Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Brian Williams Mis Informs am I supposed to be surprised

I guess it is time for me to speak about this whole Brian Williams Fiasco thing. I know you think I should be ready to point out this ordeal backs my observation that there is news bias. I admit there is news Bias and there will always be news Bias. There is really probably no such thing as truly non bias news unless we are willing take all sides and world viewpoints and give them fair and decisive time, but it is almost impossible today because most of us have decided that there are just two sides on every issue. For instance, we say that is the liberal side or conservative side or the Democrat or the Republican or Black side or the white side and we forget there is the libertarian or constitutional side or the Asian or Hispanic side. People like dividing things into two sides well because people are just lazy.

Oh I see you want me to talk about the lying. Oh Let every man be a liar and let God be the Truth. Man is a fallen creature and gives misinformation all the time why because he does not know everything. I love our Constitution the United States Constitution because it makes it hard to pass laws. It is really hard to pass the laws. Why did our founding fathers do this it is because they knew the deprave nature of man.
"It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."
That quote is from James Madison . If you are going to start paying attention to the news you might do your own research that is where the Internet can help you. You know the place where kids listen to their music today it does have news on there as well with insightful commentary people like the one and only Biff Burroughs.
 News Stories are just  stories and we can always use them to get a point across whether they be true or not I cannot know whether Brian Williams is telling me the truth all the time just as well I cannot tell you whether or not Megan Kelly is telling me the truth all the time . I can however use these stories they do tell as opening for things that I do observe on a daily basis. I will give you an example there is a news story regarding Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve and how the dollar well is struggling again. This is a great time to bring up the paper monetary system and inflation. What do I know? I can go back and pull up ads from the net or the library and show how price of services and products have gone up and use that as one way to show evidence of inflation. Inflation should be such an easy concept to grasp but magically it has been removed from the curriculum from economic textbooks in our schools I do not know if the average high schooler and I am afraid the college student as well does not even grasp the concept of Inflation and the danger that comes with it. I love people who question things and people ask me what should I question and the answer is simple Question Everything.

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