1. Legalize it on the Federal level

2. Stop having wars on Adjectives and Verbs
This should be an easy one Stop Having wars On Terror,Drugs, Poverty, Education or whatever politicians can come up with! You look stupid and even Democrats war on poverty had more "Casualties" than victors. The truth is you cannot have a physical war on things or Ideologies that will be here forever because if you cannot annihilate them or if they cannot sign a treaty guess what they win. For instance The "War On Terror", Terror will always be here by the definition of the person who he or she thinks is being terrorized unless you can convince the people that they will never be terrorized again you can not win a war on terror. How would I retaliated against Bin laden in 2001? Well when I had found out that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan or Pakistan. I would have called Afghanistan or Pakistan and say we hear you have Bin laden and say now turn him over. If they refused just hash out in congress for about 6 weeks get a war declared on the nation for hiding someone who caused the deaths of thousands and bomb the crap out of that country until they give up Bin laden. It is the legal way of doing it. This whole charade of the training of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan cost us Trillions of dollars and sent many Republicans packing and voting for Obama just face the cold hard facts.You need to declare War on nations not Ideologies and Verbs.
3. Promote Nationalism

4. Keep Infiltrating Libertarians and Independents

5. Stop using The term conspiracy Theorist

I have been blessed and seen and lived and been around many cultures in my day. I have seen evil from man. I have heard different ideas and the liberals love their buzzwords such as racism and homophobia which are tactics of the communist regime and many other regressive pundits to silent the conservative. I listen and I feel I am an open minded person. I have heard a lot of Ideas. Liberals have done everything to keep conservatives quiet from telling lies about certain individuals to damaging reputations but that is many times just politics. I come to my beliefs by experience and what has been laid out by God and for thousands of years. I do not have knee jerk policies the Bill of rights worked in 1791 America it works now. I play around with liberals and call them racist by their definition of racism not by Websters definition of the term but by their definition. It seems Liberals have thrown out the Webster definition of racism. it would be like finding a needle in a haystack if you went by Websters definition of what Racism is to try to find a real racist. Some Republicans have took on one of the liberal buzz words and use the buzzwords conspiracy theorist. Immediately if someone has a disagreement over a civil government report even though the same report came from a report from a government with an approval rating of under 10% that person is deemed conspiracy theorist which now has become one of the many buzz words for crazy person.
I am not saying that just because someone has a new Idea that you should immediately believe them I am saying keep an Open Mind. A conservative is someone who is moral and believe they should take responsibility for their actions. You believe in life on other planets that should not change your belief in morality or financial responsibility. I cannot see us marking and ticking people off just because we disagree with them please hear them out first. The truth is you are going to find out that there are things that will never be explained and that you and I do not know everything lets face it. We were not there most of the time on things we dogmatically say we know about so we do not know for sure. I see news stories for what they are as stories some could be made up and some that could be truth. They do not change the laws of nature. The Laws of Nature is what we can observe and know. Stories do not change the punishment we bring to ourselves because of how we live. We do wrong we should expect the consequences for doing wrong that is the heart and mind of what true conservatism is.
6. Hold Other Nations Accountable

7. Flat TAX

8. Stop Funding Everyone
Republicans need to speak out against funding countries that hate us and idiotic research such as studying the obesity of lesbians.
9. Speak at all Campuses
I do not care if it is the the most liberal college or the blackest college or the most female college. The people on our campuses here in America now live in the bubble of politically correctness and limited free speech. It is up to you to change the way they feel or just show that there is an opposing view out there. Stop being afraid of defending your ideas just because they will demonize you or hate you. Someone will hate you even if you do not speak so get used to the hate it is nothing new.
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