in our power to stop a person committing suicide if I made you realize how stupid suicide is then I have done a good thing but if I have glamorized suicide and made a curious fourteen year old girl wanting attention to get attention by committing suicide I am nothing more than lets say a murderer. I might have just pulled the trigger myself or even tied the noose. That is why I will shame suicide because it is stupid and if I can make you realize how stupid it is to commit suicide then all of this was worth it. How in the world are you saving a life when you say that suicide is selfless? You are not saving a life you are degrading life itself. You are here writing articles how selfless suicide is just encouraging stupid people to just end their lives. Yes you are stupid to end your life now because you do not know the outcome of the rest of your life. You may be a future Doctor who finds a cure or better yet a Father or Mother. Instead many use a poor example that suicide is justified because you had a friend do it. What if your friend was Hitler or Saddam Hussein? Does that justify killing Jewish people or testing harmful gas weapons on your own people? We do not define what morality is by what our friends do or what celebrity we worship. We see both do dumb things all the time we should not love them less and most of all encourage them not to commit suicide. I will go further to say that suicide is not only ignorant but murder but the terrible decision on our part that we have to make is do we convict the person who pulled the trigger or the Doctor who prescribed the medication?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

MIchael Bloomberg you need to check your Privilege

You open the news and there is another rich white man trying take what is yours whether it be white men who come up with the racist common core or the White men who invented texting and driving to kill off all women off the earth. I may be overreaching there because men text and drive as well anyways a Rich White man wants to take your rights away and that white man is Michael Bloomberg.He wants you to disarm your weapons and give up your right encouraged in the 2nd amendment and I would like to say to soda regulating jerk Michael Bloomberg check your Privilege!

 It is easy for you Michael bloomberg to protect yourself. Michael Bloomberg, you are rich and you can afford bodyguards around you 24 hours while the rest of us the working class joes like me have to buy a gun for protection because it is more affordable than hiring a security force. We all cannot afford a security force or have taxpayers payers pay for it because we cannot afford a massive campaign and become a Mayor of New York City.

Michael Bloomberg you uncompassionate jerk you who wants to take a multi round ammo carrying and accurate Defense Rifle like the AR-15 from a woman who is alone at night with her kids. Joe Biden who like Michael Bloomberg gives his wife a shotgun while her house is surrounded by guards in a upscale neighborhood. She will never know what is like to be a young mother in an area while she is raising two kids when two burglars or rapist are coming to get her and the police are a mile away but in arms reach in a NRA approved gun safe is a good and accurate multi round defense rifle like the Ar-15. This is a better deterrent against rapist than peeing your pants or a whistle.

Joe Biden and Michael Bloomberg wants to take away defense rifles because they are afraid of the little man rising up and getting tired of their Nazi like tactics of regulating soda pop or closing plants that make food that he does not like through regulations like Biden and Bloomberg love to regulate. I guess Hitler was scared of the people as well when he prevented the jews from having gun. Michael Bloomberg you are no better than the Democrat or dixiecrats who did not want blacks like the black Panthers from having guns. It was Malcolm X who explained that it is the right of every individual to have a gun. That is who gets hurt during your gun confiscation of America many of those people are Women and Minorities who cannot defend themselves against Rapist,Burglars, Murderers and of course Tyrants when you take their weapon of choice away. You need to check your Privilege Michael Bloomberg!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Let me get this straight you can transport Iraqi's but Not Illegals

 It is amazing what is happening in Iraq right now as I write this blog. The media has done a good job of filming and taking pictures of the cutest big eyed children you can imagine in Iraq. The situation is deadly and terrifying and just heart wrenching but might be the result of our intervention of taking down the strength of the Iraqi military that once was strong enough to take on the likes of Iran in the eighties.Do you remember that war? The Iran and Iraq War when we backed Saddam Hussein and Iraq to go up against the Iranian Military. When we recently took down the Iraqi army Iran was glad they were able to replenish their country and their Military we know Tehran, Iran now as the Paris of the Middle East. We see the Moderation political Parties in Iran who want to slowly change things instead of Knee Jerk violence like we see in most Islamic nation and Ferguson, Missouri this is a long journey away from the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of the Past. I know and I am aware of the situation over in Iraq that is taking place in the Mountains of Iraq. My heart can only break for the situation for the children in Iraq but what happened to those kids that were locked up and starving at the border? Why in the world can we easily send food and help and send helicopters to Iraqi kids in a War Zone but cannot send helicopters or defend the borders or send kids back home to some drug war zone in Central America without a literal act of Congress?

** FILE **  A group of illegal immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally as they are stopped in Granjeno, Texas, June 25, 2014. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) Mr. President where is your phone or pen so you can send the Illegals Back to Central America who are now going to be paid and supported by taxpayer's money? We have to now educate and feed these Illegals so that they will and hopefully vote democratic. The Iraq situations is a great distraction while we have exposed how weak the American border is. We have even seen a guy who dressed up as former Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden to show how easily we are vulnerable to terrorist but we got to feed and save those Iraqi Children. I guess I am a common sense kind of guy and I realize that if we take care of own first we can then take care of others. We are not focusing here on the problems of home we cannot build our strength up like Iran has who has been capable of Nuclear energy now because they are not out fighting wars and transporting children. Before you get all weepy eyed about the kids in Iraq why not look out of the White House and see the kid's situation right there in Washington D.C.? Do you really think you have a hold on everything here to be able to take care of the Children elsewhere in the World?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Seriously Can't you just wait til The Investigation is Over????!!!

 There is alway two sides to every story and this seems to be the case in the shooting and killing of Michael Brown an Unarmed Teenager. In the Aftermath of this horrible tragedy which leads to an investigation. Ferguson residents decide to burn to destroy and loot, any excuse to get goodies they cannot afford or allowed on food stamps or EBT. We find out that there is two sides to this story and we hope and pray a fair and accurate ruling is carried out. You see an investigation is not over so why in the world would you burn the city or town up over something we do not Know the actual evidence of the situation yet? We have a bunch of jerks who care nothing for justice . I know the entire town is not bad but still can you do the decent and law abiding thing and wait until all the facts come out? We see the righteous anger and hopefully positive change in New Mexico in recent events with unjust law enforcement why not take a lesson there? You can Go to city hall and yell and rant and work to recall certain elected officials. No its the same emotional knee jerk reaction oh someone died by a cop so I will burn the town. I am for the uprising of just people against the injustices in this nation but maybe take a lesson from the bundy ranch when Militiamen never fired one shot at officers when Clive Bundy invoked his right to protest of what he perceived of the injustices of land grabbing on his property.
 I have said it before I am worried about the state of this nation we cannot have an intelligent debate anymore most likely that leads to war. We could take a lesson from Russia and Ukraine joining forces to evacuate a city in Ukraine. If push comes to shove and ISIS or anyone decides to invade this country would we join or still fight over things that need to be thought out before silly emotional and unjust responses? Would cooler heads Prevail? We are living in an America right now where we cannot agree on most things we our divided seriously now between left and right and our own people our suffering for it. The world knows it and we have opened up our known weakness of emotional reactions to Putin and now A terrorist organization like ISIS and Hamas and it won't probably be long before we are tested. Now this time I wonder if we have the strength to sit down and talk about retaliation or are we going to burn stores down. You know what why not send the looters to Iraq? They might can calm the situation over there. Of course they would be beheaded instead of spending time in jail with free food and then released back to free housing to have free food there. So sign them up to go to Iraq they will get free food by the US MIlitary and maybe use that "Just Anger" on ISIS instead of Innocent Merchant owners.

If I was a woman I would be totally Triggered If a Man Claimed He was a Woman

 I loved coming home back when I was working as a contractor. I pre-ordered some gifts for the kids of friends who took care of my house at the time while I was away. I could not wait to give them their presents I got the little girl who was becoming a teenager an Ipod and I bought the boy a Robot Dinosaur. The poor girl was bent over in pain she was maturing into a young woman. Of course I felt sorry for her I wanted to hug the pain away but the Idea of anyone touching her probably made her sick. I have said in the past the transition from girlhood into womanhood should be like a transformation like in Sailor Moon or any other generic magical girl anime show not the way it really is you know the body squeezing and bones changing to make a girl into a woman. It hurts and it is something no man may never know. At her age I remember getting a basketball and still love that sport today. I was not in pain I was out in my homemade court day to day in the afternoon shooting baskets that is what I think of when I think of transitioning to manhood. She will have the remembrance emotionally and physically but hey it is part of becoming a woman and most of these girls will have the ability to give the greatest gift and that is giving a child and that is no easy task as well the pain thresholds have been placed at levels in which most men would not be able to take.

 Now Imagine and some of you are trades people or nurses and dental assistants male and female and you worked to gain your hours and credits to obtain your license now I am not going to talk about whether or not a license given out by Civil government officials is a good thing or a bad thing. I will save that for another blog. The point is you earned that right to be a Nurse Practitioner, Carpenter, Plumber, Hvac guy or gal, or even a Pest Controller as many of us are. Now Imagine if you are at a job that your company booked and some guy or gal was paid as much as you were and did not have those license and imagine even they were not faced with the consequences as you are for not practicing your trade without a license. You would cry out unfair! You know what it is unfair. That is exactly how I would feel like if I was a woman who heard some male idiot claim he was a woman who never went through the labor of changing into a woman. He would never have the responsibility of what I have to go through from becoming pregnant the medication that actually will take that will change my hormonal moods to keep from becoming pregnant and most of all the pain I would have to endure when I became pregnant . If I was a woman there is no way I could stomach it the thought of an Idiot man claiming he was a beautiful woman. The audacity of this piece of flesh claiming that he is a woman but never go through even the feeling that a man gives you when he leers at you at an airport because if he is a man he is a butt ugly woman obviously. I know what you're thinking I am intolerant no I am understanding, I know that life is beautiful and one of the greatest gifts God could give to a woman is the ability to bear children. I can and will not reason with fools and a fool is one who would give up the great gift of being a man the joy of being a Father which a fool would sacrifice so that he can be at risk for oral and Anal Cancer oh welcome to your womanhood Jerk . That is if he wants to be a real woman and mate with men because only a Woman could do something like that mate with something ugly like a man that is why God gave them such a tolerance for pain.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Jesse Ventura Why?! Because there is no Forgiveness in Atheism

 Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura was a great show and it was good to see something that I have been told and read for many years on an actual television and it shows where our nation was heading. I knew since the popularity of X-files that conspiracy Theories would become a bigger interest in our country and people wondered how much our federal Government was involved. I am not  in favor of strong central government. I cannot prove everything there is on how much our federal government is involved in everything but I do know what history has taught me about strong central government you can google Adolf Hitler or early Soviet Union history for further reading. Big civil Government is not a good thing especially more power given to a fallen man is never a good thing.

 I became interested in Jesse Ventura when he took the Minnesota Governor elections with a clever campaign showing he was not like the "Other Guys". Those "Other Guys" of course being Republicans and Democrats and of course like most people we cannot win any election because we unlike Jesse Ventura do not have the money or the Fame to win an election without a backer and the problem of having a backer is that we are subjugated to the backers. You see politicians are hated and celebrities are loved. Celebrities can snort cocaine off prostitutes and cuss and rant and still be loved for instance I watched Snoop doggy dog call a woman the b-word and smoke weed. If Mitch Mcconnell was caught smoking weed and yelling "Hey Nancy Pelosi is a huge Vagina!" Mitch can kiss his career goodbye. This is the double standard that is in America there are idiots out there who side with Russell Brand a Mediocre Comedian who is not funny who rants in his underwear on youtube about a prominent media outlet unless you are a fourteen year old girl I cannot see how Russell Brand could be politically relevant. Of course Russell Brand and Jessie Ventura might get along they hate anything that is uplifting or relevant like Christianity which has help make the backbone and heart in this great country. Look lets face it Atheism does not teach forgiveness or letting go or just moving on. There is no love in Atheism every video where I see Atheist people make videos on youtube and most of the time it is nothing but hate and fear. The most Ironic thing about the Atheist youtube videos is they Yell at and defile a God they say does not exist. They do not get mad at Captain America they know he does not exist but they have hate for a God they say is as fictional as Captain America. I am painting a picture of what the world that Jesse lives in. It is a world where there is no forgiveness, they have no love because they cannot prove love. Love does not exist everything is what they perceive is or what they say nature allows them to do. Morality in the physical world is simple do not do bad to people. How do we determine what bad is ? We first determine what is good and then we get what bad is by determining what is the opposite of what is good. let me give you a clue of what is "good" do you know where the word good came from? The word  comes from the word God. The word God eventually evolved into the word good think about it. Jesses does not know about true mercy because he does not know about a God who shows us mercy that can easily destroy us.
 I know the story about Chris Kyle's Insurance paying for the court cost and I know about what the media has projected for the book of Chris Kyle which will help the widow. I am not a Jesse Ventura fan number one he favors abortion and then he is for federal government intervention such as keeping the EPA and for policies that FDR wanted he is not the Constitutional loving person everyone projects him to be. He is worse. He is a Capitalist hating Civil Government intervention person and no he is not as bad as Obama but he does not love our Constitution all the way he has forgotten the history of what made this country great. I would like to see  how he can respect others rights and be for abortion you cannot. I support any Anarchist before then anyone that wants any control given to the Federal Government to prevent business to make as much profit as they seem fit. We need more businesses and more churches to speak to give greedy businessman and help find them a heart not regulations on business which just makes more criminals. Who do you think makes those laws? Rich greedy businessmen and corrupt lawyers that is the problem you know this Jesse so why do you want to make more laws to regulate business give me a break? We need God not regulations Jesse. With more freedom we can reach corporations with prayer and the gospel and teachings of the Bible where it teaches the bosses to be fair to the servants and setting aside a day of admiration for God and a especially a day of rest which is a teaching from the Bible. Where do you think the justice for greedy persons comes from? It comes from the Bible which teaches us greed is a sin. How do you think we got J.C. Penny's and Sundays off and Saturdays off? We got them off because of The Churches and Synagogues with the help of God not Regulations. Somewhere along the way we figured Man could do a better job and look where that gets us Obama of course. You think you will get those precious weekends off when we deny God in our country.

 I really do not care if Jesse Ventura is Right and do not care if Chris Kyle was right in the matter. What Jesse really needs to do is take a lesson from someone he admires like Ron Paul when he talked about the "Prince of Peace" and how his Christian views was one of the reasons why he did not believe in preemptive strikes or needless wars. Can you Imagine if America went to war just because we were "defamed" by other countries? Americans are the great Satan regardless if we invaded that country or not just the way it is. You do not go to war over something so frivolous. If you really believed in non interventionism in foreign wars so you claim for America you are really setting a bad example. You are going after someone just because they "lied" about you. Ron Paul has been lied about since the day one of his campaign history he cannot sue everyone. You are going to try to Run for the United States Presidency. You think you lost jobs in the past over Chris Kyle's "Lie" now you have added to that and all you had to do was to let go and move on because you have totally forgotten what you got in this political realm in the first place. You are going to spend the rest of about two years defending your actions because the Presidential elections are in 2016 and believe me this will be brought up at every debate you can get in. You are guilty of spending more time defending yourself instead of getting out the freedom message because it is a message not a person. I do not care what they say and do to me. I care more that the message lives on the Freedom message is not a person it is an Idea. I see where your priorities are Jesse. Do You?