Monday, September 22, 2014

10 ways To Fix The Republican Party by 2016

  I know many of you know that I am a reluctant republican but with great new Libertarian leaning Republicans  such As Senator Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and of Course  Dr. Rand Paul in the run for presidency. It has motivated me to get a little excited about the 2016 election . Even if Obama is kicked out and we have to sit patiently through Biden or whoever the pundits put in there but there are ways to get excited about the Republican Party and I think these points are working and they will work if Rhinos will attempt to follow them as well.

1. Legalize it on the Federal level

   I do not care if it is Marijuana, Pornography or Prostitution stop making the Federal Government the dictator that it should not be. The Federal Government should be concerned about the state of the nation and less concerned on individuals lifestyles. The federal Government should let go and Republicans need to advocate for more states rights and say hey Wisconsin you decide on this issue and New York you should decide on this and most of all lets keep the federal out of everything that does not concern the welfare of the nation. They need to spend more time on trade policies such as the horrendous Most Favored Nation Status policy of China and other corrupt Trade policies that have hurt us in the past then worry about some idiot wanting to smoke a joint at three am and then run to Wal-mart for Doritos. I do not smoke Marijuana and I have no desire to. You can let the local Sheriff handle that situation if the city wants to vote on a Marijuana ban let them do that. The Drug war has hurt more people than it has helped. It has locked up fathers who are in jail instead of at home where there is now no Father for a crime as little as the possession of 20$ of weed. In fact Republicans should welcome all the taxes that weed will bring in from sales if you support cigarettes you should support marijuana because there is about the same health risk involved. Alcohol related deaths will always outnumber any illegal drug and we have given city and county and states the responsibility on legislating Alcohol so why not marijuana and other drugs and whatever else is out there. If they are hurting themselves with Cigarettes or Alcohol or Heroine no legislation most of the time will not stop someone who is an addict. You can however have less restrictions on Church Ministries and Other charitable Organizations that would be a key start . You can think about how many who have been helped by Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation Army and Churches and released by the stronghold of alcohol and illegal drug addiction. This is a far better rehabilitation than Jail is where joint smokers come out as murders or better criminals taught by the influence of criminals. You stick a Glove in the Mud the Mud does not turn into gloves however the Glove will become Muddy. 

2. Stop having wars on Adjectives and Verbs

 This should be an easy one Stop Having wars On Terror,Drugs, Poverty, Education or whatever politicians can come up with! You look stupid and even Democrats war on poverty had more "Casualties"  than victors. The truth is you cannot have a physical war on things or Ideologies that will be here forever because if you cannot annihilate them or if they cannot sign a treaty guess what they win. For instance The "War On Terror", Terror will always be here by the definition of the person who he or she thinks is being terrorized unless you can convince the people that they will never be terrorized again you can not win a war on terror. How would I retaliated against Bin laden in 2001? Well when I had found out that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan or Pakistan. I would have called Afghanistan or Pakistan and say we hear you have Bin laden and say now turn him over. If they refused just hash out in congress for about 6 weeks get a war declared on the nation for hiding someone who caused the deaths of thousands and bomb the crap out of that country until they give up Bin laden. It is the legal way of doing it. This whole charade of the training of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan cost us Trillions of dollars and sent many Republicans packing and voting for Obama just face the cold hard facts.You need to declare War on nations not Ideologies and Verbs.

3. Promote Nationalism

   This should be another easy one do not be ashamed to say  you are an American and respect the culture that is American. I think that at the same time respect Mexican Culture and Canadian culture and Iraqi Culture but when people cross our borders they should show the respect to our flag and religious Ideas because hey we should respect theirs as well. I love being an American but I want America to stay America and one way of doing that is by not being ashamed of our heritage.  Name one country that has not bad history and show me one country that is far superior than ours All Nations have skeletons in their closets but at the same time whether we are liberal or conservative we all should love America. The way you can sell the idea of nationalism is to show respect to other countries when you cross their borders speak out against poop singers like Miley Cyrus wiping the Mexican Flag on her bum. Let's Talk more about how that we should not force other countries to change the laws of other countries because we disagree with them. It is not for us to judge them lets take care of our own and be a light and an example for them to follow because others are watching around us let them take care of their own. Encourage missionaries to come over to other countries but at the same time encourage them to respect the homeland that they are there helping or ministering to no legislation just remind people that when you are born here you are an ambassador of this country and you should be example to others by presenting yourself as a steward and an Ambassador. Explain that when you promote Capitalism you are helping other countries because if we had strong capitalism we would have to loosen the borders to everyone because the jobs would be more. Under Obama's Strict Coal regulations here in Kentucky we have had to sacrifice thousands of jobs with less regulations we would have more businesses and we need bodies to fill the positions in those businesses. Under the minimum wage laws we have sent more jobs to China than the normal choice of Mexico because the labor is cheaper there and because of child labor laws we have seen more clothes made with middle east cotton because guess what they have no child labor laws and that was okayed by the United Nations. I am not saying that ten year olds should pick cotton but who am I to judge if daddy starts an internet company and wants to employ his ten year old son to work for him. I rather the Homes Schooled ten year old help out daddy and be employed than be in the Public School on ritalin bullied all day. My daddy worked me hard when I was young and the best thing was I came home tired versus staying up all night on social Media. I learned to appreciate money whether mowing yards or bailing hay. We as America should be proud of being capitalist and should promote Capitalism 

4. Keep Infiltrating Libertarians and Independents

  I am a constitutionalist first and I believe in all the The Bill of rights and I do not think they should be compromised. If Republicans keep promoting Small Government they will win Constitutionalist and libertarians.  This is one point that has been an easy effort but Ann Coulter criticizing Libertarians is disgusting and really makes her look foolish when it comes to legalizing the constitution we should be on the same page. If Libertarians are mad at Glenn Beck for calling himself a Libertarian think how they feel when people criticize them for being free thinkers. Many Libertarians are Constitutionalists and just do not know it but that is the beauty of what the Libertarians have done they have actually brought together Constitutional conservatives like me and Anarchist Atheist like Penn Jillette together in the same room because we can have a common enemy "Big Government' . Why do we despise war hawks likes Sen John McCain? War cost money and we do not need needless wars. We  just want Constitutional Declared wars on people who attack us . Reagan won over Independents by respecting Independents and debating Anderson. Carter did not debate and he lost the election and now I am not saying that is why Reagan won. If you want to win an election you have to attract the non party people and other party people as well and not calling them names is a step in the right direction.

5. Stop using The term conspiracy Theorist

I have been blessed and seen and lived and been around many cultures in my day. I have seen evil from man. I have heard different ideas and the liberals love their buzzwords such as racism and homophobia which are tactics of the communist regime and many other regressive pundits to silent the conservative. I listen and I feel I am an open minded person. I have heard a lot of Ideas. Liberals have done everything to keep conservatives quiet from telling lies about certain individuals to damaging reputations but that is many times just politics. I come to my beliefs by experience and what has been laid out by God and for thousands of years. I do not have knee jerk policies the Bill of rights worked in 1791 America it works now. I play around with liberals and call them racist by their definition of racism not by Websters definition of the term but by their definition. It seems Liberals have thrown out the Webster definition of racism. it would be like finding a needle in a haystack if you went by Websters definition of what Racism is to try to find a real racist. Some Republicans have took on one of the liberal buzz words and use the buzzwords conspiracy theorist. Immediately if someone has a disagreement over a civil government report even though the same report came from a report from a government with an approval rating of under 10% that person is deemed conspiracy theorist which now has become one of the many buzz words for crazy person. 
  I am not saying that just because someone has a new Idea that you should immediately believe them I am saying keep an Open Mind. A conservative is someone who is moral and believe they should take responsibility for their actions. You believe in life on other planets that should not change your belief in morality or financial responsibility. I cannot see us marking and ticking people off just because we disagree with them please hear them out first. The truth is you are going to find out that there are things that will never be explained and that you and I do not know everything lets face it. We were not there most of the time on things we dogmatically say we know about so we do not know for sure. I see news stories for what they are as stories some could be made up and some that could be truth. They do not change the laws of nature. The Laws of Nature is what we can observe and know. Stories do not change the punishment we bring to ourselves because of how we live. We do wrong we should expect the consequences for doing wrong that is the heart and mind of what true conservatism is.

6. Hold Other Nations Accountable

 When nations allow people to come over and harm our nation by not preventing the people from hurting us that nation should be held accountable.  We should retaliate against them by not giving them money or sanctions simple as that. Obama is now probably regretting putting sanctions on Putin as we enter another War against some Radical Muslim group. Russia has never invaded us however they have been hit hard by Sanctions. Muslim extremist and those countries who hide them and support them they should be held accountable like forced to pay money for damages or heavy sanctions against them every Republican should propose sanctions against any body who is involved with ISIS right now.

7. Flat TAX

I think it is finally time to support a flat tax whether it be for the 9% or 15 % . It is time. The income tax is just a Communist ideology that our founders never wanted and hurts the working poor more than helps them. Show me any where that the income tax has helped the middle class since its start in 1913 and its time to weed out any republicans who support this Communist form of taxation because they are truly not American or Capitalist ideas. I really do not need to go any further with this you know what is right and you know what is wrong and you know where to start. I may be wrong on this prediction but I will say at least half of the Republican Candidates by 2016 will probably support a flat tax or be against the Income tax. Even Einstein could not understand or comprehend our modern day Income tax.

8. Stop Funding Everyone

 Republicans need to speak out against funding countries that hate us and idiotic research such as studying the obesity of lesbians. 

9. Speak at all Campuses

 I do not care if it is the the most liberal college or the blackest college or the most female college. The people on our campuses here in America now live in the bubble of politically correctness and limited free speech. It is up to you to change the way they feel or just show that there is an opposing view out there. Stop being afraid of defending your ideas just because they will demonize you or hate you. Someone will hate you even if you do not speak so get used to the hate it is nothing new.


You need to pray for every Republican ,pray at the conventions pray at the church pray at the school and pray at your home. Do what you have to do because with God all things are possible.

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