Monday, August 25, 2014

Just Because Someone Politicize Murder does not Mean you should not preach against it

 You turn on your computer or notebook or phone and start reading the news and you have no idea what to believe anymore. A good example was how the Network Media Giant NBC edited the George Zimmerman 911 call just to make the killing of Trayvon Martin to look racially motivated this shows a good example of media irresponsibility that ended up showing what happens when stupid people get politically distorted information. They become Irrational and sometimes violent. The point is you cannot deny the evidence that shows what NBC was trying to do. They were politicizing a killing and they were making it a way to help get a law revoked that just helps people to keep their right to defend themselves which is a God given right . We do not know in the long run if Trayvon was right or George Zimmerman were right at the time. We just know that politicizing a tragedy is not cool and is just leads to more stupid people to act irrationally to something that they do not have all the details about. We had a guy who shot another guy and now there is going to be a trial that is how it should be reported. Instead we hear it is a black guy who got shot and a white guy who shot him instead of that it was a half white guy. When did Race ever become the factor in killing someone? Whites kill Whites and Blacks kill Blacks and they both bleed red blood. I thought we lived in an age of color blindnes apparently not in the mainstream media lies of MSNBC and Most major news Networks.
 Believe it or not I lived in the era before the Internet and yes we did not die. We received most of our news from three major networks and as early as around 17 I could see a certain liberal social agenda being pushed. I could compare and contrast because I received a lot of news from Church Ministries that provided different news outlets whenever a crime was committed against the Church or Christians. We would get the news in tabloid form and sometimes later through Cable news outlet. The point is the Major news would rarely cover the United States Civil Government closing a Christian School or Orphanage now it seems FOX News is covering everything from Hobby Lobby's battle to Chick Fil A's day of celebrating of support . In my day of youth this was never covered by television hardly. The point is if Fox News does not cover it guess what the Internet Bloggers like The extreme conservative Biff Burroughs will. As long as the information is given to me that is you can always post the information on my google plus page if you want to I do not mind I am just a mouse click away. In those early pre-internet days many of us relied on the Church to gives us news. This was a practice even from the start of this great nation many Churches only met once a month and traveled a long way and the clergy's responsibility was delivering the news and many council meeting and town hall and trials were conducted at the Church Buildings which blows away the myth of separation of Church and State. Jefferson and both Madison wanted Baptist to serve on juries because in many towns congregationalist were only allowed to serve on juries so Jefferson in letters and writings made it clear that Baptist should and would be allowed to serve on juries and run for office and that no religious test would be imposed meaning they wanted more religious people to serve not fewer. Everyone knows someone who has a history of moral foundation is easier to trust than those with no Moral Foundation.  Every news that comes from the net and tv seems to be politicized so now when Churches give out the news they are being shamed and accused of breaking the mythical Church and State TAboo and must be investigated by the IRS for giving out the news that is pre politicized by the mainstream media of both sides. Can you really blame the Churches?

 I have laid out a problem to you but you are going to be glad when I give out the solution. I would let you know how I would start a church if I felt needed to. First of all I would let my Pastor know of my calling in the Ministry and I would ask the support of that Church to pray and fast and listen to ideas to why I would feel the need start a new church in another area. I would have to have a group led by God in that area wanting to meet more times to start a Church. I would look at Hotels and meeting rooms where they do not have to prove or show an Incorporated Status pay the Hotel for the meeting if I have a home in that area meet at that home. I would stay away from the 501c.3 status and definitely not have a building labeled as a Church because regardless of what people believe a Church it is not a building it is a group of believers and that is why a Church should not be taxed. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says ...... or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance. I wonder why it says that? Maybe it was because the Church has the right of the people peaceably to assemble? I think so and I know so because many of our founders were active members of their Church Congregationalist or not they built and went to Churches. The rights of the Church should never be taken away as long as they do not violate someone else's right. In that case then you should intervene because for instance the moral standards of murder has been long figured out as a sin and a crime and Churches have a right to preach about it and against it and just because you make it a political issue does not mean a Pastor has no right to speak out against it and if it is happening around him this is in my opinion and of the Prophets of Old it is a moral obligation to speak out against it.
 I wish you Atheist stop picking on Christians or Churches trying to exercise their first amendment rights. I have said it before if you live in the world where you cannot listen to George Carlin and not hear someone talk about Jesus then you do not live in a free society. Who do you think they are going after next after the Federal Government silence the Churches?

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