The best part of being in America is we have been blessed we have been so blessed so much that we as Americans share the wealth, we share our wealth voluntarily donating our time to missions and forcibly by taxes. Of course the collective loving Media will not show the footage of a Church Mission that feeds the poor they however will show you statistics that say if we do not depend on the state we will all be disintegrated into nothingness maybe that is too far in an accusation. We saw the people panic about the sequester even though welfare and ebt cards are delivered by the state government many of us began to wonder why we even need a strong federal government if local and city and State governments are taking care of the problems. In other other words when you have strong central bureaucrat government it becomes redundant for instance we have the Kentucky Agriculture here who does their job but after that we have to comply with the Kentucky EPA and then The Federal EPA and Etc.We do not need more than One EPA you can hire Private Companies to inspect a Bureaucracy or let the MEdia do their job and expose corruption and you can vote out the corrupters. No instead we keep creating more Bureaucracy to check up on Bureaucrats paid by the same purse which makes no sense that is like the Mafia creating another Mafia to make sure that one Mafia is Mafia enough. In the End you get more Mafia which is not a good thing. The same goes for Bureaucracy.
I love keeping a good yard and in my county we do not need any special provision or education or license to handle or operate a mower. I worked hard and saved just like any red blooded American to own my first lawn mower. I wanted a good Mower but I could not Find the one I wanted because It was too expensive but however found one that was a good quality at the price I could afford and it was used so I bought it because I could afford it I did not want to get in debt for a lawn Mower. Something about Ownership and Property in America makes you feel a pulse of Pride whether you are buying your first Mower or First Bike or First car or First Home. You work hard and You want something to show for your hard work. I think John Adams said it best when he Said" Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty" If My Mower is my property and I should be able to do what I want on the property I bought and I should mow my grass as long I do not violate the right of others as Thomas Jefferson Put it "....What we acquire by those means without violating the similar rights of other sensible being." In other words I have a mower obtained lawfully through purchase I have a right to do what I want with it as long as do not do something that violates someone's right to live, to liberty and property. I hope not I mean it is just a lawn mower for goodness sake. I will paint a scenario for you with my lawn mower I am out mowing on a beautiful afternoon because the dew is all gone and we know how that wet grass can clog a lawn mower. My neighbor who acts like he is on meth all the time but that is none of my business because I have no proof he is on meth and frankly he has never gave me a reason to be suspicious but he is an out right idiot and he comes up to me asking me to borrow my mower to mow his yard and I say "No! Go to Falconite and Rent one you cheapo!" My mower my choice simple as that. The next day my county passes a law that all lawn mower operators are to register with the county and all lawn mower operators are required to take a test and then will be issued a license to operate a lawn mower if they fit the requirement of course defined by the county law. I know in my heart that getting permission to own something by a government is wrong but I have already obtained a license to own a firearm, a car, a house so why not a lawn mower and my dream is to own a lawn mower and possession is 9/10ths of the law isn't it? I comply I do not feel the battle is worth getting into now the next day I get the same request again by my neighbor I tell him he may go visit the inside of Hades this time. The next Day I am given a summons to a local court by the Sheriff's Department for discrimination. I am taken court and must explain why I refused to let my neighbor borrow my lawnmower. I am explained that in great detail that the mower is under the county restriction and therefore I cannot use the lawn mower to discriminate against my neighbors and must prove that I am not using the mower in any form of discrimination and If I am in any violation of the discrimination I could lose my license. I am not going any further with this story. Some of you think I probably have gone too far.
Now did I go too far with my story? Imagine the business owner who works hard and dreams of owning their own business they sacrifice their time sometimes family and money . The owner of Papa Johns John Schnatter sold his favorite car to make a business like Papa Johns. A lot of countless Amway people were Poor Schmucks like you and me and some have become successful. There are countless stories of business owners struggling then they make it. It make take twenty or five years but they do it. They employ they become members of the Chamber of Commerce they become prominent members of their city or county all so they can be fined,taxed,regulated and told what to do with their property. Yes what is a business it is a thing it is something that can be owned by one person or by many. The point is our founders time and time again told us they wanted us to be able to own property. What is property? According to the Dictionary it is something that is owned by a person or business. What is a Bakery well it is a thing. Can I own it? Well yes you can. Then I should be able to do what I want with it as long I do not violate someone's right. If I own a bar can I stop giving someone who is too drunk more drinks? Yes you can and you might save a life as well. Can I refuse service to people who come in with guns that are safely holstered on their side? Yes you can . Can I refuse a homosexual a cake as a bakery owner. Lets see is baked goods a right? No! In fact it could be hurting them if you bake too many for them! The point is your business should be yours but we lie down and sign our rights away through license and regulations that majority of problems could be solved through the private sector. For instance if a guy who owns several bakeries has one of his bakeries sell a poison cupcake it might be a good investment for him to set up a way to prevent the selling of more poison cupcakes. You the consumer of cupcakes may want to look at other bakeries but the problem here in America is we have fewer bakeries because of regulations the business has to comply with and taxes and therefore not many choices so we can avoid poison cupcakes. Capitalism can destroy discrimination for instance a bar owner refuses to sell to gun carriers. All gun Carries have to do is go to a bar that allows Gun Carriers it is that Simple. If you cannot get a cake for a lesbian wedding go to a bakery who does lesbian weddings. If a mentally handicapped kid gets thrown out of a movie theater go to a Movie theater that allows and loves Mentally handicap children, it is that simple. Stop discouraging business owners from doing what they want with their property. It is theirs.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
What Part of The Right to own Property do you not Understand
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Stop discriminating against Google Glass wearers because you cannot choose who you spy on!
Everyone knows as a socialist we do not have free will we must have strong central government to protect us because we cannot choose who to love or choose anything we are like sheep all beautiful sheep indeed with no free will. We know that is the central government job to punish those who do not fit into our society of thinking that we humans have free will . That is why I am calling for the intervention of the Government to protect the google glass explorers that is the politically correct name. That it is why we must create a Hashtag and a Petition for the rights of Google Glass explorers because we know they did not choose to be Google Glass Explorers.
Google glass explorers did not choose to be spies they are like people who work for the NSA patriotically checking our phones everyday something inside them knew they were a spy trapped in a right to choose body. They knew at an early age when they looked over the shoulder of their sister while she was writing in her diary that they themselves were Google glass explorers but it would be years before the technology to come out so they themselves could be spies because they cannot choose who you spy on. They wanted to spy on people and the desire in their hearts to be spies is not a choice it is a lifestyle that they cannot choose. They must be able to live out their spy lifestyle or they might be unhappy because it is in the constitution that if you are happy all the time you are living right okay it is not in there but socialist understand that of course it is up to the The Central Government to define what that happiness is. I am sure Strong Central Government will say that Spying is happiness because aren't all NSA people happy? I mean Edward Snowden is just an Intolerant jerk refusing others to reach that goal of happiness through spying. I hope the comrades at the Southern Law Poverty Center has deemed him as a hate monger.
It won't be long that their will be laws refusing service to Google glass users especially from the right wing gun nuts who hate progress. They do not know that people who are intelligent cannot be capable of crime people with PHDs know what are best for Americans we know when to spy and when not to spy. For instance when a Cop is beating an uneducated person and tasering him into submission this is wrong for poor people to film a cop this is intolerance at its best. The only time a camera should be used when a citizen is violating a law like growing a garden or even collecting rain water or selling illegal Raw milk. Google Glass can be used to take pictures of such horrible violations as a child's lemonade stand and send the pictures to cops. Only Right wing conspiracy nuts would hate the ability to give information to police to make arrest of the uneducated intolerant ones.
There you have it be tolerant or face the wrath of the state that is if they get involved of course if they do not then I am wrong but like I always say All Hail Obama and worship him and Cthulhu at the church of your choice!!
Google glass explorers did not choose to be spies they are like people who work for the NSA patriotically checking our phones everyday something inside them knew they were a spy trapped in a right to choose body. They knew at an early age when they looked over the shoulder of their sister while she was writing in her diary that they themselves were Google glass explorers but it would be years before the technology to come out so they themselves could be spies because they cannot choose who you spy on. They wanted to spy on people and the desire in their hearts to be spies is not a choice it is a lifestyle that they cannot choose. They must be able to live out their spy lifestyle or they might be unhappy because it is in the constitution that if you are happy all the time you are living right okay it is not in there but socialist understand that of course it is up to the The Central Government to define what that happiness is. I am sure Strong Central Government will say that Spying is happiness because aren't all NSA people happy? I mean Edward Snowden is just an Intolerant jerk refusing others to reach that goal of happiness through spying. I hope the comrades at the Southern Law Poverty Center has deemed him as a hate monger.
It won't be long that their will be laws refusing service to Google glass users especially from the right wing gun nuts who hate progress. They do not know that people who are intelligent cannot be capable of crime people with PHDs know what are best for Americans we know when to spy and when not to spy. For instance when a Cop is beating an uneducated person and tasering him into submission this is wrong for poor people to film a cop this is intolerance at its best. The only time a camera should be used when a citizen is violating a law like growing a garden or even collecting rain water or selling illegal Raw milk. Google Glass can be used to take pictures of such horrible violations as a child's lemonade stand and send the pictures to cops. Only Right wing conspiracy nuts would hate the ability to give information to police to make arrest of the uneducated intolerant ones.
There you have it be tolerant or face the wrath of the state that is if they get involved of course if they do not then I am wrong but like I always say All Hail Obama and worship him and Cthulhu at the church of your choice!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
What we should learn from Seattle Pacific University Shooting
Don't Falsely Point Blame..
One of the most persecuted people on this planet have been Christians from the early church who refuse to worship multiple gods in Rome to the days of the Soviet Union when the Christian Church refuse to adhere to the State Church of the Soviet Union to even the Christians locked in jails in communist China and of course the torture and killing in countries that are under Islamic law we have learned a lot about that even in the case of the abducted Christian girls in Africa by Islamic militants about persecution.The people who were attacked by the gunman could have yelled "hate crime" or do like the feminist who blamed white male privilege on what a half Asian did in California or they could have blamed objects such as video games or drugs.Instead the survivors of Seattle Pacific UNiversity put blame on the one who caused the tragedy. No Christian News Network put out a story with a title like Christians martyred for their faith. No like most Christians they understood that all men must be forgiven and they will face justice here on Earth and in eventually in Heaven and Hell.
Instead of bitterness and rage. We see a close body of Christ come together and they used this tragedy to become closer with their Christian family and to their God they prayed and sang Hymns. We all could learn from this become better not bitter and the easiest way to become better is through God.
They refused to have anymore Victims...
Unlike many on the past who in recent tragic events who ducked and hid and became victims. Seattle Pacific University students and staff refused to be victims when an opportunity opened up John Meis took advantage and took down the shooter and then many rushed to his aid. We can not all be heroes but what would make a person lay down his life for another? John and many others learned this through Scripture which teaches us "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Once John Meis was recognized as a hero we read about people actually raising money for him. We see people not a government organization willingly to reward someone for good because they were filled with gratitude. They also took that from Scriptures where it says "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." They know their reward is in heaven not just here on Earth.
These lessons our small and easily seen but there is always a wrong way and a right way to handle tragedy and Seattle Pacific University did teach us the right way to handle tragedy. Thank you and God be with each and everyone of you! Peace!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Cosplayers Kill Police and Bystander but that detail is not important
Another shooting happens in the white community and the racist media just goes crazy. Of course the media has to paint the suspects as White supremacist well because they are white. This is the way the liberal media wants to get laws changed so they can coerce the law enforcement to make laws that allow the arresting of all people that disagree with them. I am going to try my best to calm my African American brothers down and explain that all white people are not like this and I am going to throw in that all cosplayers are not like this as well. You think that with as many good cosplayers that are out there that I would not have to explain this but it seems like liberals like to group people into groups. I am a common sense guy and know that just because a lot of black people kill a lot of black people it does not mean that I would think that I should hide my black brothers from every black person. I do not tell my black friends to hide just because I see a black person across the street. I am not going to jump in front of a another black person because my black friend is walking and is about to approach another black person just because 90% of black murders in this country are caused by other black people well that would be wrong.All black people are not the same there are nice black guys there are jerky black guys and there are heaven forbid I know the media hates this but there are black supremacist and most of them belong to the Nation of Islam and sometimes they come out with good information but sometimes they say stupid stuff like calling me the White Devil but I know it is because they love me.
I know what you are saying get to the point. Really what does it matter what color someone is or affiliation anyone is with when they commit a crime? Unless they are the "Enemy" I mean if we had a Constitutional Declaration of war on a Nation of cosplayers because a Nation of cosplayers attacked us I can see going after that Nation of cosplayers. I think however that our founders would look down on declaring war on any civilian of the United States why because as one of the perks of being an United States Civilian is having rights such as a right to free speech,trial by jury,Guns and of course the states rights and a right to property. If you are a civilian of that nation you have rights defined by that Nation. I know there are rights granted by God but that is for another blog. No man can take these rights away and just because you are a cosplayer does not make you as bad as these cosplayers.Cosplayers have been involved in crime previously before or especially Joker obsessed people like the Colorado shooter and we had a stabbing involved with a cosplayer convention near by where I lived. I do not see us making laws to stop cosplaying. I just thought you might want to know that these suspected murderers were cosplayers because the media is sure making it clear that they are white supremacist but whether you like white supremacist or not and if they are civilians of the United States they have a right to free speech,Guns, Trial by Jury, etc etc etc. You should never be denied those rights even if you are a black or white supremacist either. I hope you should be able to do what you want as long as you do not violate someone else's rights but at the same time some crimes are between you and God and you will always be judged whether you like it or not.
Now I know some of you are saying but Biff what is a solution to all these massacres? Even if you take all guns away rounded up all the cosplayers you will still get crime especially in heavy taxed and protected places like Brooklyn,Chicago, Los Angeles. For instance in The case of Daniel St. Hubert we find that by arresting the cosplayers and taking guns away we do not stop the cruel death of Prince Joshua or the horrible injury of 7 year old Milkayla Caspers who were both stabbed. Daniel was not a cosplayer that we know of and neither did he use a gun. Now I know that two police officers might have been saved if we arrested all cosplayers and took away guns but how is the lives of two police officers more important than the lives of two innocent children. One thing we do learn that Hubert had a list of previous offences and if we did more to keep the criminals off the street like Hubert and thought of less of taking cosplayers off the street we might have prevented the death of Prince and the injury of Milkayla. Why don't the national media cover stories like this? A deviant Daniel St. Hubert who escaped the justice system which happens time and time again and then does what is predicted committing more crime. Do you see how we might have not stopped the death of two police officers but we could of have stopped the killing of the innocent? All we had to do was punish the guilty not the innocent. Do you see how this works punish the guilty save some lives because aren't all lives worth saving?
I know what you are saying get to the point. Really what does it matter what color someone is or affiliation anyone is with when they commit a crime? Unless they are the "Enemy" I mean if we had a Constitutional Declaration of war on a Nation of cosplayers because a Nation of cosplayers attacked us I can see going after that Nation of cosplayers. I think however that our founders would look down on declaring war on any civilian of the United States why because as one of the perks of being an United States Civilian is having rights such as a right to free speech,trial by jury,Guns and of course the states rights and a right to property. If you are a civilian of that nation you have rights defined by that Nation. I know there are rights granted by God but that is for another blog. No man can take these rights away and just because you are a cosplayer does not make you as bad as these cosplayers.Cosplayers have been involved in crime previously before or especially Joker obsessed people like the Colorado shooter and we had a stabbing involved with a cosplayer convention near by where I lived. I do not see us making laws to stop cosplaying. I just thought you might want to know that these suspected murderers were cosplayers because the media is sure making it clear that they are white supremacist but whether you like white supremacist or not and if they are civilians of the United States they have a right to free speech,Guns, Trial by Jury, etc etc etc. You should never be denied those rights even if you are a black or white supremacist either. I hope you should be able to do what you want as long as you do not violate someone else's rights but at the same time some crimes are between you and God and you will always be judged whether you like it or not.
Now I know some of you are saying but Biff what is a solution to all these massacres? Even if you take all guns away rounded up all the cosplayers you will still get crime especially in heavy taxed and protected places like Brooklyn,Chicago, Los Angeles. For instance in The case of Daniel St. Hubert we find that by arresting the cosplayers and taking guns away we do not stop the cruel death of Prince Joshua or the horrible injury of 7 year old Milkayla Caspers who were both stabbed. Daniel was not a cosplayer that we know of and neither did he use a gun. Now I know that two police officers might have been saved if we arrested all cosplayers and took away guns but how is the lives of two police officers more important than the lives of two innocent children. One thing we do learn that Hubert had a list of previous offences and if we did more to keep the criminals off the street like Hubert and thought of less of taking cosplayers off the street we might have prevented the death of Prince and the injury of Milkayla. Why don't the national media cover stories like this? A deviant Daniel St. Hubert who escaped the justice system which happens time and time again and then does what is predicted committing more crime. Do you see how we might have not stopped the death of two police officers but we could of have stopped the killing of the innocent? All we had to do was punish the guilty not the innocent. Do you see how this works punish the guilty save some lives because aren't all lives worth saving?
Monday, June 9, 2014
Seven Dumb THings That Toxic Feminist Say!
Sometimes I feel sorry for feminist their ideology is so dumb not even hollywood types like Seth Rogen can get along with them but when you start secluding people from your movement and start blaming groups for everything well you start losing people and some of the blame they put on people who just want to live their lives is really crazy. When I was younger you had Christian Feminist, Atheist Feminist, and even Republican Feminist but now nothing but feminist can embrace feminism. Atheist don't want them, Republicans rolls their eyes from the stupidity that comes from their mouths and Modern Christian ladies don't want anything do with them. I remember when there was a time when Christians and Feminist stood up against Pornography. What has happened?We live in a new age of what is called Toxic Feminism where no feminist can get along with any man or rational woman but what do you expect from a human movement based on emotional irrationality? The longer it exist the worse it becomes as the emotions change and you can not tell what a feminist wants because it changes as the emotion changes the only thing I can see is they look forward to the day when all men are dead.
1.White Men Are the Only Ones who instil Violence.
This is so dumb all you have to do is go to the inner city of chicago to see black men beat black women or just ask Rihanna . Black men and White Men commit crime and they both can become violent. On a good day at Wal-mart you might be able to see a black woman become violent with a cashier or go to denny's late at night and really get to see black women go off on someone there are plenty of videos on youtube search black women at Dennys and sometimes you might see a white feminist get violent with a checker.There is nothing peaceful about modern Nazi Feminist they write about their fantasy of torturing men because they can not have an Alpha Male so they get upset because they are surrounded by yes men of the result of their movement. It is so hypocritical of white feminist blaming white men when most Nazi Feminism is made up of mostly white women. You see where I am from the hard working Black woman well she enjoys sex and she enjoys a good man only snobby handful of Privileged black women are claimed feminist. I guess I would be bitter as well if I denied myself sex and did not allow myself to be a man like I am supposed to be like the way feminist do not let a woman be a woman and enjoy a good loving relationship with a man. Anyways this is a stupid statement open the paper you will find all races are violent and if you open the chinese section you might find some violent Asians hey I am just saying.
2.You raped her because of what she wore
You raped her because of what she wore said no rapist ever. When Jeffrey Dahmer was on death row for the murder and rape of some black men. I never heard of him mentioning the reason he raped these men because of what they wore.This is just an excuse for Lazy feminist not to put on some clothes. When I was working a job for a construction company we had to wear long pants at work we tried to get that changed but no one screamed discrimination because well the pay was too good. Feminist will use any ridiculous claim so they do not have to put an extra effort to put on any clothes. In the middle east there is plenty of rape going on but it is not because they wear a burqa it is because those men who rape are deranged and the muslim religion is deranged it is also as deranged as toxic feminism.Show me one time here in the United States that a rapist ever said it is because what the woman wore seriously???!
3.I make less than My Male counterpart
No you do not. You make the same as a fry cook female as a fry cook male just face it.Most fire departments are volunteer Fire Departments are mostly Male made up in this country and some make as little as ten dollars per call. Look at the largest Mercenary Companies who make 100,000 to 200,000 dollars a year not many women are there and it's not that they would take any it's just most women would not do those jobs where you usually fine large paid men you will find more risk involved which most women will not take. Sorry that is the way it is. Then take the fact of the "Getting LAid Factor" most men will fantasize about Stewardesses and Nurses, Teachers,Schoolgirls and Women in service uniforms or School uniforms but at the same time women want to be laid by the Firefighter,Doctor, the Mercenary or the Rugged Cowboy or the Lumberjack and those jobs require risk and in some case education. Sex is a big Motivator for job preference. If you look at this you will see why men thrive to get the high paid jobs at any cost because they know if they do not get the high paying jobs they will not get what they want which some men want is a family and to get that woman to start a family they do what they can to get a good job and they will fight to keep at it. On the other hand a woman can work at minimum wage paying job and still marry an Alpha Male because she does not have to work at certain places to get a man. She can look good at Mcdonalds as well as she can look good at the Bank that employs her.
4.Bible Promotes Misogyny
Despite what you believe about the Bible there is nothing in the Bible that promotes violence towards women Feminist always leave parts of The Bible where it states how great it is to find a wife in Proverbs and also where the Apostle Paul tell his fellow Church males to love their wives. There is never any passages regarding or advocating the abuse of a woman. This is nothing more than the deep imagination of a feminist trying to exclude Christians from their exclusive club. I watched a woman get upset because of the Old Israel Law written by Moses which forbade men from having sex with a woman on her period. I do not know about you but I think that is okay with me. First of all it was a law written for Israelites second of all maybe you ever think that a woman could use a break from having sex with a man seriously this is why you hate the Bible? She went on to say that Paul suffered not a woman to teach was another bad thing. He said he suffered a Woman not to teach not God and never said he beat her if she does and the girl did not go on to say where Paul said he would not have a woman in authority over a man and this is where the problem is we have women influencing men to act like women and then we have women complaining there is no real men anymore and I wonder why? You will always have punishment for any woman who does wrong in the Bible but in the same case you will have men receive the same punishment as well if they committed the same crime for instance in adultery women and men were both punished for adultery and it is believed that is why Christ stopped the stoning of a woman because the Hypocrites were going to stone her and not the man.Christianity has been one of the best things to happen to women from the earlier Church women Saints to Methodist female evangelist, Abigail Adams, Harriet Beecher Stowe daughter of a minister or for instance Susan B. Anthony raised in a Bible based home where you find strong true Biblical upbringing you will find strong Christian Women and this scares the crap out of the Statist Feminist who worship at the altar of the state begging for the Nazi Male White cop to protect them.
5.Full Time Mothers are the Result of Patriarchy
A woman wanting a job as a full time Mother is nothing but natural. Women are just natural Nurturers. THat is why most women date something like a man because they want to nurture him into a new world. Women actually fantasize about being mothers . My friend who has two kids wants another one why because she loves it only a woman could really want that so bad all the pain and filthiness and cleaning up and that is just being married to the man and on top of that she wants Children. Any woman not allowed to be a natural woman is crazy. Feminist I guess hate naturalism but here the feminist go again excluding another group from their exclusive club and that is mothers.
6. Men are uncomfortable with the Vagina
Vagina,Vagina,vagina, this is just stupid it is the feminist who get so mad about the penus feminist have been known to try to make rules to ban men from dressing like penuses on campuses but to say that men are uncomfortable with the vagina is stupid. I am sure a man who does not want to see a penus does not want to see a vagina out in public either. Some people have something called tact and they do not want to display their wee wees or who ha's out in public because they think that sex is beautiful and special to them I know now that we have no respect for sex but that is not just the fault of men is the fault of a society that refuse to show respect for anything for authority, for God and country and most of all the family a sacred institution that is mocked and brought down to the laughability of two women sharing a vibrator instead of the continuing of the species you see some people do not revolve their whole lives around sex they are more in tuned and spiritual they want love instead. Of course feminist do not know love or forgiveness or they would not be part of a movement which is based on bitterness and hate.In The Feminist cult you will find hate for all men and bitterness for something in their past they cannot possibly let go or a past they have imagined or a bunch of stupid feminist professor scaring a group of women into a movement that is destroying women and men mentally and sometimes physically.
7. There is a war on women In America
I cannot help but laugh when a white woman with all the privileges of a princess tell me how bad women in America have it.If you have the time go to any muslim country and then tell me how bad you have it here in America as a woman after you have seen the brutality the women experience over there. This makes any White American Feminist look delusional or just crazy no wonder no one wants to have anything to do with them.
I could go on about how one feminist does not want Asian women dating white men or how one wrote a blog on how all sex is rape I kid you not these women are crazy.If they want to be rational I would have a conversation with them but if they want to go off on an emotional tangient I cannot see even having a decent conference with one. There you have it now I understand why you Atheist do not want Feminist either hey maybe the Muslims will take them they seem to be very liberal and open toward new and crazy Ideas
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