We are on the brink of war again as the result with the death of two Americans and rightly so. Americans should be upset when anyone is murdered. It is amazing how the tune has changed from calling the deaths of four Americans at Benghazi as a "phony Scandal" to "Bomb them!" when two American Journalist are killed. In either cases the deaths were not justified. The liberals look bewildered why we are upset over the death of Ambassador Stevens, Sean smith, Tyrone S. woods and Glenn Doherty. It starts with denying or lying about Benghazi as it could be called to make anyone upset you see Americans hate being lied to. We were told this story about Benghazi that the reason the embassy of Benghazi was attacked was over a z grade Movie it seemed this was a scapegoat story that was hastily put together a story told and announced by then secretary of state Hillary Clinton. We were told not to call Benghazi a terrorist act. In fact we watch Jabba Hut look alike Candy Crowley defend Obama for not denouncing the Benghazi as a terrorist act but not only that she tries to make him look good like an abusive woman attempts to make her abuser look good and try to affirm that the attack on Benghazi was because of a z-grade movie about Muhammad (may he keep burning in hell). Now are Liberals stupid or lying to us in this situation? I will be clear on this I think Mitt Romney was a bad choice for presidency. I think the War On Terror was and always will be a bad idea like the War on Drugs and The War on Poverty equally bad Ideas. The War on Iraq and Afghanistan should of been War on the Nations themselves. We could of have saved a lot of problems we are facing now. These countries should have been just made into 2 more states or provinces and then we could have done whatever we wanted with them and they could have voted their independence later like Scotland.Our past and present Presidents respect the culture Of Iraq than the culture of Texas. The Bushes are supposedly from Texas my little white butt they are yankee and always will be. You can not have a Constitutional physical war on an action or verb you can have a constitutional physical war on nations that however hide and cannot handle radical muslim extremist but I do not care if it was because of The Care Bears Movie that four Americans died. Where is the justice where is the retaliation for those Americans as we are bombing a Muslim group for the murder of two American Journalist right at this time?
The liberal media would like us to believe that Obama is some kind of Messiah that is a bringer of peace. It seems like a forgotten memory or a long time ago when President Obama ordered drone strikes in Yemen and Libya. At this time Obama was campaigning hard against the threat of being replaced and seen as a one termer. The Average Obama zombie voter knew nothing of the Drone Strike King Obama. Obama death by drones toll reached 2,400 in around June according to the Huffington Post grant it they were mostly evil Muslims and that alone would probably give Obama sainthood status in the Catholic Heaven. It won't surprise you that most liberals never heard of this article from the Huffington Post and I know it is covered up by the Anti corporation articles or how Hobby Lobby wants in your Vagina. It is still there if you read articles and videos in early 2011 you will find us helping and aiding Libya Rebels to fight once leader Muammar Gaddafi. Our obsession of ousting Gaddafi is nothing new we have been attacking Libya even during Reagan's administration. I think Obama relied on low information voters so much that he did not worry much about Libya to hurt his re election and his peace Messiah image then Benghazi happened you see Benghazi is in Libya. If Ambassador Stevens did not die in The Benghazi tragedy there is a good chance that it would not have had the attention it had we had not had an ambassador murdered since the seventies. If Hillary Clinton announced that Pro-Gaddafi forces had attacked the embassy as a retaliation for aiding Libyan rebels I could have and would probably believed her well it makes sense. I will appeal to your reasoning say there is a gang war like the Crips and the Bloods and the La Sheriff County police department was aiding the Crips to oust a bad leader of the bloods out and the leader dies by the hands of the Crips. The Bloods found out about it and then they target one of the Sheriff's deputy as a revenge to send a message to Crips and the La County. That is how I would reason the revenge that Libyan rioters or attackers might have justified for the attack of Benghazi. We know now that Benghazi becomes a place of cover up why because we have the image of the peace Obama Messiah being replaced with the leaving helicopters of the Saigon Embassy. No one wants that as a attack ad on himself not even the Drone King Obama. We see delay in help at Benghazi why because it would of been more press coverage and more deaths. The more Press Coverage of Benghazi the worse Obama looks and he has a chance to lose the election. I bring this up to you again either Liberals are lying to us or they are that stupid. Stupid enough to believe that civil government can save us so much that they will cover the truth regarding the death of Americans. I really do not care why Stevens was killed. I have an idea why. I want to know how we can get justice served. I do not ask myself why a serial killer kills innocent victims if he is found guilty I want to know when I get to pull the electric chair switch and how much do I get paid for doing that and if I am in a higher tax bracket at the time because I would have to let my C.P.A know I am just kidding of course. I do not have a C.P.A. Well I know Liberals can laugh and joke about Benghazi as a phony scandal but I still shake my head in disgust when I hear more people upset over not receiving free Abortion pills from Hobby Lobby than the death of Americans at the hand of radical Islamist or the fact the way veterans are treated in this country . I really want to know Are Liberals just that stupid or just lying to us?
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