I have to admit young men are going to have a hard time growing up in this generation. More and more men who do not conform to the wimpy culture that is plaguing this society will either be sent to jail or marked the rest of the days of his life. I grew up single and will probably die single and it does not bother me. I am at the probably one of the most happiest times in my life. I create almost on a regular basis. I think of my creations as my children. I admit when I was younger it did bother me the rude and harmful word used to describe me for being a single person but while many of my friends struggle with divorce and custody of the kids. I watched my income double sometimes and quadruple. I gave up on marriage when I watched someone close to me in a divorce our society encourages women to just quit on marriage just because you feel like it. I have got to see Paris and Amsterdam heck I met Jesse Jackson in Paris that was pretty neat. I met a guy who had his hearing be blown out at Woodstock by Jimi Hendrix. I have met a few could be upcoming Country stars and Christian Rock acts interviewed the original members of Disciple and I got to work with a beautiful young Japanese pop Idol for a while. All these things I probably could not do married because most of the time they were done outside of a career I had while I was doing those things. As you get older it does become easier to be single when you are a young it is harder you are taunted and haunted and reminded that your opinion and you do not matter just because you are single.
1. You wouldn't Understand you are Single.

I understand sadness and happiness I have been happy and sad and mad and frustrated but just because I am not married does not mean I do not understand hurt or any feelings. When I was younger this statement bothered me so much. Married people acted like they were experiencing something that I have never or would experience they acted like they were enlightened people than just us stupid single people. Hey stupid people get married all the time that is the reason we get more Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo's out there.
2. You have it so easy you are Single
In most cases single people have it harder try raising a child when you are single. When I worked 60-80 hours a week I did not have it any easier. Especially when you have a house or an apartment. I had to sacrifice cleanliness and laundry and lack of maintenance on a house or car for a career. These task are easier divided among couples. They divide the task and sometimes the income. It makes no sense when I see two people who have no kids actually make more money than I do and end up spending more money than I do and broke on the weekends. I watch parents bailout married newlyweds give them a house or money when they need it and I have to set aside for air conditioning repair on my car and wait until I saved money up for many things. I cleaned my house and many times I had to clean up when the guys came over without any help . I have seen moms of the newly couples take care of the place of the couple wash laundry for them and I do all this stuff on my own.
3. Son, Don't ever get married

One of the most annoying statements you will get to hear especially if you are a guy is "Never get Married". You will hear this from a guy who has been married for over forty years. You will think to yourself if it is so bad why don't you just leave. When you hear this it is after the two old couple will meet and yell at each other for twenty minutes and you just want to hide in the trash bin at work whether they are yelling each other at the office parking lot or on the phone. Anyways get ready guys because you will hear this the rest of your life I have married clients that were retired that would avoid each other. One of my favorite clients owned a huge house and he spent most of his time in the cold garage from his wife.
4. How many are there in your Party?
No one should ever have to hear this. In one episode of the original series of Ellen, Ellen goes to a restaurant alone and her experience mirrored any single person's life over and over again going out to eat alone. I love to eat out and many people ask me why I like to dine because I like to eat. There was a time there were places with the cutest waitresses but when you get older food is a better motivator than sex . You do not have to hear the food talk back to you unless it is taco bell or be in the position to leave or ask the food to leave because the sun is rising.
5. This is what you miss when you are not Married
There are always going to be that one crazy dude in your life that thinks marriage was the greatest thing that has happened to him. If a man can manipulate a woman it would be a good thing but most of the time I have to tolerate some guy answering the phone every second while we do a simple task like moving a couch. I am told that I miss Hugs while half of the unmarried nerds that used to watch my videos in the past are hugging their dog or cat right now.
6. It is not good for anyone to be alone
My mom stopped hounding me about this marriage business when that person who received his ugly divorce in his life that I previously talked about she finally realized what modern men go through today.
This is an awful and horrible statement can you imagine someone saying someone that is not good to be single guess what that means. It means it is bad to be single and no one wants to be bad. The last time I checked Scripture we are all bad compared to God. Being married does not make you better I go back to my Kardashian comparison and don't forget Hitler was married as well.
7. Why are you single what did you do wrong?

I put this one for the one female that reads this or watch my videos. I cannot imagine anyone walking up to someone and saying something cold as this. Young man as you get older you will become Gandhi and young men and women will follow your advice and they may end up starting a cult just for you. I have been told that I am way ahead of my time I do not know what it will be like when people start catching up with me I hope I am ready by then. On the other hand women being single and getting older are compared to old maids now some women will enjoy their singleness it is easier as they get older while at the same time some women especially in the middle ages of their life will struggle worse and mostly because they will be experiencing menopause. This is not the end some of the most spiritual women in my life have been mature ladies that love God and shared God's love with me. Mature spiritual women are and will always be the backbone of this great nation of ours it is their prayers and words of wisdom that have helped keep America going on and that is why they need to be more involved in church ministries. I know in my life that is far more important than rocking a hot body like Raquel Welch at age seventy
8. I should of married someone like you
Nothing is more than a bigger tease to me then when a woman is telling me that she should of married me. As a single adult male I get really mixed emotions when I hear "I should of married you" I have been told this by the woman who is gently letting me down to the woman who is making a pass at me at the time. It was the strangest statement a woman can make for me in my life when I was a young man. I am glad that I have matured and words like theses do not even phase me but young man I have been there and you will make it through singleness but the struggle in singleness as a young man will get easier as you get older so peace and have a great day.
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