If you hear me talking about the entertainment industry I really give off a negative vibe regarding the new entertainment industry I just watched a video were my favorite reviewer is talking about how many sequels are coming out in the Movie Theaters he is obviously pointing out Hollywood's lack of creativity in recent years. There are no more Orson Welles or even Howard Hawks for that matter the directors and producers are afraid to take a risk as usual. I heard this story before. Then you get one director who will take a risk and then he sneaks in and blows the industry away such as Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez . Now these names are the big part of Hollywood so now there needs to be new blood once again. One thing that has totally changed is how Hollywood used to run from Science Fiction conventions but now they cannot wait to embrace them Avengers' Stars show up before the movie started. At one time before you had to be a wash out former tv star to even sign autographs at one of these conventions because you were affordable and answered dumb question such as "Did they use real lasers in your show or were they fake".Times are changing buddy conventions are featuring up and coming stars now not old used ones. The political people are seeing this if your demographic are gamers maybe it is time to teach them politics through games. For all we know they might be already doing this. The voters now a days do not golf they like shoot em up games like Halo or Call of duty and if someone gave me a choice of playing Call Of Duty or a round of golf I would take a good game of Call of Duty why because it was part of my past and when I Gamed it was a memorable time in my life. Rand paul is speaking all over the country at Universities that normally conservatives run from . Why because he is speaking a message about what real conservatives are. We are not Dick Cheneys or Chris Christie we are Families and Business owners and employees who want to live our lives in the way we feel is right. If someone wants to have a business that does not violate someone else's life , liberty and property then leave them alone. The constitution is the document that allow the Left and Right to live together peaceably. As a Christian you have the right to practice your faith as you see fit as long as it does not violate another human's rights. As a Gamer or Cosplayer or Nerd you have a right to do your thing as long as it does not violate someones elses rights.
The movie Silver Circle

was an independent film to teach people how the monetary system work or more less explain how corrupt are monetary system was. The Producers actually took the movie to comic cons why? Because there are screening rooms at cons and it is a film and it is animated so you can take it to Anime Conventions as well. Could someone say have a panel for discussing the works of Ayn Rand at a science fiction convention? Why yes you can.Why would you do this maybe I dunno try to reach public school Indoctrinated kids on the importance of self government and the horrors of tyranny. I would rather a kid understand the Importance of Individual Liberty then be a supporter of Ron paul why because we are delivering a message not a person. Conventions are a great place to begin opening young minds because it is great place to discuss culture and movies and gaming are nothing more than part of this modern culture.
The truth is if you are already reached the Church crowd so why go there? Jesus said A physician does not treat the people who are well but he treats those who are sick. Liberty is the greatest message you can give anyone. Our early founders wanted the people to be able to hear both sides of the argument because they know that human nature will pick liberty over slavery if he knows that Liberty exist. Would I vote for someone like Jake Rush ?I don't know the question is would a conservative Gamer,Nerd or Cosplayer vote for Jake Rush? Because apparently they are out there and he is one of them. Stop filling a well that is full but start filling a well that is empty and is craving to be filled peace and have a good day!
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