You will hear it on the news a lot" the officer is reporting that this is not an act of terror but an act of gang violence" or we as adults know "black on black crime". A child who is innocent and brain washed by the media does not know what gang violence is. I know because I am an adult and have lived in the real world. I have seen the 93% black victims of other blacks that liberals are scared to mention but will gladly talk about the Blacks who are killed by cops and love to pull out that everything was racially motivated. Racism is the belief that one race is superior than another I cannot see anyone who scared of a black man coming at him and then pulls the trigger and then think he is far superior than another that makes no sense whatsoever. If a person feels he is truly far superior than another he would put that Gun down and take on whatever person is in front of him because he knows that person will be easily succumbed because heck a racist who believes he is far superior knows he would win.

I do not think what we need in this country is more love because for about as many crimes labeled "Hate Crimes" There are "Crimes of Passion". There are crimes of Women and Men getting involved in rages of Jealousy all the time. I think we need to show more mercy in this country. We are Kings and Queens in the greatest Land in the World and it is by The Grace of God why we have so many Freedoms. It is up to us as Kings and Queens of the great land to show Mercy on those who have not received the gifts as much we have enjoyed in this country. We as Kings and Queens do not need a Federal or State government to come in between are Mercy by dictating what Mercy needs to be spread. It is up to us as Individuals to shed are Mercy on those who are less fortunate than us. If we want to blame anyone we can blame the entitlement generation where we see every thing that is stolen from us as law abiding rulers of this land and given to those who do not appreciate it. When a group is taught that there is no property owners then they believe in their hearts what is yours is theirs and that incl

When you work for something you appreciate it more. I worked hard for everything that I have owned, it is bought by my sweat and my tears from a stressful job and yes sometimes blood I have bled several times on the job. I remember working hard on a job and paying for things that I own and waking the next day to find what is mine is gone. Do you think that person who stole what I own appreciates it more or less? The thief did not work for it so they do not know what the value of that property is to me. They did not put in the hours or effort for it. Look at every slum and crime ridden part in this country and you will see more and more civil government programs encouraged from that Fat overweight teacher yelling for more money to the state welfare workers and government paid assisted housing. why do these places suck? They have no appreciation of life or property because what is mine is theirs in their eyes. If you know that these are entitlements and are given to you as a temporary means to get on your feet I congratulate you but I am talking of those who have made a career out of stealing taxpayers money like the woman who is having the fourth child so she can receive another 200$.
You the taxpayer are the biggest victim in this country, you are called racist, fascist and stupid and mocked on every branch of media just for sticking up for yourself while taxpayer paid thieves yell and scream black lives matter and for "taxpayer funded college" so they can get a degree in Women studies. You are just finishing your 60-70 hour week and do not have any time to fight. This is what has divided this country and rightly so the Next president and congress needs to bring a pair of scissors to cut this entitlement generation so they appreciate what I have learned that standing on your own two feet gives you a freedom to walk where you wanna go.
In conclusion the problem is not racism the problem goes back to property rights which our founders fought so hard for everyone to have. They knew that when you worked hard for your own property you deserve a voice in Civil Affairs. You would at least learn the value of Life, Liberty and property.
Once you learn the value of Life you will have no excuse to face consequences for taking someone else's life.
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