Monday, February 13, 2017

Biffburroughs Respond to your Comments

 Comments and more Comments which are coming in on a daily basis on my YouTube channel, I do not respond to all of the comments because it becomes a huge waste of time especially when I do not have my mobile connected to my YouTube channel. Many Comments are not worth the time to respond. I really like just making the video and leaving the stage if you will because once you get caught in an argument on YouTube you are just spitting in the wind. The time you took to spit is the time that you could be making a blog like this one. Many commenters do not have real comments and are sometimes just Trolls or spammers. I try to keep an open forum in the comment section I did not start out that way to begin with. I have had several YouTube channels and comments were so outrageous and weird that I just blocked people now I realize those idiots that I blocked are the reason that some people have views so hey just keep the idiots online and hope someone has time to argue with them because I sure don't.
Well here are some Commenters and here is my response

 Dear Kevin Kipp:
 All I can Say is that I just read them and I do not Write Them most of the time. As far as Drama The Video has over ten thousand views and people rather hear and see the drama then me just reading. It is what is called making a story more interesting. There are plenty of places on YouTube to get drama free news, so try there to each his own not everyone likes onions.

Dear David Jones:
 Good Point! I keep that in mind at the firing range.
Dear S3PKAS ihjyugft
 I like kitties to but they are not for eating just looking they are so kawaii!

 Dear Filip Nikolic:
 We should do nothing to them they have a right to exist, but just like any ideology that they teach for instance we have a right to challenge it. The internet has educated many on the subject of toxic feminism and has freed many minds from the wrong Ideology, if you stick to your guns you will have a higher percentage of wins in the debate. You will not win every battle that is just life.

 Dear enlightenmenow1
 I really do not have a cause for you to join. At one time that would have been the case to join liberals and feminist for a cause like this but the liberals of today are not liberals of the classical sense and feminism of today is not the Susan B Anthony's of yester year. I would say your quote liberal friends are not of the liberals of today who embrace Marxism again I just read them I do not write all of them. The problem of liberalism is that the meaning changes as the years progress where as a conservative is one who wants to conserve and be responsible for their own action.
 I have given you an Idea of what I get as far as comments. You are free to comment on the channel but do not expect me to respond . I want to make videos for all of you that is good and I thank you for all the subscriptions.

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