I am one who has been guilty of believing the worst when I read the news. The reason why many of us do this is that we enjoy seeing the bad around us. You see conflict and struggle make a good story, if you take writing you will find if you want to perk anyone's interest in your story you need a protagonist who the common Joe can relate to. Someone who has it easy is boring. The truth is some people are stronger than others and push right through adversity while others struggle. Hilary is one those people who we think of as being one who had it easy in life Hilary was a Daughter of a businessman a College Graduate who became a lawyer and then married a politician. She was steeped in what we would call a protected easy life a sort of what we would call maybe a "white Privileged life" In other words she is dull and boring and when something like her emails reveal anything people get excited. We have something on this boring person who no one wanted to like in the first place. I will put this in perspective, women are like men a lot of times when it comes to companionship. They do not want to hang out with someone they cannot relate to many of the third wave feminist who supported Hilary are not the type of women many women want to go shopping with. A lot of women definitely do not want someone who would steal their boyfriend obviously or someone who plays a victim all the time and Hilary may not fit those categories. I know by my experience women like a woman who is perceived to have an upper hand in the marriage. Hilary does not convey that either she reminds you of the woman, women gossip about at parties when you see the woman who allows her partner to be in multiple affairs and does not divorce because she is comfortable with the Marriage. A woman who is intelligent would say "Hey wait a minute if you allow Bill to get away with Affairs are you going to allow Putin get away with things."You see right now Putin looks strong and Hilary looked like a week old lady that would sit on a bench with Bernie Sanders complaining about those conservative Whippersnappers like me who ruined their chances. I mean it's good to be a conservative Gangsta.
I would say blaming Russia and subverting what Hilary actually did is cowardly and does not change the fact of what is taking place in this country right now. Obama is threatened by Donald Trump's Manliness and has just been slam dunked on and now is forced to watch all his cowardly acts be unraveled by the grace of God and so now he is forced to cry in the corner and wait for a book deal and million dollar speech engagements. I need some Popcorn for all this Drama what About you? I would say even if WikiLeaks did not leak the Information Hilary would of Lost because no one liked her and the biggest people complaining right now probably did not vote for her. I wish I could find that information out. Hey WikiLeaks!??? I have a story For you!
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