Okay I get it you are mad because liberals tick you off. You ever watch a really liberal show and there will be 4 or 5 white people talking about what is good for the black community that they never seen in real life but watched a Spike Lee film once so they know what is good for you? Okay so you are conservative and you have become ill just watching a bunch of media pundits emotionally trying to prove their point without any facts. Now you the conservative want to respond with a decent vlog to get your rebuttal across. Here are some things that worked for me that I would like to share.
1.Take your face out of it

When I Started to make videos I saw when I had my face in the videos they did not really work. Liberals are the biggest sticklers about race and what you look like. If someone says something in hollywood political no matter how stupid it is people listen like they are a god. Hollywood is obsessive about looks and so are liberals. So if you are a Man they will say you need to check your privilege, If you are a woman they will say that you are slut and you are using your womaness to get votes or something. If you are Black you are an Uncle Tom or even uneducated most of the time that is typical for liberals and they will say this if you look like a white or black country boy. The bottom line our side is about a message not how we feel or what we look like. Correct economics is just about basic math show graphs and charts to back up your opinion. Use diversion Like kittens or neat Photos you have taken of Butterflies or flowers. Get the Message out there. You can confuse them they will most of time not comment when you do not show your face they will probably dislike but if you are accurate and precise in your research. You can make a decent video with a great topical discussion. Eventually reveal yourself slowly as you gain support.
2. Take all emotions out of it.

It is easy to hate liberals. I mean most of them are stupid and when we mean stupid it just means they are too slow to learn or actually refuse to learn or uneducated about the situation or topic. It is not hate to point out anyones ignorance. One thing liberals are guilty of is providing proof. You do not need to be guilty of that as well. For instance on Abortion how can you prove your point? Do your research go visit a Gynecologist about Pregnancy talk to pregnant woman. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Listen to a person. There is plenty videos regarding Sonograms and do your own research on where you think life begins and then use your research as a reference. Do not get mad or angry with a woman just because she had an Abortion. She lives in the world if it is legal then it is okay. Your job is to show that just because it is legal does not make it alright for instance Slavery was legal as well. You bring up your point and walk away when you provided all the information. Emotions are no way to bring up a point that is long lasting because emotions will fade away. Liberal Immediate reaction to the abortion issue is if abortions is illegal that women will do unsafe abortions. If a debate happens Ask them for the Information where that is true. Ask them for news reports or articles that show women in the past before abortion was legal where that was the case . If they can actually provide the proof then show a News article were Black slaves are not human and ask them does this past history of legal slavery make it alright because some people did not believe blacks were 100% human? Now that is the time to bring videos of sonograms and countless videos regarding what is happening in the womb let them listen to a beating heart of a little baby in the mothers womb at 20 weeks and ask them if that is not a human? The point is to take the emotions out of it try to be scientific regarding your debate. Abortion defenders bring out some of the silliest fears about pregnancy that are laughable try to maintain your composure.
3. Write Down what you want to say !

The dumbest videos are rants. This is as bad as watching a drunk go off on a tangent and some of these people are drunk when they make their videos. It is not a sin to write what you want down first that way you are more thorough, eventually rants become ridiculous and are most of the time emotional illogical garbage. Do not become that, look at detailed reporters or debaters watch them bring a notepad. Idiots do not take notes, Idiots just go off when they feel like it and when their feeling goes away so does their movement. Do not become an Idiot. Be prepared you would not go to war unprepared. Do not do a video unprepared regardless what the passive conservatives or liberal say we are at war right now it is a mental war so be mentally prepared. When smart people see what you are doing they join the cause. The idiots cannot barely stand on their own so when more idiots join their cause they are destined to fail.
4. Stay On Topic

Do not dwell on the video you just made move on to the next one. I try to make a list of topics I want to discuss then I make the videos. So when I make a video about Gun Rights, I look at my list and then look at the next Topic then I make a video on the next topic. I do not worry about what the Gun rights video is doing until the smoke clears from the Guns rights video. In other word if the Guns Rights video is getting a lot of notification alerts stay away from reactions until you are done with the next one. The negativity can get you in frivolous arguments don't fall in the trap. That is how liberals try to trap you they are snakes simple as that they are deceitful and will try to bring you down. Now I do make commentaries on news as it it is happening but I have my topical videos to keep me preoccupied to help me avoid traps to make me sound bad, remember defend Ideas not people. Humans are not perfect but an Ideology can be. When you react to current news give the news time to bring out the information so you do not look foolish afterwards and do not be afraid to show empathy for tragedy but still stick to facts.
5. Stay away from making Reactionary videos

Stay away from pre trolls as they are called these are people who just make videos to tick people off. Some comedian makes a joke about conservative people, try not to react that is what they want if you make a video like defending somebody you can end up looking like the Leave Britney alone kid. Defend Ideas not people. There are many conservatives out there that are not conservatives and that could lead you in a whole discussion defending Donald Trumps hair, stay away from that. Now if you like something The Donald says make a video how you agree with what Donald said but make a disclaimer at the beginning of what you disagree with him on certain issues this will give many people a good idea that you do not have a love affair or Homosexual relationship with The Donald. The point is liberals want to group people in two categories and guess what you cannot. Only God can do that and his division is People who follow Satan and People Who follow God. We are talking about a political spectrum here in most of our videos we can divide our ideologies in different categories or subjects so a subject can divide conservatives and liberals. If this is the case stick to one subject as best as possible so you are seen professional and not a fanboy.
I bring this up because I think we need more social conservatives on Youtube and many are afraid because of the hate you get and many of you have a hard time communicating with great practice you all can become great commentators and debaters!
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