Ever since Donald trump won which threw a monkey wrench in the SJW leftist Media's Machine gears, the left has scratched their heads to try to figure out why they lost. They did everything to manipulate this election from Jay Z concerts, and used the usual you are "racist" if you vote for the right "shtick" none of it worked. It seemed every time you opened Facebook during the election journey another leftist was at it again with either a buzz feed propaganda share or the usual My vagina will be labeled and probed if Donald Trump wins. You have seen that time and time again.

I am one who believes that businesses have the right to do as they want for profit unless they take someone's else's God given rights away but when we sign up for the corporation status it seems we sign most of are rights away. We hear that all the time from the left we can no longer as corporations be allowed to conduct business in the way are founders wanted. That is why I do not believe we are under a capitalist society in a true capitalist society we would let business do what they feel is right and there is nothing wrong with that. We would allow Dog eat Dog as long as they do not violate the rights of others. The rights are pinned in the bill of rights and one of the big rights is freedom of speech, religion and Press. I think also the right to property was not clear but we know it is a right given by God. Your Business is your property now if we live in a true capitalist society Mark Zuckerberg can ban whoever he wants on Facebook but what is scary about Mark and many others on social media is that they are working
with Civil Government here and abroad.
China is known for their oppression and censorship now we have Zuckerberg who does not feel like he has enough money doing everything to help in China's censorship so he can make more money. I know companies have compromised their stance against communist oppressive China for years we are all typing on Chinese Keyboards and will go see the latest Blockbuster movie backed by China who only allows a two family home which every oppressive leftist eco friendly loves the Idea. We watch unregistered Churches be persecuted in China and watch Taiwan be constantly harassed by the leftist Chinese Government. The left loves the notion that every one reject all Ideas (especially Moral or Religious) Ideas then they want you to replace your idea with Marxism where they throw everything in the pot or they will jail you.
In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism,
American citizenship is a very precious possession
I really do not fear the whole Idea of censorship I mean I lived in the days of three network TV that pretty much had a hold on Americans and shoved Marxist Dogma down our throats 24 hours a day and seven days a week. We had when I was growing up the alternative media even then. We had a newspaper called Justice Times, Sword Of the Lord, and Dr. James Dobson who would broadcast vigorously on the Radio daily. We had ways to keep the "right side" going and our voice mattered then and matters today. I remember reading Phyllis Schafly articles when I was a kid and now know that later in life there will always be a way to get the truth out. We can always count on that the light shines brightest in a dark world. I hope that Donald Trump will put Tariffs on China and remind people of China's Atrocity's. I highly doubt Trump will Raise Tariffs on China because we have been so dependent on the Communist regime like Heroine and any other addictive drug. We have been spoiled and have become lazy with social media. Now we must start putting alternative media outlets in different ways whether it be printed or recorded the time is now.
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