I am thumbing through my facebook and reading the typical anti-50 shades of Grey post again. I just do not get it. I do not understand the outrage. I do not understand you think with all the porn out there we would be numb. Why would you care? I do not. I look at the dangers of porn and no one cares many men have lost their job lost their family to the Internet Porn addiction. No one wants to admit they have glanced some of the most cruel and not so cruel and sometimes disgusting images they thought they could ever imagine. Whenever any Christian group explains the danger of satanism and witchcraft many secularist will laugh at them and Christians are told but the movie about satanism they are mad at about is just fantasy. I have seen people who justify and watch anime about young boys having sex in anime as cute and tame and will say that 50 shades of Grey is an attack on feminism. Isn't it just fantasy? I mean isn't it all just fantasy? I mean when we watch a villain who kills or steals is that justifying it? I look at shows like Breaking bad as worse if that is the mirror of what men would do with their life with little time on this earth we are in bad shape. I guess ten years ago we had a movie called The Secretary what is the difference between that and 50 shades of grey? Tell me I want to know.
I am writing this not to defend the movie. I really have given up hope to reason with the secularist on how our society has been brought down to a sexually depraved state. All you have to do is take a quick search on the net to test my theory. On the other hand I have no problem with two married consenting adults getting a little kinky. Is that not one of the privileges of being married? I am more concerned about the single man or woman who have lost their grip on reality who think they are in a relationship because of romance novels and Internet Porn.If you are not even concerned about the role the Internet porn has played a part on the young men today and you are upset about 50 Shades Of Grey I am really concerned about you. I highly doubt there is anything in 50 shades of grey that will shock me and you know what I am concerned more about that than about the movie itself I guarantee the movie itself will play to some as a kids movie compared to what most watch on the net.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
50 shades of I really don't care
50 shades of grey,
good health,
Friday, February 13, 2015
Bradley Manning is a nut job and so is the whole system
Chelsea Manning AKA Bradley Manning is a nut job and so is this rotten system that is forcing Taxpayers to pay for Hormone treatment. I think this is disgusting to make taxpayers pay for any cosmetic changes.What is next taxpayers paying for boob jobs or what about taxpayers paying for contacts that change eye color? I do not care if you think you are a man trapped in a woman's body or a black man trapped in a white mans body. You do not have a right to take any ones money and pay for your cosmetic changes. No one will die without Transgender surgery or Hormone Injections. Let me explain this to you people that are just plain stupid . Life threatening illness is cancer is Ebola it could be anyone of these life threatening illnesses that threaten people every day of their life no one is struggling because they hate themselves. If you are going to commit suicide over your sex that God made you. You need to get yourself into a place where you will not kill yourself. If a person threatens to kill himself over a job. We usually just deal with him until he realizes that his life is more important then a job . Your life is more important than your sex. No Hormone injections is going to stop someone with a suicidal tendencies.
Bradley |||Manning,
Tax Waste,
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Hate crime is unconstitutional and just not equality
I caught the tail end of it but I saw the ending of the now famous and horribly reviewed episode of Law and Order Suv apparently women do not have enough to be afraid enough now apparently gamers attack and kidnap women excuse me I had a hard time typing that without laughing so hard. It is not bad enough that gamers have to deal with the anti-social stereotype. Gamers are now Kidnappers and it is bad enough we live in a society of virginitiphobes. We do not live in a rape culture we live in a fear of rape culture.
In other news we have an Atheist killing three Muslims of course now the victims want a Hate Crime. I want to know if the guy gets the Death Penalty how you can do anymore to him. I was glad the Atheist Pope Dawkins condemned the killings. I am glad he did. It happens we have a lot of Angry Atheist out there mad at a God they say does not exist. Some of the fears from Atheist are just outrageous there is no Christians out there beheading Atheist or Journalist however there are Muslims out there.
I do not think killing people without a reason should be justified I believe in war between nations not between religions. You do not have to violate any international law in a war between Nations once Congress says its okay to invade we have a right to invade.I wonder who would win in a war between Atheist and Muslims? Obviously Muslims would win because Atheist are just mostly talk.
The Hate Crime fiasco trend is just a terrible corrupt abuse of law. Everyone should be treated equally. The law is where we mostly should be treated equally instead we get people becoming privileged. A homosexual man gets beaten the lawyer pushes for a hate crime however a white teenage girl is raped and beaten by four black men is not. Tell me how that makes sense. If someone tries to kill me I really do not care if they hate me or not. I just want justice served. Feminism wants to be a religion as well like Muslims so they can adopt that Hate crime privilege why should anyone get any special privileges? If a white man attacks me or black man attacks me. I just want justice served.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Brian Williams Mis Informs am I supposed to be surprised
I guess it is time for me to speak about this whole Brian Williams Fiasco thing. I know you think I should be ready to point out this ordeal backs my observation that there is news bias. I admit there is news Bias and there will always be news Bias. There is really probably no such thing as truly non bias news unless we are willing take all sides and world viewpoints and give them fair and decisive time, but it is almost impossible today because most of us have decided that there are just two sides on every issue. For instance, we say that is the liberal side or conservative side or the Democrat or the Republican or Black side or the white side and we forget there is the libertarian or constitutional side or the Asian or Hispanic side. People like dividing things into two sides well because people are just lazy.
Oh I see you want me to talk about the lying. Oh Let every man be a liar and let God be the Truth. Man is a fallen creature and gives misinformation all the time why because he does not know everything. I love our Constitution the United States Constitution because it makes it hard to pass laws. It is really hard to pass the laws. Why did our founding fathers do this it is because they knew the deprave nature of man.
"It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."
That quote is from James Madison . If you are going to start paying attention to the news you might do your own research that is where the Internet can help you. You know the place where kids listen to their music today it does have news on there as well with insightful commentary people like the one and only Biff Burroughs.News Stories are just stories and we can always use them to get a point across whether they be true or not I cannot know whether Brian Williams is telling me the truth all the time just as well I cannot tell you whether or not Megan Kelly is telling me the truth all the time . I can however use these stories they do tell as opening for things that I do observe on a daily basis. I will give you an example there is a news story regarding Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve and how the dollar well is struggling again. This is a great time to bring up the paper monetary system and inflation. What do I know? I can go back and pull up ads from the net or the library and show how price of services and products have gone up and use that as one way to show evidence of inflation. Inflation should be such an easy concept to grasp but magically it has been removed from the curriculum from economic textbooks in our schools I do not know if the average high schooler and I am afraid the college student as well does not even grasp the concept of Inflation and the danger that comes with it. I love people who question things and people ask me what should I question and the answer is simple Question Everything.
Brian williams,
federal reserve,
Mainstream Media,
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Nerds,Cosplayers,Gamers and Animaniacs are voters as well

If you hear me talking about the entertainment industry I really give off a negative vibe regarding the new entertainment industry I just watched a video were my favorite reviewer is talking about how many sequels are coming out in the Movie Theaters he is obviously pointing out Hollywood's lack of creativity in recent years. There are no more Orson Welles or even Howard Hawks for that matter the directors and producers are afraid to take a risk as usual. I heard this story before. Then you get one director who will take a risk and then he sneaks in and blows the industry away such as Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez . Now these names are the big part of Hollywood so now there needs to be new blood once again. One thing that has totally changed is how Hollywood used to run from Science Fiction conventions but now they cannot wait to embrace them Avengers' Stars show up before the movie started. At one time before you had to be a wash out former tv star to even sign autographs at one of these conventions because you were affordable and answered dumb question such as "Did they use real lasers in your show or were they fake".Times are changing buddy conventions are featuring up and coming stars now not old used ones. The political people are seeing this if your demographic are gamers maybe it is time to teach them politics through games. For all we know they might be already doing this. The voters now a days do not golf they like shoot em up games like Halo or Call of duty and if someone gave me a choice of playing Call Of Duty or a round of golf I would take a good game of Call of Duty why because it was part of my past and when I Gamed it was a memorable time in my life. Rand paul is speaking all over the country at Universities that normally conservatives run from . Why because he is speaking a message about what real conservatives are. We are not Dick Cheneys or Chris Christie we are Families and Business owners and employees who want to live our lives in the way we feel is right. If someone wants to have a business that does not violate someone else's life , liberty and property then leave them alone. The constitution is the document that allow the Left and Right to live together peaceably. As a Christian you have the right to practice your faith as you see fit as long as it does not violate another human's rights. As a Gamer or Cosplayer or Nerd you have a right to do your thing as long as it does not violate someones elses rights.
The movie Silver Circle

was an independent film to teach people how the monetary system work or more less explain how corrupt are monetary system was. The Producers actually took the movie to comic cons why? Because there are screening rooms at cons and it is a film and it is animated so you can take it to Anime Conventions as well. Could someone say have a panel for discussing the works of Ayn Rand at a science fiction convention? Why yes you can.Why would you do this maybe I dunno try to reach public school Indoctrinated kids on the importance of self government and the horrors of tyranny. I would rather a kid understand the Importance of Individual Liberty then be a supporter of Ron paul why because we are delivering a message not a person. Conventions are a great place to begin opening young minds because it is great place to discuss culture and movies and gaming are nothing more than part of this modern culture.
The truth is if you are already reached the Church crowd so why go there? Jesus said A physician does not treat the people who are well but he treats those who are sick. Liberty is the greatest message you can give anyone. Our early founders wanted the people to be able to hear both sides of the argument because they know that human nature will pick liberty over slavery if he knows that Liberty exist. Would I vote for someone like Jake Rush ?I don't know the question is would a conservative Gamer,Nerd or Cosplayer vote for Jake Rush? Because apparently they are out there and he is one of them. Stop filling a well that is full but start filling a well that is empty and is craving to be filled peace and have a good day!
Comic Con,
Silver cirlce Movie
Discrimination is looking a lot like Diplomatic Immunity
I remember when I first heard the term Diplomatic Immunity I was in Iraq and people like full Bird Colonels would try to use that term to justify what they did that was against General orders depending if you were under a United States General or Coalition forces General of course which could create a lot of confusion unless you know the difference. I will try to save that for another blog. One Colonel who recently retired apparently thought he was above the law and maybe it was what led to his recent retirement. I know the old saying there is no rules in love and war but I never remember that rule in Police Actions. Anyways the point is the Colonel had to obey the same law his troops had to obey. One reason you need to obey the law is you need to lead by example another reason is you are no better than the rest of us. If a General order is for instance not to smoke ten feet near a building you better not smoke nine feet close to a building those are the rules. In Iraq I heard the term Diplomatic Immunity applied to the full bird Colonels yes that would apply to the Iraqi laws because I guess Colonels could be Ambassadors and I could see that but it does not have anything to do with the Military prosecuting Military Colonels you are under the United STates Military Code Of Justice and you better obey it.
I know that was a long introduction but I am trying to show you how people think they are above the law and at the same time feel they are discriminated against. In a recent article about how a Pub Discriminates against Gun Owners A business owner puts up a sign refusing service to concealed gun owners and even calling concealed gun owners douchebags. Now most Libertarians and fiscal conservatives would say it his business and he should have the right to refuse service now I want you to take the same sign and look at it at another way.
Imagine the same sign saying something like this No Homesexuals Allowed if you are too stupid to figure out that God made Vaginas for men I do not want your business. Now imagine if that was the case can you picture the outrage?You cannot say that Gun owners do not have rights and then say that Homesexuals do that is wrong, of course we have to think of the business owner rights as well the business owner has a right to refuse service to anyone he or she wants to I mean they own the business. Even if they do not want to do a Photograph or even bake a cake for gun owners or dare I say Homesexuals.
Well it's not like he is violating the Gun owners right you say, wait a minute I remember the Constitution backing his right as a gun owner and obviously the State has a conceal and carry law he is also protected by that state legally. It does not matter where your Pub is located. I find it awful that your Pub would serve Alcohol. Alcohol Is one of top killers alongside the mixture of people being stupid not Guns you idiot. You my friend are the Douchebag because you have not only ticked off people but you have probably now lost Gun Customers now who is the Douchebag?
Oh I am sorry we were talking about how people want Immunity not protection if you are sideing with the Homesexuals who do not get cakes baked and not Gun rights people who are not allowed in businesses then you are what is wrong with this country. If you are for both I have a little hope for you and if you are not married 40 female and you are for the business owner's right to refuse service lets meet for coffee sometime just not one of those coffee places where they discriminate against gun owners though.
Finally I have to describe you this picture to try to prove my point about Immunity to the law the picture is not NSFW or for anywhere. It shows a Grown Man exposing himself to a little girl. Now doing my research on this I tried to find Toronto's laws on exposure. I really cannot find any case in Toronto( that is in Canada in case you do not know) about prosecuting someone involved in the act of Indecent exposure. I did find a case in 2007 were a little girl was exposed to by a 16 year old in Port Perry. This is far worse this is a grown man exposing himself to children. Now I can see where some would say well he did not know those little girls where going to be there then I would say you could be right then why would the parents bring them there. If Homesexuals knew there would be nudity there in a Pride Parade in Toronto then why would they let the underaged people there. Because they must think they are above the law they already have confused children to think and worry about what sex they are, even though Biology tells you a Man has a penus and women have vaginas instead of worrying about if they are going to have jobs in the future. Can you imagine if Uncle George who loves little girls exposed himself to this little girl and she tells her mommy can you imagine the mommy's difficulty in explaining how it is okay if the Homesexual pervert does it but it is not okay for the Heteorexual pervert to do that?The girl will say Why Mommy Why?? because he has diplomatic Immunity is the only logical Explanation heck it works for full Bird Colonels why not Homesexuals?
I know that was a long introduction but I am trying to show you how people think they are above the law and at the same time feel they are discriminated against. In a recent article about how a Pub Discriminates against Gun Owners A business owner puts up a sign refusing service to concealed gun owners and even calling concealed gun owners douchebags. Now most Libertarians and fiscal conservatives would say it his business and he should have the right to refuse service now I want you to take the same sign and look at it at another way.
Imagine the same sign saying something like this No Homesexuals Allowed if you are too stupid to figure out that God made Vaginas for men I do not want your business. Now imagine if that was the case can you picture the outrage?You cannot say that Gun owners do not have rights and then say that Homesexuals do that is wrong, of course we have to think of the business owner rights as well the business owner has a right to refuse service to anyone he or she wants to I mean they own the business. Even if they do not want to do a Photograph or even bake a cake for gun owners or dare I say Homesexuals.
Well it's not like he is violating the Gun owners right you say, wait a minute I remember the Constitution backing his right as a gun owner and obviously the State has a conceal and carry law he is also protected by that state legally. It does not matter where your Pub is located. I find it awful that your Pub would serve Alcohol. Alcohol Is one of top killers alongside the mixture of people being stupid not Guns you idiot. You my friend are the Douchebag because you have not only ticked off people but you have probably now lost Gun Customers now who is the Douchebag?
Oh I am sorry we were talking about how people want Immunity not protection if you are sideing with the Homesexuals who do not get cakes baked and not Gun rights people who are not allowed in businesses then you are what is wrong with this country. If you are for both I have a little hope for you and if you are not married 40 female and you are for the business owner's right to refuse service lets meet for coffee sometime just not one of those coffee places where they discriminate against gun owners though.
Finally I have to describe you this picture to try to prove my point about Immunity to the law the picture is not NSFW or for anywhere. It shows a Grown Man exposing himself to a little girl. Now doing my research on this I tried to find Toronto's laws on exposure. I really cannot find any case in Toronto( that is in Canada in case you do not know) about prosecuting someone involved in the act of Indecent exposure. I did find a case in 2007 were a little girl was exposed to by a 16 year old in Port Perry. This is far worse this is a grown man exposing himself to children. Now I can see where some would say well he did not know those little girls where going to be there then I would say you could be right then why would the parents bring them there. If Homesexuals knew there would be nudity there in a Pride Parade in Toronto then why would they let the underaged people there. Because they must think they are above the law they already have confused children to think and worry about what sex they are, even though Biology tells you a Man has a penus and women have vaginas instead of worrying about if they are going to have jobs in the future. Can you imagine if Uncle George who loves little girls exposed himself to this little girl and she tells her mommy can you imagine the mommy's difficulty in explaining how it is okay if the Homesexual pervert does it but it is not okay for the Heteorexual pervert to do that?The girl will say Why Mommy Why?? because he has diplomatic Immunity is the only logical Explanation heck it works for full Bird Colonels why not Homesexuals?
Gay Mafia,
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