Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The media tries to deliver a Huge Giant Fat Racist Baby

 If you will watch one of my videos, I made a statement in one of my videos that when the liberal media talks about racism in news it is like"Someone pulling a twenty pound baby out of a 120 pound woman". That is also my description I believe how hard the liberal media is working to make the killing of Michael Brown to look racially motivated they want to pull out a Fat Racist cop baby out of all this. Don Lemon goes too far with a audio insert he played on the CNN where we hear a guy talking to a video chat I guess and we hear shots in the background of course the guy is far too interested in the video chat to be concerned with the gunfire and keeps going on and on about how pretty the girl is I hope it is a girl on the other side . You do not know now a days.
Don Lemon hears around 11 shots in the audio so Don immediately tries to curve that the autopsy was a lie. Don could have brought out earlier videos that an eyewitness claims to have had bullets on the side of their apartment showing that Darrel Wilson the officer accused of killing Michael Brown missed maybe that is the reason we hear multiple shots then the autopsy reported. I would not forget Don that we had an alleged shot in the Car at the time before the shooting when Michael Brown allegedly charged at officer Darrel Wilson. I know this is getting as bad as when news in the eighties started pulling out space shuttle models to show how the Challenger exploded when the Challenger tragedy happened in the eighties. The nightly News was looking for any way to keep a story alive. These journalist like Don Lemon are doing the same when the Challenger exploded to keep a story alive that is dying because let's face it these journalist do not want to go to Ukraine, Gaza, Or even Syria or IRAQ. They want to make up stories in Ferguson to stay there and sip Starbucks with their friends then actually risk their lives to cover a story. 
CNN maybe it will turn into a war in Ferguson and you can blame yourself so you won't have to be going to Iraq so please lets pull out those fat imaginary racist babies there in Ferguson. Here is an idea just leave Ferguson until we get some actual new news but no you want to make sure Obama gets no more negative press on his Foreign policy.

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