Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Where is The Reward For Benghazi Terrorist?

I think Americans have become so dumb that they are more concerned about what the media perceives you to be than actually what someone does. I will give you an example just calling someone a terrorist is not a good Idea anymore. I really laugh at this notion for instance we actually debated if what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist act or not. I do not care if you think what happened was a act of kindness where is the Justice? We need to retaliate or something. What is Eric Holder done or doing to even bring to justice for what happened in Benghazi. If These Libyans did an act of Kindness should not they be rewarded for their act of Kindness?

So we even watch  Eleanor Clift say on Sunday’s The McLaughlin Group that late U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed the night of the Benghazi attacks, had not been murdered but had died from “smoke inhalation.” Does it matter that the smoke inhalation came from the smoke from a fire that a bunch of Radical Islamist started? Well they are not terrorist they are givers and they are givers of fire not death just death is the result of their smoke from the fire they started. Even let us say that you liberals are right and that a stupid z grade film was the result of the Gifters attack. Does it justify the Gifters gift? You see what I am Saying. A guy who makes a video about a known pedophile and then the Gifters attack an Embassy, I mean they give a gift of fire and the Smoke inhalation kills a prominent Ambassador. Is Ambassador Stevens deserving of the gift? He had nothing to do with the video should not the maker of the video receive the gift not Ambassador Stevens? Since these givers of fire have never been thanked why have we not sent them a thank you? A good gift would be a drone carrying a good old fashioned SAM missile attached to it. That is a perfect gift for people who give fire that cause smoke Inhalation on Ambassadors.

The point is simple in this blog no justice has been served at all since Benghazi. The United States arrested a guy for violating his probation and that is about it. If it was your son or daughter that was murdered because someone made a video that had nothing to do with your son or daughter would you arrest the Video Maker or would you go after The Murderer? I will give you time to think about it. A guy makes a video that has nothing to do with your son or daughter or the guy who murdered your son or daughter who should be arrested? Tough decision isn't it Yes if you are a moron and have no emotional link to your children.

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