Ever since Donald trump won which threw a monkey wrench in the SJW leftist Media's Machine gears, the left has scratched their heads to try to figure out why they lost. They did everything to manipulate this election from Jay Z concerts, and used the usual you are "racist" if you vote for the right "shtick" none of it worked. It seemed every time you opened Facebook during the election journey another leftist was at it again with either a buzz feed propaganda share or the usual My vagina will be labeled and probed if Donald Trump wins. You have seen that time and time again.
I am one who believes that businesses have the right to do as they want for profit unless they take someone's else's God given rights away but when we sign up for the corporation status it seems we sign most of are rights away. We hear that all the time from the left we can no longer as corporations be allowed to conduct business in the way are founders wanted. That is why I do not believe we are under a capitalist society in a true capitalist society we would let business do what they feel is right and there is nothing wrong with that. We would allow Dog eat Dog as long as they do not violate the rights of others. The rights are pinned in the bill of rights and one of the big rights is freedom of speech, religion and Press. I think also the right to property was not clear but we know it is a right given by God. Your Business is your property now if we live in a true capitalist society Mark Zuckerberg can ban whoever he wants on Facebook but what is scary about Mark and many others on social media is that they are working with Civil Government here and abroad. China is known for their oppression and censorship now we have Zuckerberg who does not feel like he has enough money doing everything to help in China's censorship so he can make more money. I know companies have compromised their stance against communist oppressive China for years we are all typing on Chinese Keyboards and will go see the latest Blockbuster movie backed by China who only allows a two family home which every oppressive leftist eco friendly loves the Idea. We watch unregistered Churches be persecuted in China and watch Taiwan be constantly harassed by the leftist Chinese Government. The left loves the notion that every one reject all Ideas (especially Moral or Religious) Ideas then they want you to replace your idea with Marxism where they throw everything in the pot or they will jail you.
In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism,
American citizenship is a very precious possession
I really do not fear the whole Idea of censorship I mean I lived in the days of three network TV that pretty much had a hold on Americans and shoved Marxist Dogma down our throats 24 hours a day and seven days a week. We had when I was growing up the alternative media even then. We had a newspaper called Justice Times, Sword Of the Lord, and Dr. James Dobson who would broadcast vigorously on the Radio daily. We had ways to keep the "right side" going and our voice mattered then and matters today. I remember reading Phyllis Schafly articles when I was a kid and now know that later in life there will always be a way to get the truth out. We can always count on that the light shines brightest in a dark world. I hope that Donald Trump will put Tariffs on China and remind people of China's Atrocity's. I highly doubt Trump will Raise Tariffs on China because we have been so dependent on the Communist regime like Heroine and any other addictive drug. We have been spoiled and have become lazy with social media. Now we must start putting alternative media outlets in different ways whether it be printed or recorded the time is now.
I find it funny when people get so mad at the Alt-right, I imagine The Alt-right slogan should be "Fighting to be left alone". I think they want to be left alone while The Alt-Left wants Strong Central government in every aspect of your life. The Alt Left wants to prevent parents from teaching their kids the way the parents see fit. I do not want to see any member of Civil Government teaching any kids about sex can you imagine Bill Clinton and Donald Trump teaching young people about Abstinence what a horrifying imagery? I rather any parent left or right teach their own child about sex. We have been hit so hard with left propaganda from the days of Norman Lear television to SJW's Like Laci Green/ Propaganda films and Propaganda material that has been used to bring about sympathy for the left for many years and still they are doing everything they can to make their case just like the communist did for many years. Many things the communist represented in the days of Stalin are supported by the left but this goes unheard by mainstream media the only ones really bringing this out have been Anti-Sjw's and The "Alt-right".
Ones that seem to point out leftist Propaganda and sometime unknowingly have been Anti-Sjw's. I look at every meme that feminist put out and Most of them look a lot like something that Mao Tse Tung would put out to remind people to stay communist. The Anime conventions are becoming the worst.You know anime where we find magical girls in revealing clothes being raped by tentacles, I am not judging if you are into that. I like very few Anime, The Anime better have action or a good story not just porn for teenage girls or boys. Lets look at a feminist Panel shall we. We had Anime and Feminism where we learned that Panty shots are not only objectification, but also may work to “weaken” a character through the shame of being “revealed” that way. It makes a female character less empowered or impressive by placing this shame on them. The tendency within shows and fandoms to pit “fan servicey” characters against “moe” characters is problematic because both are the products of misogyny, and the “fight” between them amounts of slut-shaming a lot of the time. Really?! Hold up a minute the Panty shots are bad but we cannot Slut Shame them... They are freaking Anime Characters!
Okay lets face its Japan does not have a history of being the big feminist country where the home of manga and Anime comes from and they have that right to reject feminism such as I do. There are probably a few feminist in Japan but they would probably be associated with the Left side of politics or dare I say the Communist which are more prevalent in the neighboring Asian countries. We know today if it was not for the right notion of Capitalism Japan would be a failing country.
What am I trying to say here? You better think of a clever way to get justice and free speech in our Anime Conventions and our schools or we are going to lose our place in the battle for free speech.
You cannot claim to be a victim and then demand that you are an equal that is just dumb. If you were truly equal you would need no protection. The more anti-Muslims videos I make the more money is taken away from me through videos not allowed to be monetized. How long will it be before YouTube will stop monetizing Anti-feminist videos? I will say not long.
There was a time when I posted a video about anything with Transgender in the title on any of my YouTube videos It would be disliked on YouTube almost immediately. Now I watch cartoon bears and frogs constantly make fun of transgender whiny babies and use cuss words to get a point across.
I always tried to be reasonable when I presented my arguments in the past. I had a video that was flagged for hate because I spoke about a stupid transgender law in California which would be a terrible precedent of things to come. I actually argued with YouTube after researching the video myself and not finding the word hate in the video and you know what YouTube agreed with me and unblocked the video.
I know most parents whether they be liberal or conservative do not want a 40 year old hairy man in a dress peeing in front of an adorable six year old big eyed girl. It is just a horrible imagery or basically we do not want our magical girls sharing the same bathroom stalls with Tentacle monsters. I hope everyone agrees with me on that. A lot of what I believe is from years of experience and reading both sides of any argument and coming to the conclusion of what makes the most sense.
I will be honest what I find today is that most people are dumb just watch Mark Dice videos if you do not believe me. I find the Asexual cult as nothing more than another "Shaker type" "religious cult". There is no scientific basis that Humankind is Asexual. Why do I make this conclusion? The scientific evidence leads me to believe that Humans are sexual reproductive in nature. Anyone that is Human claiming to be an Asexual is making a mockery of what Scientist went for many years of college to become scientist for. You made the choice to "restrict" yourself from sex from others and not to mention so many of you are probably "playing with yourselves in a sexual manner" so in essence you are nothing more than a cult or religious movement like the "Shakers" who denied each other of the pleasures of Sex. Now I am not picking on the new Shakers cult just because they are easy to pick on but I am just making a point there is different ways to disagree with people besides cussing at them .
Wow I know that is a huge Introduction just to get to a simple point. I will now just jump into what I am trying to say Anti-SJW videos are Huge!! I feel in my Heart I was one of the First to make videos like the Popular Anti-SJW videos on YouTube that are popular today except I used more reason if you want to believe that. I was mad at myself because sometimes I felt I went too far but now I am mad that I did not go far enough.
I knew the only way to get people's attention was to do it an entertaining way. If you are an entertainer you can smoke crack and snort cocaine off a prostitute and people still like you as long as you entertain them. I think videos do give you a feeling that you are not alone in your idea. I guess for me I never revealed why I did not pursue marriage as hard as many other men do because of the system of marriage which gives the women the upper hand in a divorce. I recently heard of a situation where a relative of mine had to deal with an ex-wife demanding more money after he says he was up to date in payments. She supposedly acted like an SJW does on an anti-Trump tirade video at his place of work. He was threatened to have his job taken away if this happened again. Now she is the one making the fuss but he will be the one punished which what happens in the "equality Society" If men and women where equal both would have to be forced to pay child support and get equal time with a child which is not the case at all. This is why I am not married. I used to express this view before YouTube as a young man and I would be laughed at and ridiculed and sometimes called a woman hater. After YouTube there are tons of videos expressing the same view that I knew in my heart . The laws of this nation need to be changed regarding divorce and marriage. Simple as that. I personally do not believe that federal government should be involved in marriage but that is a hard sale to anyone who has been raised in the state schools of today. You send kids to state schools you get statist. The same thing I am talking about goes for SJW videos an Anti-SJW videos. You do not feel alone when someone champions your side on the video. If someone comes out as a dragon in a past life and you think you are a dragon as well, you get excited that you are not alone. I know that kind of person needs help. I am just saying you "feel" you are not alone. I know basically basing your ideas on just feelings alone is not a good idea that is why I researched my ideas on marriage and you will find that the way we get married today was not always the way it was. You will find historically that Marriage at one time was a way to continue the species and the joining of two tribes or families came together to keep their species in good shape. A lot of things that our in regards to marriage of yester year has little to do with marriage that is celebrated today. It started as a family institution then it was booted to the Church and later booted to the state where we find it as the horrible institution we know of today as being. What I am trying to say my Idea started from feeling and experience and has evolved as an argument with references that I can go to argue my point and that is the problem with SJW's is that they mostly have no point. When I was a young man with the fear and feeling that the modern Institution of Marriage is wrong, I am nothing more than a SJW because I do not have references or strong foundations for that Idea and obviously no alternative to the Modern Idea of Marriage. Now that I am older I can research and find that not only can I bring up statistics where men are unjustly treated but I can also offer alternatives to the modern marriage system of today such as covenant marriages and Prenuptial Agreement marriages. The point is my idea is not based on fear or feeling but now is a real living and breathing argument that needs to be looked at.
Now on to what you guys have been waiting for, are there good anti-SJW videos? Yes there are! Why do I say this because it leads me to links posted on the Anti-SJW videos to some of the funniest leftist videos and articles that I have ever met and gets me to be an anti-SJW's SJW, yes I use Social Justice Warrior mentality to unlike a video of these hilarious idiots from Transgender religious nuts to Eco People who have sex with the earth. I cannot even begin to explain why these videos get so many views well it is explained supposedly by the you tuber "cult of dusty" who claims that Anti-SJW's videos are a money making fad. I know it is a fad but some see like me a good place to start a conversation, but I see SJW videos as a way to start a conversation as well. We should allow all conversations whether it be SJW or Anti-SJW and it has been that way for awhile .I cannot see Dusty's point connecting Alt-right to Ani-SJW's that is bad as me connecting SJW's to liberalism which I have before. I did not vote for Trump but I find Anti-SJW videos entertaining.
I think Cult of Dusty has butt hurt that people do not see his side of the Argument. Hey I have been there as well. I still will try to reason with people today on any subject and that is my style and if I make fun of them as well oh well get over it.
I think the Cult of Dusty is like the kid who wants to play GI Joes while everyone is playing Poke man Go, hold on a minute I think I found a jiggly puff or is that a triggly puff? Why I have chose this subject to talk about and bring up about my return to YouTube? Yes that is right I left YouTube for a while and one reason was that I went back to filming at Comic, Anime and Sci-Fi and Horror conventions. I like everyone who has been to these cons have seen the growing SJW's at the cons and influences of the SJW's crowd there and it is time that Anti-SJW's take there message there. Anita Sarkeesian and Laci Green are winning there at the cons and it is time for Anti-SJW's to take their messages to panels there. I have come to the reality of what the SJW crowd has done and I hope to continue this subject in another blog on how important the Anti-SJW crowd can be.
Can you imagine if you will, of course that is tough for anyone today to use your imagination due to the time we have to take out for checking our social media updates and photographing our food for Instagram but lets say you went to your local store to buy a stick of gum because you are out and you pulled out two dollars to pay for your stick of "fruity juicy gum" at the convenient store. The Convenient store clerk tells you that your money is no good not because it has vote for "Ron Paul 2012" on it but because it is the American Paper dollar. Any true American would do the American thing and pull out their credit card and have to then endure the endless emails sent to you on the sale of "fruity juicy gum" but that is not the point. Your paper money is worthless in the scenario. Of course you are saying that is fearmongering horse crap, oh really tell that to the citizens of India where they found that there paper currency was deemed worthless by the civil government of India.
Hey I think it is time we talk about the value of Gold and Silver and other precious metals, for instance say any bank institution in America failed you know like Chase Manhattan or what other financial intuition in America that gives out plastic, let us say all them falters guess what stays valuable?
Precious metals do stay valuable that is right Gold, Silver and of course what other valuable metals out there because if you do not take them you are just plain stupid. They remain constantly valuable unless someone finds a mine which would make them less valuable because of the increase of the precious metal now lets say that happens then the metal would not be precious. I highly doubt anyone reading this has a gold mine in their back yard and that is why paper money anytime the civil government wants to can declare paper money not valuable.The Indian money that is now worthless, unless you are a collector of worthless money, I highly doubt anyone is rushing out right now to buy the worthless declared money of India.
I will try to put this in perspective for you if our Civil Government declared the dollar as worthless it is hard to believe anyone around the world would pay face value for the American dollar. However if the American Civil Government declared Gold as not being valuable or worthless people on the London stock exchange would not care, people at the Tokyo stock exchange would not care. I could probably trade Gold or silver with people in England or Japan because hey gold is valuable regardless whether or not our civil government accepts it that is something to think about.
You will hear it on the news a lot" the officer is reporting that this is not an act of terror but an act of gang violence" or we as adults know "black on black crime". A child who is innocent and brain washed by the media does not know what gang violence is. I know because I am an adult and have lived in the real world. I have seen the 93% black victims of other blacks that liberals are scared to mention but will gladly talk about the Blacks who are killed by cops and love to pull out that everything was racially motivated. Racism is the belief that one race is superior than another I cannot see anyone who scared of a black man coming at him and then pulls the trigger and then think he is far superior than another that makes no sense whatsoever. If a person feels he is truly far superior than another he would put that Gun down and take on whatever person is in front of him because he knows that person will be easily succumbed because heck a racist who believes he is far superior knows he would win.
Hate makes a lot of sense to me as a prime motivation when it comes to crime but there is Hate on all sides of races. I think Yoda would Say "Fear leads to Hate and Hate leads to Anger and Anger leads to probably a death". I am a big believer in self defense and someone who is invading someone's house is asking for trouble and if you attack another person you must face the consequences so we cannot say that all killing is bad. I know if you attack someone I love, the natural reaction is to retaliate with violence. Violence against Humanity for not a justified reason is wrong even if it is Black Girls physically attacking a white girl for dating a black man or a white guy just shooting some black people because he feels he is helping a Darwinian philosophy that he was taught in school this kind of violence is wrong.
I do not think what we need in this country is more love because for about as many crimes labeled "Hate Crimes" There are "Crimes of Passion". There are crimes of Women and Men getting involved in rages of Jealousy all the time. I think we need to show more mercy in this country. We are Kings and Queens in the greatest Land in the World and it is by The Grace of God why we have so many Freedoms. It is up to us as Kings and Queens of the great land to show Mercy on those who have not received the gifts as much we have enjoyed in this country. We as Kings and Queens do not need a Federal or State government to come in between are Mercy by dictating what Mercy needs to be spread. It is up to us as Individuals to shed are Mercy on those who are less fortunate than us. If we want to blame anyone we can blame the entitlement generation where we see every thing that is stolen from us as law abiding rulers of this land and given to those who do not appreciate it. When a group is taught that there is no property owners then they believe in their hearts what is yours is theirs and that includes money, houses and lives.
When you work for something you appreciate it more. I worked hard for everything that I have owned, it is bought by my sweat and my tears from a stressful job and yes sometimes blood I have bled several times on the job. I remember working hard on a job and paying for things that I own and waking the next day to find what is mine is gone. Do you think that person who stole what I own appreciates it more or less? The thief did not work for it so they do not know what the value of that property is to me. They did not put in the hours or effort for it. Look at every slum and crime ridden part in this country and you will see more and more civil government programs encouraged from that Fat overweight teacher yelling for more money to the state welfare workers and government paid assisted housing. why do these places suck? They have no appreciation of life or property because what is mine is theirs in their eyes. If you know that these are entitlements and are given to you as a temporary means to get on your feet I congratulate you but I am talking of those who have made a career out of stealing taxpayers money like the woman who is having the fourth child so she can receive another 200$.
You the taxpayer are the biggest victim in this country, you are called racist, fascist and stupid and mocked on every branch of media just for sticking up for yourself while taxpayer paid thieves yell and scream black lives matter and for "taxpayer funded college" so they can get a degree in Women studies. You are just finishing your 60-70 hour week and do not have any time to fight. This is what has divided this country and rightly so the Next president and congress needs to bring a pair of scissors to cut this entitlement generation so they appreciate what I have learned that standing on your own two feet gives you a freedom to walk where you wanna go.
In conclusion the problem is not racism the problem goes back to property rights which our founders fought so hard for everyone to have. They knew that when you worked hard for your own property you deserve a voice in Civil Affairs. You would at least learn the value of Life, Liberty and property.
Once you learn the value of Life you will have no excuse to face consequences for taking someone else's life.